... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2.953 s [INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-24T13:05:10+01:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.mycompany.app.App mvn site mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package 1. 2. 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. org.apache.maven.plugins 10. maven-compiler-plugin 11. 3.8.1 12. 13. 14. 15. E. I. Smith — Ledger and Journal : July 2020

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

An Essay on Gangstalking

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Sherlock Holmes (20 Photographs)
Created / Published
photographic negative file
Federal Theatre Project Collection: Production Records-Photographic Negatives File.
The Photographic Negatives File is a collection of approximately 9,000 negatives, mainly from the New York, NY units, documenting over 200 productions and also covering various ethnic groups and their neighborhoods, newspaper reviews, radio shows, the circus, WPA arts projects, puppet shows, hospital scenes, personalities, etc. The negatives are either 4 inches by 5 inches or 5 inches by 7 inches.

I found this piece online and touched it up. It is very thorough, very readable, and very true. I can attest to its truth because I have experienced the entirety of Gangstalking over a period of decades.

This is an essay on Gangstalking that I found online and touched-up. It focuses on Gangstalking tactics rather than trying to pinpoint who the culprits are. 

<Gang stalking is a persecutory action toward a “Target Individual.” These actions are performed by hostile acts which cannot be directly judged as crime, though they actually cause psychological and physical effects on the victim’s health. If the harassment is perpetrated for more than six months, it will produce maladjustment syndrome, which causes panic crisis, anxiety attack, sleeplessness, obsessing-compulsive behaviors and in the worst cases can lead to suicide and murder. 

Gang Stalking’s goals are to influence, to control, or to eliminate individuals. In this way the targets can go crazy or are forced to suicide. Gang stalking has many similarities to mobbing, but mobbing happens in the workplace whereas stalking literally destroys every aspect of a person’s life.

The origins of this organized harassment are in research made on human beings by the USA, Soviet Union, and East Germany intelligence services. The aim of gang stalking is to set up an effective and permanent method to control or eliminate dissidents which are considered as a threat to power of the elite.

The actions that governmental agencies such like Cointelpro, Red Squad (USA) or STASI (east Germany) performed are infamous. Citizens of every social layer were recruited for them, and to the majority of these citizens the true purposes of this organized harassment has been kept secret. They were convinced to be justice paladins or heroic secret agents, their purpose was to give information about the target or to choose one if possible. Similar operations have been reported throughout the world. The project MK ULTRA, which was at first secret and has been then disclosed by President Clinton, has secretly conducted some experiments (sometimes real atrocities) directed to find out methods to control and condition human beings. 

There are also spontaneous gang stalking phenomena. There are probably groups who have previously worked for the state or for some of these organizations.

 These are "scoundrel organizations", and they operate in an entirely arbitrary manner. These groups can be activated for entertainment, religious fanaticism or sectarian persecution based on gender, race, political affiliation, etc. They probably practice black magic and use these means to obtain some effect on the victims.

The Target Individual, who is aware of the torture to which he or she is submitted, is living a true and real nightmare. He or she tries to find out the reasons of what is happening without being able to understand, he or she would like to talk and at the same time knows that no one would believe him or her. The victims mind strives in vain to find solutions but without success. Paranoia, homicides/suicides thoughts are the terrible effects which can be achieved.

The methods by which the organized persecution program is committed

1. Recruitment of the group of Gang Stalker

Anyone who has a criminal record, volunteers, civil, family, followers of charismatic leaders in charge of movements or sects. The argument used is blackmailing, money, the promise of some rewards, the fear to be ostracized by the group.

[They (the stalkers) generally don't know what are the real objectives of this oppressive action which are clear only to the elite that plan these tortures. They just get information or has to carry out small orders, for instance approaching the target and laugh, whistle, hit the target, talking to the phone out loud, evidently ignore his presence, etc.]

2. Types of harassment

Hyper sensitivity to a stimulus, tie a visual or audible mark to a traumatic experience that usually is the repetition of that stimulus: whistle, greeting, a word, a color, an object, a gag that can easily be repeated in an everyday environment without catching somebody’s notice: at home, in the workplace, in the middle of the road,  in places usually frequented by the target.

Each stimulus to the target can be combined with other:

1. Street theater.

2. Sensitize the target to a stimulus to attract his/her attention.

3. A speech or  a scene where the message will be interpreted by the subject as addressed to him/her, it is generally a message with hostile contents.

Shadowing and persecution of the subject is also practiced with the help of the car: the double flash stimulus used as stimulus persecutory, unjustified sounds of car horns, follow the target at a narrow distance, coordinating operations to regulate the traffic.

Deformed mirror; 

Someone imitates the way to do and act of the target in a derogatory and offensive way in order to influence the other person.

In the worst cases, the group of gangstalkers break in the target's house, sabotage vehicles and equipment used by the target in order to stress the target always and continuously. The stalkers also use systems which produce noises or even other expedients that deprive the target of sleep.

Subliminal messages; 

The peripheral zone of our ‘visual field perceives the images only on a subconscious level, this feature is used by stalkers to launch subliminal messages of visual type, for example grimaces or expressions that induce certain moods, in most cases hostile and negative. 

Flash mob: 

Gathering of the stalkers in the place where the target expected to come. 

False hope: the stalkers deceive the target to frustrate his hopes up till he does not have any expectation of salvation left. 

Deprivation of affection: 

Stalkers try to disintegrate the emotional life of their victim. If the target has a partner they elaborate strategies to induce the partner to go away from him/her, if the target is not in a relationship, the stalkers make him/her believe to have found someone who loves him/her, but this is only a trick to hurt him/her further.


Progressive deprivation of means and resources: 

This is to make the organization of the harassing operations easier, in fact, the possibilities of target moving away are limited. Many of the targets become homeless. 

Blackmail by torture; 

When stress is at its peak, the stalker may suggest to the target actions which will be interpreted by him/her as the only way to stop suffering. They might be asked anything. 

Encrypted and non-verbal communication:

Many messages are conveyed through symbols, gestures, glances that stalkers exchange with each other in order to coordinate the operation. This system of signs has been used by STASI and by Eastern Germany intelligence services, but they have also been borrowed from the language of sports: football, baseball, etc.. or even from certain jobs. for example to go beyond on foot the target, blow the nose, coughing artificial, point the foot, are phrases which indicate to the group of stalkers who the target is and how he is moving..


Bond of fear: 

Stalkers are very careful to never use direct language, in fact, they have the fear of being punished by those who have enrolled the, with the same methods they are using against their target.>

An Essay on Gangstalking

I found this piece online and touched it up. It is very thorough, very readable, and very true. I can attest to its truth because I have experienced the entirety of Gangstalking over a period of decades.

This is an essay on Gangstalking that I found online and touched-up. It focuses on Gangstalking tactics rather than trying to pinpoint who the culprits are. 

<Gang stalking is a persecutory action toward a “Target Individual.” These actions are performed by hostile acts which cannot be directly judged as crime, though they actually cause psychological and physical effects on the victim’s health. If the harassment is perpetrated for more than six months, it will produce maladjustment syndrome, which causes panic crisis, anxiety attack, sleeplessness, obsessing-compulsive behaviors and in the worst cases can lead to suicide and murder. 

Gang Stalking’s goals are to influence, to control, or to eliminate individuals. In this way the targets can go crazy or are forced to suicide. Gang stalking has many similarities to mobbing, but mobbing happens in the workplace whereas stalking literally destroys every aspect of a person’s life.

The origins of this organized harassment are in research made on human beings by the USA, Soviet Union, and East Germany intelligence services. The aim of gang stalking is to set up an effective and permanent method to control or eliminate dissidents which are considered as a threat to power of the elite.

The actions that governmental agencies such like Cointelpro, Red Squad (USA) or STASI (east Germany) performed are infamous. Citizens of every social layer were recruited for them, and to the majority of these citizens the true purposes of this organized harassment has been kept secret. They were convinced to be justice paladins or heroic secret agents, their purpose was to give information about the target or to choose one if possible. Similar operations have been reported throughout the world. The project MK ULTRA, which was at first secret and has been then disclosed by President Clinton, has secretly conducted some experiments (sometimes real atrocities) directed to find out methods to control and condition human beings. 

There are also spontaneous gang stalking phenomena. There are probably groups who have previously worked for the state or for some of these organizations.

 These are "scoundrel organizations", and they operate in an entirely arbitrary manner. These groups can be activated for entertainment, religious fanaticism or sectarian persecution based on gender, race, political affiliation, etc. They probably practice black magic and use these means to obtain some effect on the victims.

The Target Individual, who is aware of the torture to which he or she is submitted, is living a true and real nightmare. He or she tries to find out the reasons of what is happening without being able to understand, he or she would like to talk and at the same time knows that no one would believe him or her. The victims mind strives in vain to find solutions but without success. Paranoia, homicides/suicides thoughts are the terrible effects which can be achieved.

The methods by which the organized persecution program is committed

1. Recruitment of the group of Gang Stalker
Anyone who has a criminal record, volunteers, civil, family, followers of charismatic leaders in charge of movements or sects. The argument used is blackmailing, money, the promise of some rewards, the fear to be ostracized by the group.

[They (the stalkers) generally don't know what are the real objectives of this oppressive action which are clear only to the elite that plan these tortures. They just get information or has to carry out small orders, for instance approaching the target and laugh, whistle, hit the target, talking to the phone out loud, evidently ignore his presence, etc.]

2. Types of harassment
Hyper sensitivity to a stimulus, tie a visual or audible mark to a traumatic experience that usually is the repetition of that stimulus: whistle, greeting, a word, a color, an object, a gag that can easily be repeated in an everyday environment without catching somebody’s notice: at home, in the workplace, in the middle of the road,  in places usually frequented by the target.

Each stimulus to the target can be combined with other:

1. Street theater.

2. Sensitize the target to a stimulus to attract his/her attention.

3. A speech or  a scene where the message will be interpreted by the subject as addressed to him/her, it is generally a message with hostile contents.

Shadowing and persecution of the subject is also practiced with the help of the car: the double flash stimulus used as stimulus persecutory, unjustified sounds of car horns, follow the target at a narrow distance, coordinating operations to regulate the traffic.

Deformed mirror; 

Someone imitates the way to do and act of the target in a derogatory and offensive way in order to influence the other person.

In the worst cases, the group of gangstalkers break in the target's house, sabotage vehicles and equipment used by the target in order to stress the target always and continuously. The stalkers also use systems which produce noises or even other expedients that deprive the target of sleep.

Subliminal messages; 

The peripheral zone of our ‘visual field perceives the images only on a subconscious level, this feature is used by stalkers to launch subliminal messages of visual type, for example grimaces or expressions that induce certain moods, in most cases hostile and negative. 

Flash mob: 

Gathering of the stalkers in the place where the target expected to come. 
False hope: the stalkers deceive the target to frustrate his hopes up till he does not have any expectation of salvation left. 

Deprivation of affection: 

Stalkers try to disintegrate the emotional life of their victim. If the target has a partner they elaborate strategies to induce the partner to go away from him/her, if the target is not in a relationship, the stalkers make him/her believe to have found someone who loves him/her, but this is only a trick to hurt him/her further.
Progressive deprivation of means and resources: 

This is to make the organization of the harassing operations easier, in fact, the possibilities of target moving away are limited. Many of the targets become homeless. 

Blackmail by torture; 

When stress is at its peak, the stalker may suggest to the target actions which will be interpreted by him/her as the only way to stop suffering. They might be asked anything. 

Encrypted and non-verbal communication:

Many messages are conveyed through symbols, gestures, glances that stalkers exchange with each other in order to coordinate the operation. This system of signs has been used by STASI and by Eastern Germany intelligence services, but they have also been borrowed from the language of sports: football, baseball, etc.. or even from certain jobs. for example to go beyond on foot the target, blow the nose, coughing artificial, point the foot, are phrases which indicate to the group of stalkers who the target is and how he is moving..
Bond of fear: 

Stalkers are very careful to never use direct language, in fact, they have the fear of being punished by those who have enrolled the, with the same methods they are using against their target.>

Tom Quick the Indian Slayer and the Pioneers of Minisink and Wawarsink (Continued)

One of the most dramatic tales from early pioneer America, the story of Tom Quick and his one-man war against the American Indians still arouses strong emotions to this day—especially amongst the descendants of his victims, to the point where his monument was attacked and taken down as recently as 1997.

Born in 1734 of Dutch ancestry, Tom Quick lived in peace alongside the Indians for the first part of his life, learning their language, hunting with them, and discovering all of their ways. His path ran up and down the Delaware River, and Indians were frequent guests at the Quick household.

The Indians, however, soon realized that increasing white settlement would ultimately deprive them of their land, and decided to attempt the extermination of all the Europeans along the Delaware. The Quick family were some of the early victims, and Tom witnessed his father being brutally scalped while still alive. It was this incident which determined Tom Quick’s future: at his father’s graveside, he took his knife in his right hand and his rifle in his left, and looking up to Heaven, exclaimed: "By the point of the knife in my right hand and the deadly bullet in my left; By Heaven and all that there is in it and by earth and all that there is on it; By the love I bore my father; here on this grave I swear eternal vengeance against the whole Indian race. I swear to kill all and spare none; the old man with his silver hair; the lisping babe without teeth; the mother quick with child and the maiden in the bloom of youth shall die. A voice from my father's grave cries, 'Revenge! Eternal Revenge!'"He acquired the title of “The Avenger of the Delaware” and the rest of his life was caught up waging war against the Indians. 

Soon his exploits became legendary—amongst both Indians and whites. Time and time again, he avenged Indian massacres with equal brutality, and somehow, even though often captured, he always escaped to carry on his private war. He seldom mixed with other whites, and was often only in the towns long enough to procure more ammunition in exchange for the animal skins from which he made his living—and then would disappear once again into the woods to pursue his deadly aim.

Tom Quick’s story weaves in-between that of the early settlers, the brutal French and Indian Wars, and finally the American Revolutionary conflict. This no-holds barred description reveals in gory detail the brutal racial war waged between Indians and whites—and the British use of Indians to murder and attack settlers in early America. 

Tom Quick’s true story is one that is now suppressed by the dictates of present-day political correctness—but this does not affect its veracity or historical importance in understanding the dynamics of racial conquest and conflict.


Chapter I: Birth and Youth of Tom
Chapter II: Death of Thomas Quick Senior
Chapter III: Fate of the Carter Family
Chapter IV: Defense of a Blockhouse
Chapter V: Murder of Muskwink
Chapter VI: Massacre of an Indian Family
Chapter VII: Adventures at Hagen Pond
Chapter VIII: Killing a Buck with Seven Skins
Chapter IX: The Biters Bitten
Chapter X: Capture and Escape of Tom
Chapter XI: The Biters Bitten Again
Chapter XII: Murder at Mongaup Falls
Chapter XIII: Anderson and Osterhout
Chapter XIV: Death of Graeme
Chapter XV: Tragedy on the Shawangunk
Chapter XVI: Attack near the Fantinekill
Chapter XVII: Burning of Wawarsink
Chapter XVIII: Tom’s Revolutionary Exploits
Chapter XIX: The Scouts of Minisink
Chapter XX: Bryant Kaine
Chapter XXI: “John Land the Tory”
Chapter XXII: Battle of Minisink
Chapter XXIII: Adventure of the Sandburgh
Chapter XXIV: Indian Stratagem
Chapter XXV: Capture and Escape of Tom
Chapter XXVI: Murder of Canope
Chapter XXVII: Russ and Van Etten
Chapter XXVIII: Battle with Panthers
Chapter XXIX: Death of Tom Quick
Chapter XXX: Captain John the Tuscarora
Appendix A: Funeral Eulogium
Appendix B: Tom Quick Endnotes

About the Author:
James Eldrige Quinlan (1818–1874) was born in the state of New York and owned the DeVoe and Quinlan Publishers in Monticello, NY. He was also editor of the Monticello Republican Watchman newspaper from 1838 until 1866. He won fame for his publication of Tom Quick the Indian Slayer in 1851. He was also instrumental in ensuring the location of the Monticello Academy in Monticello, NY.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Crow Killer: The Saga of Liver-eating Johnson

A fine piece of Indian warfare literature 

"The true story (on which the film Jeremiah Johnson was partially based) of John Johnson, who in 1847 found his wife and her unborn child had been killed by Crow braves. Out of this tragedy came one of the most gripping feuds - one man against a whole tribe - in American history." Book Published in 1958, Written by Raymond W. Thorpe - Legend has it, that "Liver-eating Johnson" cut out and ate the liver of evey Indian he ever killed; both for food and for vengeance.

The 25th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing

This event, the Oklahoma City Bombing of 04/19/95, the work of Timothy McVeigh, saw its 25th anniversary this year. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic and the buzz surrounding the upcoming election, the country, and indeed the world has overlooked the lessons learned from this catastrophe. Here is a wonderfully produced memorial to the day that changed the way many people look at their own lives.

The Bombs Aftermath: 


Friday, July 17, 2020

Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains - 1865-1879

Information on 'Scalp Dance,' the historically accurate and highly engaging book by T.H. Goodrich which deals with the American Indian/Frontier Wars 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tom Quick the Indian Slayer

A fascinating book, and some Milford, Pennsylvania monuments, including a tombstone, erected in Tom Quick, the Indian Slayer's memory - 

The book, Tom Quick, the Indian Slayer: And the Pioneers of Minisink and Wawarsink (1851) by James E. Quinlan is the most fascinating book that I have read on the life of the famed warrior. 

The book's official description is as follows:

One of the most dramatic tales from early pioneer America, the story of Tom Quick and his one-man war against the American Indians still arouses strong emotions to this day-especially among the descendants of his victims, to the point where his monument was attacked and taken down in 1997. Born in 1734 of Dutch ancestry, Tom Quick lived in peace alongside the Indians for the first part of his life, learning their language, hunting with them, and discovering all of their ways. His path ran up and down the Delaware River, and Indians were frequent guests at the Quick household. The Indians, however, soon realized that increasing white settlement would ultimately deprive them of their land, and decided to attempt the extermination of all the Europeans along the Delaware. 

The Quick family were some of the early victims, and Tom witnessed his father being brutally scalped while still alive. It was this incident which determined Tom Quick's future. Tom Quick's story weaves in-between that of the early settlers, the brutal French and Indian Wars, and finally the American Revolutionary conflict. This no-holds barred description reveals in gory detail the brutal racial war waged between Indians and whites-and the British use of Indians to murder and attack settlers in early America. 

Tom Quick's true story is one that is now suppressed by the dictates of present-day political correctness-but this does not affect its veracity or historical importance in understanding the dynamics of racial conquest and conflict. 

About the author. James Eldrige Quinlan (1818-1874) was born in the state of New York and owned the DeVoe and Quinlan Publishers in Monticello, NY. He was also editor of the Monticello Republican Watchman newspaper from 1838 until 1866. He won fame for his publication of Tom Quick the Indian Slayer in 1851. He was also instrumental in ensuring the location of the Monticello Academy in Monticello, NY.

USA Legislative Incompetence

The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...