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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Is Judas Iscariot in hell?

I believe that Judas Iscariot is in Hell. The reasons being are as follows: In John chapter 13:27, we see that before Christ identified Judas as his betrayer and instructed Judas to do his deed “quickly,” Satan had entered into Judas, and after Christ’s rebuke, Judas left the room and went outside so as to find his fellow conspirators and carry out his deed. This shows that Judas had murder in his spirit and harvested hatred for Christ in his heart, two mortal dispositions that the scriptures clearly denounce (Matthew 19:18 & John 15:23–25). It is clear that Judas not only hated Christ, but hated God also. The complexity of this scenario is that Judas was fated to betray Christ, and Christ’s betrayal was the catalyst for the divine atonement which was afforded by Christ’s crucifixion. Judas, however, had evil and malice in his heart, which he shamelessly and violently acted upon. It should be noted, that in Matthew 27:1–5, it says that after Judas’ betrayal of Christ was carried out, Judas “repented himself,” expressed remorse to the chief priests and elders, and then hanged himself. Judas’ “repentance” was not a repentance unto God, it was a selfish repentance, the kind of guilt that a person feels on their own behalf, rather than Godly sorrow which makes oneself accountable before God. The Bible does not report that Judas repented before God before taking his own life, so it can be safely assumed that Judas is one of the unfortunate souls that will perpetually dwell in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8).

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