... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2.953 s [INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-24T13:05:10+01:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.mycompany.app.App mvn site mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package 1. 2. 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. org.apache.maven.plugins 10. maven-compiler-plugin 11. 3.8.1 12. 13. 14. 15. E. I. Smith — Ledger and Journal : January 2019

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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Pin by Hendrik Jacobsz on Sword designs | Pinterest | Sword, Weapons and Knives and swords

Pin by dd polo on 검 | Pinterest | Sword, Weapons and Medieval weapons

St. Margaret of Antioch was swallowed by a dragon and defeated it from within. | milagro in 2019 |…

Seven Sacraments (central panel) by WEYDEN, Rogier van der #art | WEYDEN, Rogier van der |…


Temple of Khonsu Doorway in the Temple of Khonsu,...

Jan van Eyck | Art in 2019 | Pinterest | Jan van Eyck, Vans and Renaissance art

Sono al MET di New York gli spettacolari affreschi di una villa romana di Boscoreale | ARTE |…

Rogier van der Weyden 1399/1400 – 1464 The Last Judgment - reverse side oil on panel — 1443-1451 |…

The AnnunciationMedium: oil,wood | Cool Art in 2019 | Pinterest | Jan van Eyck, Painting and Art


British Library, Add 49622, f. 133r. The Gorleston Psalter. 1310-1324 | Bible Discourses in 2019 |…

Deutsche Bibel, AT - UB Augsburg - Oettingen-Wallersteinsche Bibliothek Cod.I.3.2.III/IV. 2.…

the god Jupiter in Baalbek | archaeology & prehistoric ... | Pinterest | Baalbek, God and Lebanon

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, the most important temple in Rome, located on the Capitoline…

Stonehenge in the English county of Wiltshire 8x10 Photo Picture

Athlete from Villa Dei Papiri

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Let’s be candid.

Lying Christ, Segovia, Spain | Spanish Colonial Retablos and Bultos | Pinterest | Christ, Spain and…

Cristo Yacente de El Pardo. View this image while reading Miguel de Unamuno's 'El Cristo Yacente de…

Crucifixion | Missal | France, Tours | ca. 1500 | The Morgan Library & Museum | Illuminations |…

Book of Hours, MS M.26 fol. 96r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

XXIII.C.124, Národní knihovna České republiky | Pict in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval manuscript,…

Superb example of a Roman military diploma, June 13, 80 AD (under Titus) of the Cohors Montanorum,…

The Art of Coinage: Sicily in the Fifth Century B.C. | Sicilian Handicraft | Pinterest | Coins,…

Античность и способы её возрождения.

Estela funeraria de Titus Calidius Severus, centurio de la Legio XV Apollinaris. 71-80 d.C. Wien -…

Estela funeraria de Titus Calidius Severus, centurio de la Legio XV Apollinaris. 71-80 d.C. Wien -…

Estela funeraria de Titus Calidius Severus, centurio de la Legio XV Apollinaris. 71-80 d.C. Wien - Kunsthistorisches Museum, Inv. nº III 365

Posted by Emmanuel Isaiah Smith on 26 Jan 2019, 19:50

Hercules and the Nemean Lion - Raoul Lefèvre Title Le recoeil des histoires de Troyes (Le livre…

The Three Graces in Botticelli’s Primavera | Fresco in 2019 | Pinterest | Renaissance art, Art and…

Sepulchre Knight's Sword | tarso | Pinterest | Sword, Knight sword and Knight

Knights Templar Sword | tarso | Pinterest | Knights templar, Sword and Knight

Tales of the Shadow Mountains: Space Engine # 195 (story enclosed) | Alexander Raffini's Space…

Pair statue from the tomb of Weri. Kemetian, Old Kingdom, 5th Dynasty, reign of Niuserra to Una,…

Pin by Peter Tokarev on Gold and Silverware | Pinterest | Ancient artifacts, Ancient Jewelry and…

An Ancient Ghost Story: Philinnion & Machates


Knight Templar Warrior

Treasure of King Tut | Egypt | Pinterest | Egypt, Ancient Egypt and Tutankhamun

Egyptian pendant from the tomb of King Tutankhamun | Egypt | Pinterest | Ancient Egypt, Tutankhamun…

Copia dell'Athena Parthenos 350 d.C. Marmo a tutto tondo, conservata ad Atene | Sculpture in 2019 |…

Exorcism @GallicaBnF, Fr. 313, 14th c. | Medieval Demon-things 3 | Pinterest | Medieval, Satanic…

Royal Arch Grand Lodge Philadelphia, Freemasonry Watch | Lodges | Pinterest

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry | Reading Is…

1st degree tracing board Entered Apprentice | Anonymous ART of Revolution | freemason | Pinterest |…

the ark of the covenant and freemasonry | Tattoos | Pinterest | Freemasonry, Tattoos and The…

Freemasonry: In #Freemasonry, the chessboard has esoteric symbolism. | Masonic | Pinterest |…

My goal moving forward is to work to be an active member. | Freemasonry | Pinterest | Freemasonry,…

Freemasonry And The Hidden Goddess: Chapter Nine - The Pentagram...from the book Freemasonry by W.…

Gates of Paradise Jos | ESCULTURAS in 2019 | Pinterest | Lorenzo ghiberti, Renaissance and Art

ROMAN Legionary iron and bronze helmet of the Mainz- Weisenau type (side view). Many of the…

Pin by Masonic Find on Freemasonry | Pinterest

The Top 10 Events In Masonic History FREE eBook | Freemasonry | Pinterest

Angel comforting a grief-stricken woman - grave statues by Monceau, via Flickr #Statues | Angels in…

Antonio del Pollaiolo. Crocefisso. 1470-1480. Sughero, gesso, stoppa e seta dipinti. 159x160…

Holy Water Vessel, circa 13th century | 2B Sorted in 2019 | Pinterest | 14th century, Medieval and…

Ghiberti | Sculture, architettura e mosaici del Battistero di Firenze in 2019 | Pinterest | Lorenzo…

Pompeii - The APP on

Shield (belonging to King Charles IX of Valois) - Benvenuto Cellini. c.1572. Embossed, chased, and…

Domus Aurea «Золотой дом Нерона» (лат. Domus Aurea). Проект разработали архитекторы Север и Целер.…

Limestone tombstone of a Standard Bearer / Lucius Duccius Rufinus. Roman, dated 71-125. YORYM :…

Attavante c. 1487-1492 Breviary of Matthias Corvinus | Medieval Enchantment in 2019 | Pinterest |…

Book of Hours | France, possibly Brittany, ca. 1430 | The Morgan Library & Museum | Illuminations…

skulls | fun things/tattoo idea influence in 2019 | Pinterest | Memento mori, Dance of death and…

Christ healing demoniacs | Books - Illuminations in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated manuscript,…

#french #english (use of sarum) #mss c1420 Sloane 2468 f. 227v Crucifixion | MEDİEVAL TIMES -…

The Sforza Hours | Crusader in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated manuscript, Historical Art and…

Pin by Yoon Seung on tattoos3 in 2019 | Pinterest

Ladder of the Divine Ascent / The Monastery Called 'The Prison' Whispers of an Immortalist: Icons…

A lovely post about the history of the fleur de lys , greatly loved by the daughter of Louis XVI,…

Aquinas, VIII.H.73, Národní knihovna České republiky | Bibliotheca Corviniana | Pinterest |…

Miscellaneous patristic texts on Saint John Climacus and the Scala paradisi, MS M.496 fol. 2r -…

Aquinas, VIII.H.73, Národní knihovna České republiky | Bibliotheca Corviniana | Pinterest |…

Friday, January 25, 2019

Адам и Ева. Часть 3

Graduale | Миниатюра ШРИФТ in 2019 | Pinterest | Lettering, Calligraphy and Illuminated letters

Charlemagne's sword, the Louvre

Carpenters are inspected by the grandmaster of t… | The Medieval Age and Elizabethan Age. Castles.…

Fig. 3_Tennis game

Teutsch Cicero illustrations. A drunken child chained by the devil. The child with horns, standing…

Cameo of Jupiter (The Cameo of Chartres), Roman, about A.D. 50; Sardonyx set in a…

Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640) The Apotheosis of Germanicus (Gemma Tiberiana) 1626 Oil on canvas…

Pompeii Fresco with Lares

Pin by Thomas Mattiuzzo on Ancient | Pinterest | Roman Empire, Ancient romans and Ancient artifacts

Funerary monument to the soldier Caius Iulius Baccus, late 1st century CE, limestone relief with…

Roman bronze mask coated with silver. The mask has a hinge at the top, it was meant to cover the…

Pin by Amy on Roman in 2019 | Pinterest | Rome, Italy and Rome italy

Merman, wearing hat, extending either human head or human-faced shield with right hand | Book of…

Man wearing helmet and gauntlets, holding jousting lance over right shoulder with both hands | Book…

Hans Memling, St. John Altarpiece, 1474-9, detail of left wing

Dionysiac Mask Floor Mosaic

Jupiter- The Illuminations of Dante's Divine Comedy by Giovanni di Paolo | Anachronisms: Art in…

croix des templiers....... | taros | Pinterest | Knights templar, Knight and Knights hospitaller

Cartography - Wikipedia - A medieval depiction of the Ecumene (1482, Johannes Schnitzer, engraver),…

Funerary monument of the gladiator Aquilo (Grabdenkmal des Gladiators Aquilo), limestone, first…

Morgan M.730 Psalter-Hours of Guiluys de Boisleux | 13th century imagery. | Pinterest | Medieval,…

Guard at the Tomb of Christ, Panel 3, Strassbourg, FR | 14thC Material Culture in 2019 | Pinterest…

Bodley 264 Romance of Alexander | Projekty do wyprbowania in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval art, 14th…

Pin by Geffrei Maudeleyne on Diapering Illumination in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval, Medieval art…

BNF Franais 2608 Les grandes Chroniques de France | Scribal Arts in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval,…

1364-1370, France | escudos in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval shields, Medieval and Middle Ages

A wooden painted altar wing, 1468, portraying Christ as the Man of Sorrows with the Arma Christi…

A wooden painted altar wing, 1468, portraying Christ as the Man of Sorrows with the Arma Christi…

A wooden painted altar wing, 1468, portraying Christ as the Man of Sorrows with the Arma Christi (Instruments of the Passion). (Vorarlberg Museum, Bregenz, Austria, via Institut für Realienkunde via Europeana)

Posted by Emmanuel Isaiah Smith on 25 Jan 2019, 17:13
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwvVmtgRNcg?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwvVmtgRNcg)

St. John's Heaven and Plato's Forms — A Discourse on the Bible and Philosophy

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bDI-KWqREc?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=375]

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bDI-KWqREc)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6wZ8aY5SOg?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6wZ8aY5SOg)

Pin by Mariusz Grski on Miniatury in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval and Building

Chants royaux sur la Conception, couronns au puy de Rouen de 1519 1528. | tailleur de pierre in…

Chants royaux sur la Conception, couronns au puy de Rouen de 1519 1528. | Miniatures et…

Torre de Babel en mosaico. Anónimo (S. XII). Catedral de Monreale (1180), Sicilia. | Sztuka…

Hadrien - came #gallica | Objets | Pinterest

Meisterlin, Sigismundus: Augsburger Chronik, Augsburger Bischöfe, Anonyme Chronik 1368-1406…

Pin by Stefano Bertolini Spina on CHRISTUS ET MARIA ET JOSEPH | Pinterest | Religious art, Art and…

Gradualis sanctorum Ecclesiae Parisiensis pars V incipiens a festo sancti Bernardi usque ad festum…

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Welcome to LiveJournal

Book of Hours, MS H.1 fol. 24v - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

Psautier de Carrow — Afficheur — Bibliothèque numérique mondiale | medieval in 2019 | Pinterest |…

discarding images — monkey picking strawberries Book of Hours, Bayeux... | Vieux Squelettes in 2019…

Stowe MS 17 1st quarter of the 14th century, Book of Hours, Use of Maastricht ('The Maastricht…

Horae ad usum Parisiensem [Grandes Heures de Jean de Berry]. Auteur : Jacquemart de Hesdin.…

NERO Authentic Ancient Possibly Unpublished 65AD Roman Coin VICTORY NGC i75035

Roman Empire - AV Solidus, Magnentius (AD 350-353). Treveri, January-February 350. - Gold |…

Der doten dantz mit figuren, clage vnd antwort schon von allen staten der werlt [Heidelberg] :…

Gospel Manuel II Palaeologus abbey Saint-Denis Paris | декупаж in 2019 | Pinterest | Books, Antique…

1855 : Sophiabijbel (Sophia Bible) This artwork by Van Goor was dedicated to Queen Sophie (who was…

Art is a word — Peter Paul Rubens (1577–1640) The Four Continents... | Peter Paul Rubens in 2019 |…

The Grimani Breviary, faithfully reproduced in a beautiful facsimile edition. | books in 2019 |…

Древние монстры - результат генетических опытов?

[BnF, Fr. 13086, 14th c.] | Адово племя. in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval art, Medieval and Medieval…

Execution of Olivier IV de Clisson. Miniature by Loyset Liédet, from Froissart's Chronicles, c.…

Jewelry Auction - Nov 30th 2016 - Hellenistic ring with cornelian intaglio probably of Ares (Mars),…

Marble relief from Colonia Ulpia Traiana Ratiaria in northwestern Bulgaria depicting Romulus and…

Liber Floridus - cosmos These images come from the fabled manuscript, 'Liber Floridus' (Book of…

Heures. Date d'dition : 1401-1500 Type : manuscrit Langue : latin | Enluminures / Illuminations |…

Pin by giwigiwi on Arms & Armor in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval armor, Armour and Medieval

Erotic scene Pompeii MAN Napoli Inv 27686 | Sex History: Roman (Ancient) | Pinterest

Philosophierungen: Der Sinn und das Sein, oder: Die metaphysische Fu... | Philosophy in 2019 |…

Passio Christi | Illuminated Manuscripts in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated manuscript, Medieval…

The manuscript is lavishly illustrated with twenty-one delightful miniatures attributed to the…

Book of Hours, MS G.55 fol. 11r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

See Ezekiel Chapter 1 for context and perspective. | Bible Discourses | Pinterest

Made 1582, at Heverlee Abbey (near Louvain) by Petrus Angeli or Pieter (van) Engel(s) perhaps for…

Prayerbook, in the vernacular of Cologne and neighbouring region | Древние манускрипты in 2019 |…

Book of Hours, MS G.55 fol. 10r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

Ferial Psalter | Dr. Jrn Gnther | Illuminated Manuscripts in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated…

Ferial Psalter | Dr. Jrn Gnther | Illuminated Manuscripts in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated…

Ferial Psalter | Dr. Jörn Günther

Posted by Emmanuel Isaiah Smith on 24 Jan 2019, 15:08

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Symbol of St. Mark, the Luttrell Psalter Add MS 42130, f 49r | Medieval manuscripts in 2019 |…

Capture of Evreux. Chroniques de France ou de Saint Denis (from 1108 to 1270). France, N.…

Life of St. Radegund | Dr. Jrn Gnther | Illuminated manuscript in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated…

Life of St. Radegund | Dr. Jrn Gnther | Illuminated manuscript in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated…

Life of St. Radegund | Dr. Jörn Günther

Posted by Emmanuel Isaiah Smith on 24 Jan 2019, 00:31

Missale Romanum | Illuminated Manuscripts in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated manuscript, Medieval…

Enthroned Virgin with nursing child (Rheinland, ca. 1480, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) |…

Enthroned Virgin with Nursing Child (late 15th century, Metropolitan Museum, New York) | Escultura…

Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Apocalypse, Flanders 15th century (BnF, Nerlandais 3, fol. 7r) |…

Hans Memling (German, c. 1433-1494). Right panel of The Last Judgment triptych depicting the damned…

Iglesia de Santa Irene, Constantinopla. Arquitectura bizantina, Primera Edad de Oro. | ARTE in 2019…

La Creacin ( trptico) El Bosco, siglo XV -XVI . Museo del Prado.Madrid | Mediaeval Art in 2019 |…

Book of Hours, use of Rome | Bible Discourses | Pinterest

This extravagant prayer book belongs to a crucial group of illuminated Hours, statements that…

Book of Hours, use of Rome | Bible Discourses | Pinterest

Circle of Jean Poyer and Giovanni Todeschino Rochechouart Book of Hours, use of Rome, c. 1500…

USA Legislative Incompetence

The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...