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Friday, June 18, 2021

Waco, The Big Lie (1993) A Film by Linda Diane Thompson

The 1993 and 94 films, Waco, The Big Lie, and Waco II, The Big Lie Continues. These films were directed by Linda Thompson, a documentary filmmaker concerned about the facts concerning the 1993 Waco Siege, and what the general public was being told. I have drawn similarities between the events leading up to the Waco Siege, the siege itself, and gangstalking. The Branch Davidians, the cult group of worshippers who 28 years ago were slain in the ambush by the ATF, the FBI, and similar federal entities, were initially tracked, surveilled, and profiled by the above named enforcement agencies the same way a potential targeted individual is watched, profiled and selected by his stalkers for a gangstalking campaign today.

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[ 2001年9月11日之後,越來越多長達數千頁的法案正在美國國會通過。 ]

2001年9月11日之後,越來越多長達數千頁的法案正在美國國會通過。 這些巨額賬單包含豬肉桶項目、附加項目、專項撥款和挪用資金,這些都秘密地隱藏在數千頁的賬單中。 這些附加內容通常包含非常重要的法律變更,有些甚至等同於法律本身。 這些附加條款是由特定法案的設計者插入的,...