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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Can God destroy Satan and hell so that they no longer exist?

God could not destroy Satan and Hell and continue existing anymore than a person could destroy their heart and lungs and continue existing. Let me explain. In the Bible, we see that all things in Heaven, Earth, (and Hell) are not only derivative of God, but they are God as well (Ephesians 2:6, 21, 22). This means they are derivative of God’s very essence, and are derivative of God’s own existence. The spirit realm, which is where Heaven, Hell, and Satan reside, is a direct manifestation of God, just as Jesus Christ, their creator, is (John 1:1–3). When you talk about Satan and Hell being cast into the “lake of fire” as described in the book of Revelation 20:14, this does not mean their destruction. It is more of a reference of the place of eternal torment that Satan and Hell will be eternally confined to as a result of their corruption. It should be noted that the lake of fire is also derivative of God’s essence, namely the essence that reacts to those that dishonor him.

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