... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2.953 s [INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-24T13:05:10+01:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.mycompany.app.App mvn site mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package 1. 2. 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. org.apache.maven.plugins 10. maven-compiler-plugin 11. 3.8.1 12. 13. 14. 15. E. I. Smith — Ledger and Journal : Gangstalking, the defining issue of our time. The ultimate goal of gangstalking is to use a targeted individual's material surroundings as weapons against him, in such a way as to cause permanent psychological and or physical injuries to him so as to drive him into the "institutionalization" mechanism, including perpetual mental hospital stays, from the psychological stressors of gangstalking, and/or habitual incarceration from a life of crime, induced by the hopelessness of the disruptive and burdensome gangstalking campaign against him. Homelessness is a part of the menu of attacks against a targeted individual, as he finds it impossible, or nearly impossible to attain an advanced college degree, or gainful long-term employment due to the disruptive and subversive nature of the gangstalking campaign against him. $ There is a " Follow the Money " element to gangstalking; it is generally as follows : $ Derived car accidents - stimulate the auto body repair and car insurance industries $ $ The induced health problems causes by gangstalking's psychological stressors and food contamination artificially create a need for physician and hospital visits, and drug prescription fulfillment. $ $ The potential for a life of crime for a targeted individual is high due to diminished opportunities to attain academic credentials and find stable work; this predicament can also lead to homelessness, an economic circumstance which can produce criminals. The life of crime mechanism almost always leads to incarceration, a prospect that raises revenue for the private security industry. $ Gangstalking Campaign : When a targeted person is formally selected and placed in what is designed to be a life-long war involving a standing army of strangers and acquaintances alike who act, speak, provoke, and sometimes attack the targeted person in similar ways in apparent uniformity. (The placement of a targeted individual into a gangstalking campaign involves a computerized mechanism, of which we will be addressed). Breaking-and-entering to a targeted individual's homenis common in a gangstalking campaign. Burglaries, vandalism, theft, and unprovoked verbal, and physical attacks are additionally a part of the gangstalking repertoire against a targeted person. The Gangstalking in Action Live Video Series . : Emmanuel Isaiah Smith's digital documentation of the activity of the gangstalking campaign that he has been placed in. This video series is found on E. I. Smith's social media pages and his blogs : . 24/7 Tracking, Surveillance, and disruption. Synchronized Obstruction of Movement - The systemic timed obstruction of your natural movement: Walking, Jogging, Running, Biking, Driving.... 1. Messy Divorce 2. Beneficiary 3. Outspoken on a particular political issue. 4. A vocal political dissident. 5. You simply make the wrong enemy 6. You get rich quick 7. Stand out high school personality 8. You evade cultural norms and standards 9. You "divorce" institutions 10. You are a trendsetter, or influencer of other people's behavior, beliefs and attitudes. 11. Your name and vital statistics are maliciously and stealthily placed in a computerized gang member database, registry, or directory without notification, habeas corpus, or just cause, so as to enable the automatic tracking, surveillance, and disruption that the placement in (such) a gang-member database exposes the targeted individual to. How to fight gangstalking: Harness the power of the internet through blogs, personal webpages, and social media to raise awareness, namely that of elected officials about the reality and tyranny of gangstalking. Document the tangible effects of your gangstalking campaign as often as possible, namely, through digital and video documentation. The Gangstalking campaign appears to have a hierarchy. Street-level, workplace, academic, familial, and general interpersonal stalking. People from every demographic, social class, profession, and educational background participates. Repeat gang exposures : When a target is repeatedly exposed to stalkers he has seen previously, many of which he has had bad ir even dangerous experiences with. The goal is to expose the targeted person to a potentially deadly interaction with the repeated gangstalker. Synchronized Harassment Techniques : Loud noises = noise harassment Strangely timed smells = scent harassment Sexual deviance and like provocations = Aroused Harassment (The goal is to get the targeted person into a romantic relationship with a gang-stalker.) A targeted person often encounters weather manipulation via the Haarp program. Directed Energy can induce rainfall if aimed and fired at a rain cloud and a wildfire if aimed and fired into a lush forest. The targeted individual often experiences food contamination, gaslighting, oddly rude or disruptive neighbors, bad police encounters, bad experiences with the USPS and other mail services, and so on. The end-goal of a gangstalking campaign against a targeted person is a multifaceted slow-death torture mechanism. The goals are as follows: To induce in the target's psychological state psychosis, agoraphobia, and or other debilitating psychological disorders; while instilling in the target a hatred for their government, its representatives and law enforcers, a hatred for people, as well as inducing confusion and self-doubt in the target which is supposed to lead to the target "going off the deep-end" and committing a mass murder or other heinous crime which would almost definitely lead to death by law enforcement or the military, known as suicide-by-cop, or to drive the targeted individual to just plain suicide, which is a person choosing to end their own life. If the target does not die in any of the above stated tragedies, and grows old, the gangstalking campaign continues, and is expected to lead to the targeted individual dying at an earlier age than they normally would have anyways, namely, because of the endless psychological stressors that a targeted person is subjected to on a daily basis. After a targeted individual dies, their gangstalking campaign does not end, it simply morphs into something different, namely the defecation of the targeted person's remains and their memory. Examples include making mannakins out of the targeted person's corpse and displaying it publicly, defiling the corpse by making a table or chair out of it and selling it to someone, taking out the targeted person's vital organs and selling them on the black market, (O.K.A. Organ Harvesting) The culprits behind gangstalking are ultimately the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the worldwide Latino community which it sustains as the chosen race for the New Christian Age.

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Sunday, June 6, 2021

Gangstalking, the defining issue of our time. The ultimate goal of gangstalking is to use a targeted individual's material surroundings as weapons against him, in such a way as to cause permanent psychological and or physical injuries to him so as to drive him into the "institutionalization" mechanism, including perpetual mental hospital stays, from the psychological stressors of gangstalking, and/or habitual incarceration from a life of crime, induced by the hopelessness of the disruptive and burdensome gangstalking campaign against him. Homelessness is a part of the menu of attacks against a targeted individual, as he finds it impossible, or nearly impossible to attain an advanced college degree, or gainful long-term employment due to the disruptive and subversive nature of the gangstalking campaign against him. $ There is a " Follow the Money " element to gangstalking; it is generally as follows : $ Derived car accidents - stimulate the auto body repair and car insurance industries $ $ The induced health problems causes by gangstalking's psychological stressors and food contamination artificially create a need for physician and hospital visits, and drug prescription fulfillment. $ $ The potential for a life of crime for a targeted individual is high due to diminished opportunities to attain academic credentials and find stable work; this predicament can also lead to homelessness, an economic circumstance which can produce criminals. The life of crime mechanism almost always leads to incarceration, a prospect that raises revenue for the private security industry. $ Gangstalking Campaign : When a targeted person is formally selected and placed in what is designed to be a life-long war involving a standing army of strangers and acquaintances alike who act, speak, provoke, and sometimes attack the targeted person in similar ways in apparent uniformity. (The placement of a targeted individual into a gangstalking campaign involves a computerized mechanism, of which we will be addressed). Breaking-and-entering to a targeted individual's homenis common in a gangstalking campaign. Burglaries, vandalism, theft, and unprovoked verbal, and physical attacks are additionally a part of the gangstalking repertoire against a targeted person. The Gangstalking in Action Live Video Series . : Emmanuel Isaiah Smith's digital documentation of the activity of the gangstalking campaign that he has been placed in. This video series is found on E. I. Smith's social media pages and his blogs : . 24/7 Tracking, Surveillance, and disruption. Synchronized Obstruction of Movement - The systemic timed obstruction of your natural movement: Walking, Jogging, Running, Biking, Driving.... 1. Messy Divorce 2. Beneficiary 3. Outspoken on a particular political issue. 4. A vocal political dissident. 5. You simply make the wrong enemy 6. You get rich quick 7. Stand out high school personality 8. You evade cultural norms and standards 9. You "divorce" institutions 10. You are a trendsetter, or influencer of other people's behavior, beliefs and attitudes. 11. Your name and vital statistics are maliciously and stealthily placed in a computerized gang member database, registry, or directory without notification, habeas corpus, or just cause, so as to enable the automatic tracking, surveillance, and disruption that the placement in (such) a gang-member database exposes the targeted individual to. How to fight gangstalking: Harness the power of the internet through blogs, personal webpages, and social media to raise awareness, namely that of elected officials about the reality and tyranny of gangstalking. Document the tangible effects of your gangstalking campaign as often as possible, namely, through digital and video documentation. The Gangstalking campaign appears to have a hierarchy. Street-level, workplace, academic, familial, and general interpersonal stalking. People from every demographic, social class, profession, and educational background participates. Repeat gang exposures : When a target is repeatedly exposed to stalkers he has seen previously, many of which he has had bad ir even dangerous experiences with. The goal is to expose the targeted person to a potentially deadly interaction with the repeated gangstalker. Synchronized Harassment Techniques : Loud noises = noise harassment Strangely timed smells = scent harassment Sexual deviance and like provocations = Aroused Harassment (The goal is to get the targeted person into a romantic relationship with a gang-stalker.) A targeted person often encounters weather manipulation via the Haarp program. Directed Energy can induce rainfall if aimed and fired at a rain cloud and a wildfire if aimed and fired into a lush forest. The targeted individual often experiences food contamination, gaslighting, oddly rude or disruptive neighbors, bad police encounters, bad experiences with the USPS and other mail services, and so on. The end-goal of a gangstalking campaign against a targeted person is a multifaceted slow-death torture mechanism. The goals are as follows: To induce in the target's psychological state psychosis, agoraphobia, and or other debilitating psychological disorders; while instilling in the target a hatred for their government, its representatives and law enforcers, a hatred for people, as well as inducing confusion and self-doubt in the target which is supposed to lead to the target "going off the deep-end" and committing a mass murder or other heinous crime which would almost definitely lead to death by law enforcement or the military, known as suicide-by-cop, or to drive the targeted individual to just plain suicide, which is a person choosing to end their own life. If the target does not die in any of the above stated tragedies, and grows old, the gangstalking campaign continues, and is expected to lead to the targeted individual dying at an earlier age than they normally would have anyways, namely, because of the endless psychological stressors that a targeted person is subjected to on a daily basis. After a targeted individual dies, their gangstalking campaign does not end, it simply morphs into something different, namely the defecation of the targeted person's remains and their memory. Examples include making mannakins out of the targeted person's corpse and displaying it publicly, defiling the corpse by making a table or chair out of it and selling it to someone, taking out the targeted person's vital organs and selling them on the black market, (O.K.A. Organ Harvesting) The culprits behind gangstalking are ultimately the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the worldwide Latino community which it sustains as the chosen race for the New Christian Age.

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банда-талкинг – бу бизим девиримизнинъ энъ муим къанун чыкъарув фелякетидир. 團體追蹤是典型的政治疏忽行為 ‎تعقیب باندی یک عمل اساسی غفلت سیاسی است Преследование банд — это квинтэссенция политической халатности 團體追蹤是典型的政治疏忽行為 ‎تعقیب باندی یک عمل اساسی غفلت سیاسی است Преследование банд — это квинтэссенция политической халатности 智慧、力量、遵守、堅韌和機會主義熱情是好公民的標誌。 Իմաստությունը, ուժը, պահպանողականությունը, տոկունությունը և պատեհապաշտ եռանդը լավ քաղաքացիության բնորոշ հատկանիշներն են: ‎إن الحكمة والقوة والامتثال والثبات والحماسة الانتهازية هي السمات المميزة للمواطنة الصالحة. 知恵、強さ、遵守、不屈の精神、そして機会を捉える熱意は、良き国民の特徴です。 Зирәклек, көч, күзәтү, ныклык, оппортунистик дәрт - яхшы гражданлык билгеләре. 지혜, 힘, 준수, 용기, 기회주의적인 열정은 훌륭한 시민의 특징입니다. Η συμμορία είναι μια χυδαία παραπλανητική δήλωση της θέλησης του λαού. ‎ގޭންގް ސްޓޯކިންގ އަކީ ރައްޔިތުންގެ އިހުތިޔާރު އޮޅުވާލުމެވެ. 幫派纏擾是對人民意志的粗俗陳述。 ‎باند شدن باند یک نمایش نادرست ‎مبتذل از اراده مردم است. ‎گینگ-سٹالنگ لوکاں دی مرضی دی اک گھٹیا غلط بیانی اے. - ‎گاڭگىراپ قېلىشى كىشىلەرنىڭ ئىرادىسىنىڭ سەزگۈر چۈشەندۈرۈشى. ‎إن استمرار العصابات هو تحريف مبتذلة لإرادة الناس. 團體騷擾是一個哲學和理論法律難題。 Խմբային ոտնձգությունները փիլիսոփայական եւ տեսական իրավաբանական հիմնավորում են: ‎گروپ ہراساں کرنا اک فلسفیانہ تے نظریاتی قانونی کوننڈرم ا ے۔ Çete tacizi sadece haydutluk değil, aynı zamanda vergi parası tahsisatının kötüye kullanılmasıdır. Përndjekja e bandave nuk është vetëm hajduti, por është edhe keqpërdorimi i parave të taksave. gang-stalking to nie tylko bandytyzm, to także nadużycie polegające na przywłaszczaniu pieniędzy podatników. uhođenje bandi nije samo razbojništvo, već je i zloporaba prisvajanja novca od poreza. gaujų persekiojimas yra ne tik plėšikas, bet ir mokesčių pinigų asignavimų piktnaudžiavimas. A csoportos üldözés nem csak gazemberség, hanem adópénz-előirányzatok visszaélése is. ‎ގޭންގް ސްޓޯކިން އަކީ ހަމައެކަނި ތަގްރީއެއް ނޫން، އެއީ ޓެކްސް ފައިސާ އެޕްރޮޕްރިއޭޝަންސް މަލްފީސަންސް ވެސް މެއެވެ. 幫派跟蹤不僅是暴行,也是挪用稅金的瀆職行為。 jengiväkittely ei ole vain ryöstöä, se on myös verorahojen väärinkäyttöä. banda təqibi təkcə quldurluq deyil, həm də vergi pullarının mənimsənilməsidir. 갱스토킹은 폭행일 뿐만 아니라 세금을 횡령하고 부정 행위를 저지르는 행위이기도 합니다. ավազակային հարձակումը ոչ միայն ավազակություն է, այլև հարկային միջոցների յուրացումներ: ‎تعقیب باندی نه تنها اراذل و اوباش است، بلکه تخلف تخصیص پول مالیاتی نیز هست. ‎إن المطاردة الجماعية ليست مجرد بلطجة، بل هي أيضًا اختلاس أموال الضرائب. ‎د ډله ییزې غلا یوازې غلا نه ده، دا د مالیې د پیسو تخصیص کې ناوړه ګټه هم ده. ‎گینگ سٹالنگ صرف بدمعاشی نئیں اے، ایہ ٹیکس دی رقم دی تخصیص دی بدعنوانی وی اے۔ ‎گۇرۇھلارنى ئوغرىلاش ئوغرىلىق بولۇپلا قالماي ، باج پۇلىنى ئىگىلىۋېلىشمۇ قانۇنسىزلىق. ‎چەقۆکێشانی باندەکان تەنها چەقۆکێشان نییە، بەڵکو خراپەکارییە بۆ تەرخانکردنی پارەی باج. ԲԱՆԴԱԿԱՆ ԱՌԱՋՆՈՐԴՈՒՄԸ ՄԻԱՅՆ ՈՉ ՍԱՀՄԱՆԱԴՐԱԿԱՆ Է, ԴԱ ՀԱՆՑԱԳՈՐԾՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ Է ՄԱՐԴԿՈՒԹՅԱՆ ԴԵՄ. DƏSTƏLƏRİN İZLƏMƏSİ TƏKKƏ QEYRİ KONSTİTUSİYA DEYİL, İNSANLIQA QARŞI CİNAYƏTDİR. ​

банда-талкинг – бу бизим девиримизнинъ энъ муим къанун чыкъарув фелякетидир. 團體追蹤是典型的政治疏忽行為 ‎تعقیب باندی یک عمل اس...