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Saturday, October 17, 2020

A Study in Terror : How One finds Oneself in a Gangstalking Campaign

How does a person wind up in a gangstalking campaign against them? While a relatively new phenomenon, with little governmental documentation, the general public must rely on the few websites and testimonies of people who claim to be targeted individuals. From what I have gathered online and from personal experience, the ways a person becomes a target for gangstalking, aka, community harassment, cause stalking, hate stalking, and covert war, are as follows:1. You are a beneficiary in a living will and testament (and someone else wants your inheritance.) 2. You go through a nasty divorce, namely, with a former spouse who is well-known. 3. You are a political dissident/you tend to go "against the grain" on political issues (online, in web forums, at city council meetings, etc....) 4. You are outspoken about a specific political cause. 5. You "make the wrong enemy" at some point in your life. These are the most compelling reasons that I have found based on my research and experience. (I was told in October of 2018 that I was a beneficiary in an elderly relative's living will and testament.)Also, I have uploaded news stories to YouTube about people (namely United States citizens) being erroniously and maliciously placed, without due process or proper cause, in serious criminal databases and on terrorist and other watchlists that are kept by intelligence agencies and law enforcement departments, as a part of a vindictive and corrupt mechanism against that person's reputation. This act of treachery should be admitted to the record as a cause of gangstalking against targeted individuals. -E. I. Smith

A Study In Terror ---A Great Movie

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