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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Are Bible characters allegories, comparable to movie characters, or are they divinely inspired mirrors of the state of mankind?

Truly some of the most intriguing studies in human creativity are based in Bible lore. It isn’t difficult to find similarities if not outright derivations of modern day movie, television, and comic book characters from Bible characters. I have always held that Bible characters such as God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and even Satan, namely, the Devil and Lucifer, exhibit very human characteristics that make them relatable to mankind. Creativity, authority, sacrifice, altruism, defiance, and rebellion, are all hallmarks of the actions of many if not all Bible characters. Every prophet in the Bible at some point committed offenses against God, and were chastised in various capacities. And while all of their sins were not recorded in the Bible, Romans 3:23 in the NT proclaims that “All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” This means that no human soul to ever walk the earth is blameless. In my opinion, the thing that makes the Bible so relatable to people, and as a result of this relatability having the designation as the best selling book of all time, is that the characters in the Bible have a very human quality that makes them identifiable. This quality makes people want to engage in, study, and understand the Bible and its capacity to inspire. In my opinion, there are good, honest, clear thinking, productive members of society that believe that the Bible is purely allegorical, and has no basis in fact or reality; however there are other people that fit this same set of positive criteria that believe that the Bible is literal in its assertions and that the Bible is the divinely inspired and spoken word of God. The thing about the Bible that is the most fascinating to me is its ability to inspire contemplation and good works in people generation after generation for 2,000 years and counting with no end in sight.

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