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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Intimidation Against me by Arresting Officer Reynaldo Wellington ( And Possibly his Supervisor Detective Dimos Charoudis)

In this video, taken by me, your host, E. I. Smith, on May 24th, 2019 at approximately 7:53 AM, I am being cut off as I walked to the elevator by Reynaldo Wellington, the Broward County Sheriff's Deputy that arrested me on 8/7/2018. His supervisor, Det. Dimos Charoudis, charged me with robbery even that night even though the alleged victim attempted to drop the charges that very night at the Broward County Sheriff's Sub-station.

Video of Me Being Cut off in the Broward County Courthouse - Intimidation by Broward Sheriff's Officers

(I should note that as I am walking to court, I had no reason whatsoever to believe that I would run into Ofc. Wellington, and believe that this encounter was staged.)

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