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Saturday, March 17, 2018

What is the earliest record of the Knights Templar in Scotland?

The Knights Templar in Scotland were not soldiers, but men of affairs. Their activity consisted mostly of church stewardship, renting out land, and general business transactions. The earliest record of the Knights Templar in Scotland is related to an early 12th-century land grant that was given them by King David I of Scotland. This parcel of land, located seven miles south of Edinburgh, is known as ‘Balantrodoch.’ Balantrodoch was a preceptory, the meaning it was a commune of sorts, that served as a headquarters for the Knights Templar in Scotland. Balantrodoch eventually became the site of a Templar-owned eight-sided church, that while dilapidated, still stands to the present day.

Here is a photo of the old Templar chapel at Balantrodoch - https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-810b2def4977f1011d9d5a29ba977bfb

A YouTube video showing the preceptory and the chapel can be seen here:


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