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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Broward County Court Case Number: 18009632CF10A

(I should note right at the start that I have no criminal record whatsoever.)

A Direct Link to my Court Case currently being reviewed in the State of Florida 

The Broward County, Florida Clerk of Courts

Here are the details of this case: (Scroll Right on Page for Full Information)

Offense DateChargeDegreeDetail
08/07/20181(F2)Robbery / No Weapon
Date Filed: 08/07/2018
Current Statute: (F2)812.13(2)(c )
Filing Type: SAO Information
Filing Agency: Broward Sheriff Office/Deerfield Beach
Original Statute: (F2)812.13(2)(c )-Robbery / No Weapon

Case Detail - Public

State of Florida Vs. Smith, Emmanuel Isaiah
Broward County Case Number: 18009632CF10A
State Reporting Number: 062018CF009632A88810
Court Type: Felony
Case Type: 2nd Degree Felony
Filing Date: 08/09/2018
Case Status: Pending
Court Location: Central Courthouse
Judge ID / Name: Bailey - FH, Tim`
Magistrate Id / Name: N/A

Details of the Facts of this Case:

1. I found property consisting of a cooler and a green satchel on South Inlet Park Beach that had been unattended for in excess of one hour.

2. I figured someone had left the property on the beach as a charitable act for anyone who wanted its contents.

3. I took items out of the cooler consisting of sports drinks and fruit.

4. I noticed that there were iphones, a State-issued ID, and a Barbie Doll in the green bag.

5. I figured that the owners must have forgotten them.

6. I decided to collect the items with the intention of turning them in to the Deerfield Beach, P.D. the following morning. A link to a police report showing that I have a history of turning lost iphones in to the police can been seen here at the following pdf link on pages 4-7: the phone I found was turned in to the Hallandale Beach Police Department. Link: Hallandale Beach, Florida Police Report Concerning a Lost Iphone

7. I went to the downtown pavilion in Deerfield to rest.

8. The apparent owner of the phones emerged an hour-and-a-half later, shirtless, demanding property. I thought I was being robbed. (He apparently tracked the iphones' location using an iphone tracking service).

9. He took one of the phones, and I snatched it back without touching the phone's owner.

10. I walked away, he followed me, and he called the Broward Sheriffs Dept, who arrived on the scene and arrested me.

11. At the Sheriff's sub-station, the alleged victim arrived and asked to drop the charges

12. Detective Dimos Charoudis persuaded the victim not to drop the charges, and he charged me with robbery without a fire-arm.
BCCN: 0900507

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