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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Who was Jesus Christ, and why is he more significant than Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle?

Jesus Christ is a figure that appears in pre-mortal form in the Old Testament, many times as “The Angel of The Lord,” and in the New Testament as Jesus Christ the Son, and The Living Word of God. The Bible professes that Jesus was the literal Son of God, namely God the Creator of the material universe. We see his birth, life, ministry, trial, conviction, and execution in the Four Gospels. Furthermore we see him perform what can only be described as miracles, including immaculate conception, the turning of water into wine, healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish, knowing people’s thoughts, and his own resurrection from the dead. Some would argue that Jesus’ greatest miracle is saying things that have captured the human imagination even to the present day. Why does Jesus appeal to human contemplation in such a direct and powerful way in relation to other philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle? Socrates’ existence has never been proven, however he is in many respects considered a historical figure. My opinion is that the figure, Jesus, as we know him claimed to be divine, and his works on earth as depicted in the scriptures are indicative of that. None of the other noted philosophers in history claimed divinity and they even proclaimed the unknowablity of many aspects of the material universe. Is Jesus Christ merely an allegorical figure meant to inspire faith in the God of the Bible, or was he a living breathing divine person who was able to do works that run contrary to nature?


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