... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2.953 s [INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-24T13:05:10+01:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.mycompany.app.App mvn site mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package 1. 2. 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. org.apache.maven.plugins 10. maven-compiler-plugin 11. 3.8.1 12. 13. 14. 15. E. I. Smith — Ledger and Journal : February 2019

Google Calendar






Sunday, February 24, 2019

Thursday, February 7, 2019

My tweets

  • Wed, 13:09: Apocalipsis in dietsche Date d'édition : 1401-1500 Type : manuscrit Langue : néerlandais | Idade Média | Pinterest https://t.co/ZYClSftuuK
  • Wed, 13:10: Flagellation Text: Hours of the Cross: Flagellation - Book of Hours-Bruges-W246 | Illuminated Manuscripts in 2019 |… https://t.co/IN4cHpWYNT
  • Wed, 13:17: Great Sphinx of Giza. LEND ME YOUR ears أيْرز أحب البلاد إلىّ الزبير فيها زب Ùˆ أير ثم الآهره الكاهره العاهره ! فيها… https://t.co/j7iOaXRIqb
  • Wed, 13:33: Pin by Luis Bustamante on Francisco Zurbarán in 2019 | Pinterest | St jerome, Spanish painters and Artwork https://t.co/bJ4Hi3if5p
  • Wed, 13:35: Virgin Mary: Coronation | Book of hours | Belgium, Bruges | ca. 1480 | The Morgan Library & Museum | Illuminations… https://t.co/quBXv2j48e
  • Wed, 13:36: 545 éve koronázták meg Hunyadi Mátyást https://t.co/y0Snb88lvi
  • Wed, 13:36: Great Sphinx, Giza, 1992. copyright photographer Marilyn Bridges | Egypt | Pinterest | Giza, Egypt and Ancient Egypt https://t.co/wqLiXuMslZ
  • Wed, 13:38: Bible, circa 1485-1490; miniatures by Gherardo and Monte di Giovanni, 1489-1490 Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenz… https://t.co/LnOLou3JQK
  • Wed, 13:45: Perseus, Heidelberger Schicksalsbuch, 1491, Heid Cod. Pal. germ. 832, f.86r | Manoscritti miniati | Pinterest https://t.co/lTOcS1pzS6
  • Wed, 13:46: Die henne mit den hendlein, Heidelberger Schicksalsbuch, 1491, Heid Cod. Pal. germ. 832, f.87v | Manoscritti miniat… https://t.co/pQGZq4DJMe

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My tweets

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

الاندر تحصين راس أبو الهول باكياس من الرمل خف من التصدع او السقوط اثناء الحرب العالمية الثانية 1946…

Relief of young Seti I suckling on Isis,on the walls of his temple at Abydos Source Egyptominia |…

Carlo Crivelli | Bible Discourses in 2019 | Pinterest | Madonna, Art and Italian art

St. Jerome (Detail of skull) Art Print by Caravaggio | Art.com | Bible Discourses in 2019 |…

St Jerome Writing in His Study (detail), Caravaggio, ca. 1607. | Bible Discourses in 2019 |…

My tweets

Saint Jérôme Giovanni di Paolo (vers 1403-1482) , peintre DESCRIPTION: Vers 1430 TECHNIQUE/MATIÈRE…

A monumental Roma Antiga - SkyscraperCity | Architectural | Pinterest | Roman Empire, Rome and…

Blog sobre Historia del Arte. Comentarios de las obras maestras de arqueología, arquitectura,…

The Seven Wonders of Ancient Rome

Circus Maximus, Rome | 2012 Vacation in 2019 | Pinterest | Rome, Circus maximus and Ancient Rome

Partes de un templo griego | projects to try | Pinterest | Ancient Greek Architecture, Ancient Rome…

Ancient Roman Mausoleum of the Julii, Provence, France. #ToHellAndBack #MariaRosaAuthor #Roman…

101.) I had, for instance, lived in a past life during Antiquity | Antiquitas (3000 BC - 456 AD) |…

El templo de Isis y Serapis en el Campo de Marte, construido con estilo y materiales egipcios para…

Crispus | Numizmatika | Pinterest | Coins, Gold coins and Old coins

Will have to find all about this illumination. | medieval gardens in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval,…

Pin by Heather Dow on SCA in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval, Medieval art and Medieval manuscript

Pin by Hailey Brock on Medieval in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval manuscript, Illuminated manuscript…

Hell Beach Towel for Sale by Memling Hans

Libro d'Ore (1540), Bibliothque municipale, Besanon | Vini in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval, Middle…

Strasbourg, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire, 0523 detail of f. 290. St Augustine, De…

Jean Gearson (1363 – 1429) - Le Trésor de Sapience | Medieval Demon-things 5 | Pinterest | Medieval…

Mcon - BM - ms. 0001, detail of f. 019. St. Augustine, La Cit de Dieu. Paris, c.1480. | Devils and…

The Art from Siberia — dictionnaire-infernal: Fall of Lucifer and the... | Heaven and Hell in 2019…

fall of Lucifer Offices, Italy 1519 San Marino, CA, Huntington Library, HM 1046, fol. 245v |…

La colonna di Marco Aurelio fu innalzata sull'esempio della Colonna Traiana; le scene, in ordine…

Late roman armors | History | Pinterest | Roman soldiers, Roman Empire and Ancient armor

Commodus movie costume Gladiator | gladiator | Pinterest | Costumes, Roman Empire and Movie costumes

Римский Фронт. SPQR. Senatus Populus Que Romanus | ВКонтакте | Armor | Pinterest | Roman Empire,…

Somatophylakes of Macedon | The most famous body of somatophylakes were those of Philip II of…

Pin by Moon Chaser on Inblogg.com | Pinterest | Roman armor, Ancient armor and Medieval armor

Book of Hours, MS M.105 fol. 43r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

« Le livre appellé Decameron, autrement le prince Galeot surnommé, qui contient cent nouvelles…

« Le livre appellé Decameron, autrement le prince Galeot surnommé, qui contient cent nouvelles…

« Le livre appellé Decameron, autrement le prince Galeot surnommé, qui contient cent nouvelles racomptées en dix jours par sept femmes et trois jouvenceaulx...Auteur : Boccace. Auteur du texte Auteur : Laurent de Premierfait. Traducteur Date d'édition : 1401-1500

Posted by Emmanuel Isaiah Smith on 5 Feb 2019, 15:31

Anonymous, German, Upper Rhine, 15th century | Saint Bernard Vanquishing the Devil | The Met |…

LORENZETTI, Ambrogio Effects of Good Government in the Countryside (angel) 1338-40. | Art 1300's |…

Michael Pacher (b. ca. 1435, Bruneck, d. 1498, Salzburg) Augustinus und der Teufel ("Saint…

Beato de Liébana. Beato de Liébana , Santo — Manuscrito — 1047 508 | enluminures in 2019 |…


Breviary France, ca. 1511 | SEPULCRES, ENTERRAMENTS | Pinterest | Morgan library, Medieval and…

Monday, February 4, 2019

Large Compilation--Armor/Armour, mostly 13th-16th Century Gothic and Italian Made

Новости | Рим in 2019 | Pinterest | Roman armor, Ancient armor and Sword

Hodinky MS M.357, Belgie ca 1440, Fol. 202r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts -…

Libro de horas de Carlos VIII, Rey de Francia. Manuscrito — 1401-1500? | AULA2016 in 2019 |…

Bible Historiale Getty MS 1 v2; Francie 1360-1370; f. 15v | Illumination in 2019 | Pinterest |…

Images from the Book of Kells

Battle of the evil spirits on black horses. Augustine, La Cité de Dieu (Vol. I). Translation from…

The Blakar chair. Notice the lower part of the right hind leg is replaced. A 13th century chest…

FOUQUET, JeanHistoire Ancienne jusqu’á César1460sManuscript, 450 x 325 mmBibliothèque Nationale,…

London BL - Harley 1340 f. 11r Pope Martin V

Livre d'heures, en latin, l'usage de Chlon-sur-Sane Date d'dition : 1401-1500 | Cdices y libros…

L'nide, traduction d'OCTOVIAN DE SAINT GELAIS , prcde d'une ptre Louis XII. Date d'dition : 1500 |…

L'nide, traduction d'OCTOVIAN DE SAINT GELAIS , prcde d'une ptre Louis XII. Date d'dition : 1500 |…

L'Énéide, traduction d'«OCTOVIAN DE SAINT GELAIS », précédée d'une Épître à Louis XII. Date d'édition : 1500

Posted by Emmanuel Isaiah Smith on 4 Feb 2019, 18:23

Book of Hours. Use of Rome. | ΒΙΒΛΙΟ ΩΡΩΝ in 2019 | Pinterest | Book of hours, Medieval books and…

MS M.917/945, ff. 92v–93r

From the sublime to the ridiculous: the joy of illuminated manuscripts

Camille Stein on

MS M.917/945, ff. 8v–9r

Pin by Bible Discourses™ on Bible Discourses in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated manuscript,…

Book of Hours, MS M.6 fol. 85r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

My tweets

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Hours of Catherine of Cleves (Morgan exhibition)(cropped page) a

La vérité à la place des ombres | France, Paris | 1679 | The Morgan Library & Museum |…

Book of Hours Flagellation Walters Manuscript W.202 fol. 92v by Walters Art Museum Illuminated…

Boccaccio's De casibus virorum illustrium in the French translation by Laurent de Premierfait. |…

Creation of Eve, Speculum humanae salvationis (‘Krumlovský sborník’), Bohemia ca. 1420 (Praha,…

Illuminated Manuscript, Bible Pictures by William de Brailes, The Israelites Worship the Golden…

Cittá dolente — Book of Hours, Use of Poitiers. 1455-60. | Miniatury in 2019 | Pinterest | Book of…

A History of Boxing - The Sweet Science of Bruising

discardingimages: “ death and the infant l'Empire de la Mort, Paris 1491-1492 BnF, RESERVE…

Satyr, c.1920 by Alfred Liebing | The great god Pan in 2019 | Pinterest | Ex libris, Satyr and…

Pin by Theresa Miller on Jesus | Pinterest | Divine mercy, Christ and Jesus christ

Новости | Roman Art in 2019 | Pinterest | Roman armor, Roman and Ancient armor

Roman Armour Officer's Breast Plate Armor | Roman Art in 2019 | Pinterest | Roman armor, Armour and…

Roman Armour | Roman Art in 2019 | Pinterest | Roman armor, Roman and Ancient Rome

Pair of Greaves, Court of the Gladiators, Pompeii, 69-96 CE (bronze), Roman, (1st century) Private…

Metallic Sculpture : Roman mask helmet, 1st 2nd century CE. These are often called 'parade' h...

- Detail of helmet and plumes of a Roman calvalryman during the Hippika Gymnasia. 1st century AD ……

MS M.917/945, pp. 24–25

Historiated initial M depicting the parable of the Good Shepherd - Medieval Manuscripts; Free…

Livre d'heures, en latin et en franais, l'usage de Cambray 1401-1500 Ms-1185 rserve Folio 364r |…

Infidelity, The Seven Vices, 1306, Cappella Scrovegni, Padua, Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337) |…

Purgatorio, Canto XVIII | Darko Darovec in 2019 | Pinterest | Medieval manuscript, Illuminated…

Francesco Petrarca 1304-1374 Beinecke MS 438 Manuscript on parchment of Petrarch, Trionfi. |…

My tweets

Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Gryphon's Nest — The Essen Crown, Germany Circa 1040’s | "B.C. to A.D" .... in 2019 | Pinterest…

NEW ART PRINT - “Fighting Man Of Mars” (1973) by #FrankFrazetta . . This painting takes its name…

Femme au panier - statuette #gallica | Objets | Pinterest

Pin by Irish Redcoat on Illuminated Office Of the Dead in 2019 | Pinterest | Worship, Miniatures…

The Belles Heures of Jean de France, Duc de Berry (image 58) | Herman, Paul & Jean de Limbourg |…

BNF, Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, Ms-638, f. 75r | MEDİEVAL TIMES - ORTAÇAĞ in 2019 | Pinterest |…

Pierpont Morgan Library. Manuscript. M.1175. Fol. 124v, 1) Scene, Liturgical: Obsequies; 2) Scene,…

Explanation of the Tridentine Requiem Mass An article with explantion of the origins of the Requiem…

Pin by kevin crotzer on traditional catholic in 2019 | Pinterest | Catholic, O reilly and Medieval

Book of Hours for Rome Use (Collins Hours) Belgium, possibly Bruges, c. 1445-50 The Master of the…

Book of Hours, MS M.7 fol. 83v - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

Book of Hours, MS H.7 fol. 108v - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

The Office of the Dead - Medieval Manuscript | Middle Ages. 5th-800aD-15th Cent. Western Europe &…

Italienischer Meister, Heiliger Hieronymus, Auktion 1064 Gemlde 15. - 19. Jh., Lot 37 | Fine Art,…

40 Coolest Sci-Fi Book Covers

40 Coolest Sci-Fi Book Covers

Mix Of British Sixpence Coins | Silver | Bulk Coins | KM Coins | Монеты - деньги. | Pinterest |…

The Three Archangels by Marco D'Oggiono - Hand Painted Oil Painting

St. Michael kills the dragon. Book of Hours, c. 1415-20 (Netherlands, possibly Delft). Morgan…

Death, struggle for soul — within initial S | Book of Hours | Belgium, possibly Brussels | ca.…

Heures. Publication date : 1401-1500 Type : manuscript Language : latin | Medieval art in 2019 |…

Utopia, armarium codicum bibliophilorum, Cod. 103, f. 150v – Book of hours of Bénigne Serre | B-The…

Pin by Pia Moeller on Miniature paintings and Illuminations | Pinterest | Illuminated manuscript,…

Medieval Manuscripts | Welcome To The Magical Friendship Squad! | Bats in 2019 | Pinterest |…

Burial of the Cardinal of Bari. Ulrich von Richental: Konzil von Konstanz. 1465-1475.…

Harley 4431 fol 137v detail (Funeral of Hector). Paris, France 1410-1414. | czapy i kapeluty in…

Crowned figure of Death, 1450- 1500. Medieval illuminated manuscripts 15TH century . | There's a…

Book of Hours, MS M.348 fol. 93r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

Maximian (286-305). Aureus, 5.33 g, 12 h, Treveri, 286-308. MAXIMI – ANVS AVG. Laureate head of…

Marcus Junius Brutus AV Aureus, struck summer/autumn 42 BC. BRVTVS IMP, bare head right, all within…

Trajan 98-117AD AV Aureus Rome Mint struck 98/99AD | Ancient Coins | Pinterest | Coins, Byzantine…

Julius Caesar (46-44 BC). Aureus, 7.90 g. A. Hirtius, Rome, 46 BC. C۰CAESAR COS۰TER. Veiled head of…

Roman Republic / Anonymous, AV 40 Asses, Rome, struck circa 211-07BC | Ancient Coins | Pinterest |…










At Delray Beach, FL

At Delray Beach, FL






imagingService 750 958 pixels | Begravelse in 2019 | Pinterest | Illuminated manuscript, Medieval…

Book of Hours, MS G.55 fol. 24r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts - The Morgan…

Cote Besanon - BM - ms. 0122 f. 092v Sujet Office funbre Titre Heures l'usage de Besanon Datation…

Sword of St. Maurice

Parade sword (139 cm) of Maximilian I, Germany 1496[1152x1603] : ArtefactPorn | swords and daggers…

Speculum humanae salvationis, MS M.140 fol. 22r - Images from Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts…