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Thursday, September 5, 2019

Concerns that I have about my Court Case as of 9/5/2019

1. That the State of Florida will present phony and falsified evidence at a jury trial

2. That my public defender, Michael Le Clerc-Spier has been tampered with, bribed, and is bought-and-paid-for by corrupted elements in the Broward County Florida criminal justice system

3. That the jury selection process will be corrupt and unfair

4. That the Broward County Sheriff's Office has instructed the alleged victim to lie

5. That the State of Florida (The Broward County Sheriff's Office) has already presented phony and falsified evidence at depositions

6. That I have been accused of assault and aggravated robbery without a firearm, calumnious, outrageous, contrived, and untrue charges

7. That the "witnesses" that have been retained by the State have been bribed and instructed to lie against me by saying that I robbed and assaulted the alleged victim

8. That the Broward County Sheriff's Office has tampered with and pre-selected a jury full of people that will side with the State.

9. That the Broward County Sheriff's Office has dispatched a team of bail enforcers, bounty hunters, private investigators, and other semi-law enforcement agents to surveil and obstruct me.

10. That the State, namely my public defender, is trying to rush me through the system en route to my first conviction, an outcome that I do not want nor expect. 

11. That my case has been prioritized for fulfillment despite there being countless other cases on the court's docket, including violent repeat offenders. 

12. That the jurors have already been pre-selected and have been selected with the expectation that they will side with the State when it is time to deliberate i.e., an unfair, unlawful, unconstitutional jury.

13. The two vague, confusing, and potentially self-incriminating conversations that I have had with my public defender in the hallway at two separate calendar calls may have been taped by, and used by my public defender to rush my case forward and disallow me an opportunity to present my case.

14. That my status as a citizen with no prior criminal convictions and no apparent violent tendencies is being ignored.

15. That the evidence that I have presented to the court of my innocence is not being properly reviewed or considered by the State.

16. That the fact that the alleged victim offering to drop the charges the night of my arrest is being ignored.

17. That the fact that an ambulance was not called the night of my arrest has not been properly factored into the facts as evidence that I did not assault the alleged victim as I have been accused.

18. That the fact that the alleged victim did not disclose that I found his property at S. Inlet Park Beach in his absence has not been considered.

19. That I am being surveilled by law enforcement and semi-law enforcement agents and agencies, with the sole purpose of disrupting and impeding my progress, and finding ways to harm me physically.

20. That my battle is not just to prove my innocence to the State and / or to a jury, but to maneuver my way through my public defender's accusatory and adversarial demeanor towards me, and not allow myself to be ensnared by malicious third-parties that my try and harm me and my case through the public defender.
21. That the Broward County Sheriff's Office, namely those officers involved in my arrest have falsified evidence, and have corrupt witnesses.

22. That my public defender has supplied faulty and erroneous information concerning my expectations to the courts. 

23. That racist Latinos and Haitians will be put on the six-man jury during my trial (should the charges not be dropped beforehand.)  

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