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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

General Bible Discourses Vol. 19 - "Might is Right" Chapter 2 - Christia...

In this discourse, I read and analyze chapter 2 of Ragnar Redbeard's 1890 book, "Might is Right". Furthermore, I provide Christian philosophic examinations into the chapter's core philosophical assertions. #BibleDiscourses​ #SocialDarwinism​ #SurvivaloftheFittest​ #PhilosophyofPower​ Note: The book "Might is Right" combines satire, philosophy, and poetry, all of which are used to illustrate the author's points. Furthermore, Ragnar Redbeard, whose true identity is unknown, was a militant atheist who approached Christianity from a gnostic pagan perspective, believing that the Norse God, Thor, was a preferable deity to the philosopher, Jesus Christ. For access to the text of this book, copy and paste the following link into your address bar. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11-x_...​ The image used in this video is the cover picture from the 1927 version of "Might is Right" published by Dil Pickle Press. The book "Might is Right" is known properly as "Might is Right, or The Survival of the Fittest," or “Survival of the Fittest or The Philosophy of Power," (1896 Version).

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