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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What does Genesis 3:15 mean?

In Genesis 3:15, we see where Adam and Eve had already been persuaded by the serpent to disobediently eat of the “forbidden fruit”. At this point in the story, Adam had already blamed Eve for his misstep and Eve had already blamed the serpent for her misstep. God, feeling disappointed and let down by Adam and Eve’s disobedience and their submission to the Serpent’s coercion, had already begun issuing punishments to all parties involved for their misdeeds. At this point in the story, God is in the middle of punishing the serpent for disrupting the order which God had set forth in his creation of the material universe and mankind. He says to the serpent that he will put “enmity” between him and the seed of Eve. This means that future generations, namely those that descend from Adam and Eve, will strive with the serpent, and war against the serpent. This asserts that man, namely the people that choose obedience to God over and above the serpent’s trinkets and treasures, will be a constant source of looming defeat to the serpent. In verse 15b, God says that “he shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel.” This asserts that because of God’s capacity to supply mankind with the tools he needs to overcome the serpent, that man will naturally always have an advantage over the serpent and will generally exercise dominion over the serpent.

Overall, Genesis 3:15 should be seen as a verse prophesying man’s ultimate victory over the the serpent then and now, namely through God’s divine guidance and man’s own willingness to overcome the serpent.

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