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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Mansions/Estates at Aqualina at night. Beautiful condos. Nice Christmas lights as well. (at Sunny Isles Beach, Florida)

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Does Ezekiel Chapter 1 affirm the existence of aliens?

It should be noted that there is a story in Ezekiel chapter 1, known as “Ezekiel’s Wheel.” This story is believed by many people, both Christian and non-Christian, to represent an alien encounter experienced by the prophet Ezekiel.

Does Ezekiel Chapter 1 affirm the existence of aliens?



It should be noted that there is a story in Ezekiel chapter 1, known as “Ezekiel’s Wheel.” This story is believed by many people, both Christian and non-Christian, to represent an alien encounter experienced by the prophet Ezekiel. The four beasts in this story are often interpreted to be aliens, and the wheels are often interpreted to be flying saucers.

The vision seen by the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapter 1, is, however, likely a reference to the “Four Conquering Empires” of the Holy Bible, namely Babylon, Persia, Macedon, and Rome. It should be noted that there are similar visions of four beasts had by the Prophet Daniel in the book of Daniel chapter 7, which turn out to be these same empires. The Apostle John, also documents visions in the book of Revelations Chapter 4 that are similar to Ezekiel and Daniel’s visions. It is for this very reason that I encourage historical, doctrinal, and theological studies of the Bible before reading and attempting to interpret dreams, visions, and revelations as they are presented in the Holy Bible.

With the advent of the science fiction genre of entertainment, namely comic books, video games, television shows, and movies, the human imagination is more imaginative and vibrant than ever, making concepts such as aliens seem less impossible. The Bible, however, does not get into the existence of extra-terrestrial beings as we know them in the science fiction genre of entertainment. There are reports in the Bible of Angels appearing to man in the latter-days, otherwise referred to as modern times or the common-era; however, the book of Hebrews Chapter 13 verse 2 tells us that these angels will assume the appearance of mortal men and that a person would not know that these angels are actually “angels.”

In my own opinion, a person needs devout faith to believe in aliens. In my estimation, the sketchy photographs and imaginative artistic renderings of aliens and their spacecrafts and technology are not reliable as factual. Imagine if concrete evidence of alien life was found. Whatever that evidence would be, be it a spacecraft, other forms of technology, or even an alien itself, would be the centerpiece of every political address, film documentary, news story, magazine cover, religious sermon, and scientific inquiry all over the world.

Museums would acquire the rights to these discoveries and charge healthy prices for the general public to view them. If living aliens were found, they would be placed in specialized zoos, open to any and all who could pay the money required to observe them. Scientists would dissect the bodies of deceased aliens and publish their findings in journals and academic textbooks all over the world. The trajectory of human life would be forever changed based on these findings.

Due to the absence of any of these historical, commercial, and scientific events, I conclude that the existence of extraterrestrials and their technology is a matter of faith, and personal belief, not much unlike the faith and personal belief that it takes to believe in angels or demons, albeit without the guidance of a holy book to contextualize the existence of such beings.

Note: This post should not be taken to mean that I personally reject the existence of extraterrestrials altogether (see Gen 6:1–4). It should also be noted that an “extraterrestrial” or “alien” is simply a life-form that originated outside of Earth e.g., God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Satan, Angels, Demons, etc…

I am open to the idea of various extraterrestrial aliens as a presence in our galaxy millennia ago. However, based upon the lack of reliable physical evidence of these extraterrestrial aliens, any non-human lifeforms that may have existed in our galaxy in times past, have either died off due to some cataclysmic space event, or moved to new galaxies altogether because of that event.

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