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Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Human COVID-19 Projectile : Germ Warfare : 04/17/21 : Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Biohazard, Biological attack, human COVID-19 biological weapons and germ warfare. This derelict just appears in front of me at the Broward County, Florida Central bus terminal and won't leave. He smells like sewage and is too close for comfort. He is definitely a gangstalker and was definitely sent my way by 'principal' gangstalkers. Gangstalking has unfortunately been rendered legal through the pork barrel and earmark misappropriation mechanism which often times is stealthy and undetectable to federal and state legislators and voters. I believe that gangstalking is passed through legislatures on the coattails of national security, policing, and private security bills, which ultimately and tragically become embedded into the United States' legal code. This is gangstalking in Action. #gangstalking

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