... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2.953 s [INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-24T13:05:10+01:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.mycompany.app.App mvn site mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package 1. 2. 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. org.apache.maven.plugins 10. maven-compiler-plugin 11. 3.8.1 12. 13. 14. 15. E. I. Smith — Ledger and Journal : November 2020

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Friday, November 27, 2020

Description by E. I. Smith - Tom Quick, the Indian Slayer – First Edition Book: by James Eldridge Quinlan – 1851

Similarly to the settler vs. Indian frontier war books, [Tom Quick the Indian Slayer (1851)] [Speaking Rifle the Indian Slayer (1865)] [Pemmican (1956)] [Scalp King, or the Human Thunderbolt (1868)] etc…, the life of Tom Quick the Indian Slayer is a book that chronicles the life of a frontiersman who chose the war path with respect to the extermination of the Indians that inhabited the area known as the United States of America. Indian killers lived bloody lives and lived by the creed of “kill or be killed.” Some of these men collected the bloody scalps of their Indian victims and either kept them as trophies, hung them up as decorations, or sold them to a governmental organization or private institution in exchange for cash. Men, women, and children were slaughtered on both sides, Indian and settler, and the golden prize of all of the bloodshed and horror was the vast, fertile, and scenic land known as the New World, or America.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Social Media Update

For information, images, and videos displaying the gang-stalking menace, visit me on YouTube at the following link:

Gang-stalking in Action 

A Roman Gladiator Fighting a Lion  - 18th century Engraving 

The Aaron Burr vs. Alexander Hamilton Duel.

 [The Burr and Hamilton duel, 11 July, 1804, at Weehawken, N.J.] 

Created / Published [no date recorded on caption card] Notes-  Photocopy by Bain News Service of 19th century print.-  George Grantham Bain Collection (Library of Congress).

A Roman soldier being dismissed or discharged from the Roman Military. William Hogarth 18th century Engraving

 100-300 CE 

Spring City, a typical Mormon village in its layout, has generous lots, broad streets, and a generally spacious character.

Aerial View - Spring City Area Study, Spring City, Sanpete County, UT Contributor Names: Historic American Buildings Survey, creator Created / Published: Documentation compiled after 1933 Subject Headings-  Mormons-  Utah -- Sanpete County -- Spring City Notes-  Significance: Spring City, a typical Mormon village in its layout, has generous lots, broad streets, and a generally spacious character. Its architecture dates primarily from 1860 to 1910 and encompasses a broad spectrum of local building materials including logs, adobe, limestone, clapboard, and brick. Declining population has brought the abandonment of many structures; there has been little new construction since World War I. The many remaining buildings create a remarkably complete impression of the late nineteenth century milieu.-  Survey number: HABS UT-70-  Building/structure dates: ca. 18h2 Initial Construction 

The Sodomites Struck with Blindness

Scripture Reference:

Genesis 19 (further images / scripture text)

2 Peter 2 (further images / scripture text)

Description: The inhabitants of Sodom (The Sodomites) are struck with blindness. The Dutch artist and poet Johannes Luiken (1649–1712) drew and etched this emblem and wrote the accompanying poem.

This story ends with fire and brimstone coming down from the heavens, with power the equivalent of a nuclear bomb and consuming Sodom and Gomorrah, incinerating the sodomites in the process.

Don Pedro Arias Davila Punishing a Central American Indian

Bloodhounds tearing an Indian to pieces / J.W. Orr. Summary: Spanish soldiers, under command of Don Pedro De Avila, using bloodhounds to kill an Indian. Contributor Names : Orr, John William, 1815-1887, engraver Created / Published [published 1858] - Library of Congress.

Social Media Update

For information, images, and videos displaying the gang-stalking menace, visit me on YouTube at the following link:


A Roman Gladiator Battling a Lion (Engraving) 18th century

Spaniards (Conquistadors) Punishing the Indians

Bloodhounds tearing an Indian to pieces / J.W. Orr. Summary: Spanish soldiers, under command of Don Pedro De Avila, using bloodhounds to kill an Indian. Contributor Names : Orr, John William, 1815-1887, engraver Created / Published [published 1858] - Library of Congress.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Social Media Update

For news, politics, world affairs, information on the gang-stalking phenomena, and general insights on all of the above, visit me on Twitter at: (Click on image for web-page) @SenateandHouse 

Social Media Update

For news, politics, world affairs, information on the gang-stalking phenomena, and general insights on all of the above, visit me on Twitter at: (Click on image for web-page) @SenateandHouse 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Antiochus IV Epiphanes Appoints a Ruler over Jerusalem

 Image Title: Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Scripture Reference:

2 Maccabees 5 (further images / scripture text)

Description: Antiochus places Philip in charge of Jerusalem.

Click here for additional images available from this book.

Author: Fontaine, Nicolas, 1625-1709

Chairman Mao - 1968 Portrait

 毛泽东主席 = Chairman Mao Tse-Tung = Le president Mao Tse-Toung.

Mao Zedong zhu xi = Chairman Mao Tse-Tung = Le president Mao Tse-Toung. Publisher: 人民美术出版社, [Beijing] : Ren min mei shu chu ban she, [1968] Edition/Format: Image : Graphic : Picture : Artwork reproduction : Chinese

Mao Zedong jie jian bai wan hong wei bin.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Showa Emperor and Battleships - 1929

Item Details


[Showa Emperor and Battleships]

Title.Japanese 聖上陛下 御召艦那智 御召艦長門 - 1929

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The World Encyclopedia of Military Vehicles - 2010

Phenomenal book: Pat Ware

The World Encyclopedia of Military Vehicles: A complete reference guide to over 100 years of military vehicles, from their first use in World War I to the specialized vehicles deployed today.


Friday, November 6, 2020

Federal Polygamy and Murder Charges Are Brought Against Brigham Young, Head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1871)

Posted on 

Newspaper title:
Maine weekly state press
Date Original;
20 Nov 1871
Date Original: 

Search: 1871-11-20
Page Number: p. 5
Column 5
Size 3 ½ col. in. Publisher Original, Portland, Maine : N.A. Foster & Co.Title: 

The U.S. Court in Utah. Summary: Brigham Young and two other men have been charged for lewd and lascivious cohabitation. Young, and a number of other Latter-day Saint men have also been charged with murder. The court is engaged in a hearing on whether or not to overturn the murder charges against several Mormon men. Subject: Young, Brigham, 1801–1877—Trials, litigation, etc.
Trials (Murder)—Utah

Publisher: Digital Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University

[Japanese samurai in medieval armor destroying the Allied Navy].

WWII Propaganda Poster.

Author: Gino Boccasile; Partito nazionale fascista (Italy) Publisher:[Milano] : [Partito Nazionale Fascista], [approximately 1940] Edition/Format: Image : Flash card : Picture Rating:
(not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first.

World War, 1939-1945 -- Italy -- Propaganda.

Propaganda, Anti-American -- Italy.

Propaganda, Anti-British -- Italy.

Title: IRA (Irish Republican Army) Poster 1974


Date: 1974 (?)
Produced by: Republican Movement
Main text within image: '1916, 1974'
Description: A Republican poster in support of the (Provisional) Irish Republican Army (IRA). The photograph in the poster shows three IRA members posing with a number of weapons (including a SLR rifle and two RPG rocket launchers).

The Spanish Conquistadors Discovered Human Sacrifices and Bloody Pagan Rituals being Performed in Peru by the Natives.

Spanish conquistadors discovering victims of human sacrifices among the Incas. Etching by A.C.F. Villerey after N. Vallain.

Vallain, Nanine, active 1787-1810.

Date: [between 1790 and 1799?]

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Villa of Brule, the great hostile Indian camp on River Brule near Pine Ridge, S.D.

Author: Nathan Salsbury

Publisher: [1891?]

Series: Salsbury collection, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show.Edition/Format: Image : Photograph : Picture : English

Summary: A group of horses is gathered in the River Brule in the foreground near a Native American camp near Pine Ridge, South Dakota. A man stands on the bank of the river in the left midground. Numerous teepees are set up in the field in the background. 

Note: When a hostile Indian camp or village such as this one were found by U.S. frontier scouts, Indian slayers, Scalp hunters, and U.S. cavalry men were sent in to eliminate the Indians, thereby neutralizing the threat they posed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Emigrant Wagon is Attacked by Hostile Indians.

 An emigrant train attacked by hostile Indians on the prairie.

Author: Benjamin Champney Publisher: [1857] Edition/Format: Image : Original artwork : Picture : No Linguistic Content


Emigrants and horse-drawn covered wagons are attacked by Native American men. They fight with bows and arrows, tomahawks and rifles. Shows Indians on horseback with a shield, quivers, and a coup stick.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

A Pictish Warrior c 3rd century CE (Scotland)

 © The Trustees of The British Museum

Museum number: 1906,0509.1.24

Description: A Pictish warrior c. 3rd Century CE, holding a human head; nude, body stained and painted with birds, animals, and serpents, while carrying a shield and man's head, while holding a large curved sword.

Watercolour touched with bodycolour and white over graphite.

Producer name: Drawn by: John White

School/style: BritishAmerican

Production date: 1585-1593

King Mansa Musa of Mali named richest person of all time

From a New York Daily News Article.

King Mansa Musa’s astounding wealth came from his country Mali’s production of more than half the world’s gold and salt, Celebrity Net Worth said. A photograph of Mansa Musa on a map of North Africa circa 1375. (Fotosearch/Getty Images)

From Dante's Inferno --(1317)--(Year of Publication)-- The Sodomites are Damned in the Seventh Circle of Hell.

The sodomites are punished in Hell.

Dante puts the sodomites at the bottom of the seventh circle of hell.

This illustration balances the poignancy of Dante’s encounter with Brunetto Latini and the graphic nature of the punishment that sodomites are subjected to in Inferno 15. Of particular note is the extreme division between Dante and his teacher that has the pilgrim bending down to speak to him.

--[From Columbia University, the digital library.]--

Image found in an illuminated medieval manuscript c. 16th century. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

King Antiochus IV Epiphanes in the Temple of Solomon -Author: Martin, David, 1639-1721

Image Title: The Desecration of the Temple

Scripture Reference:

1 Maccabees 1 (further images / scripture text)

Description: This engraving depicts Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the king of the Seleucid Empire (r. 175-164 BCE), desecrating the Temple in Jerusalem.

Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrated the temple of Jerusalem. This historic event took place in the year 156 BCE.

USA Legislative Incompetence

The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...