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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Have you ever come across a spirit/demon so evil that it harmed you?

Until last year, I was a skeptic of stories that people told concerning encounters that they had with evil spirits that physically attacked them; that is, until I watched the 1977 horror film *Alucarda*. I should note that I am a movie buff, and I have seen every notable horror film that there is, having done so without so much as flinching at the carnage within those movies. Now, having said that, I will admit that there is something rather gripping about the movie *Alucara*, even more so than any other horror film that I have ever watched. I would even go so far as to say that this film has changed my opinion on the effects that horror movies can have on a person both psychologically and spiritually.

After having watched *Alucarda*, I now believe in the power of satanic images and demonstrations to be able to unleash evil spirits upon the one witnessing them. Let me put this into context. The movie *Alucarda*, in my estimation, rivals the 1973 film, *The Exorcist, *in terms of its satanic imagery and shock value. I should add that there are scenes in The Exorcist that I still remember vividly and I first saw the movie seventeen years ago. I watched it again last year to see how my reaction to it would change, and some of the subliminal imagery in that film still makes an impression on me even as an adult. Like *The Exorcist*, every scene in the movie *Alucarda *is centered on occult philosophical derivations.

Now to the crux of the matter; there is a highly satanic execution scene near the end of *Alucarda *that ends with a girl getting pierced in her heart with a long needle-like object. Having watched every scene up to that point, I was already on pins and needles and was fairly shocked at what I was witnessing. When the girl in that scene breathed her last breath and died, I remember feeling a sharp pain in my own chest. I began to lose consciousness and decided to go to the upstairs bathroom to wash my face with cold water in order to wake myself up. When I got to the top of the stairs, I blacked out. The next thing I remember was a sharp pain in my right elbow, and me lying face-first at the bottom of the stairs that I had just tumbled down.

When I came to, I got up, went to the upstairs bathroom, washed my face with cold water, sat down on my couch, and continued watching the movie, of which, the last fifteen minutes was just as satanic as the previous hour was. As the movie was ending, I remember being convinced that something supernatural had just happened to me. I had never experienced such tension watching any movie as I did when watching *Alucarda. *To this day, I am convinced that the scenes in that movie contributed to an evil spirit being present in my townhouse, and I believe that this spirit attacked me as I was viewing the film.

I watched *Alucarda *a second time, one week later, to reconcile what I had experienced during my first viewing of the movie. This second viewing was much different. All of the effects of the movie had been neutralized, and I watched it just the same as any other movie that I had ever watched. I read a Bible verse a couple of days after my second viewing of *Alucarda*, namely, 1 John 4:4, which reads, “Ye are of God little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you (the Holy Spirit,) than he that is in the world (Satan).” What this verse says to me, is that if evil spirits do exist, and they are able to physically harm a person, then those spirits are derivative of something greater than them, namely a Creator. Furthermore, this verse reveals that this Creator is a greater power than any spirit, and he can expel the spirits from your presence so long as you have faith in his ability to do so.

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