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Thursday, September 2, 2021

Gangstalking in Action : The Live Video Series : The Crippled Gangstalke...

The crippled gangstalker is back in full form. I see this clown in Fort Lauderdale from time-to-time in what I consider to be derived encounters. Watch how he wildly swings his arms my way as as he exits the bus. This is a provocative physical gesture. I am not one to go into back-and-forths with cripples, so I will keep my cool and keep recording this derelict. For more on the stealthily legalized pork barrel, earmarked, and misappropriation mechanism known as gangstalking, Google Emmanuel Isaiah Smith and visit the ensuing webpages. #gangstalking #earmarks #misappropriation #porkbarrel #instigations #provocations Part of Emmanuel Isaiah Smith's ' Gangstalking in Action Live Video Series ' - In this video you will see live unedited instances of street level gangstalking, a covert, organized, and highly mobile method of containing and obstructing someone, and impeding their physical movements and attempting to instigate altercations.

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Ավելի ուշ, նմանատիպ ծրագրերը, ինչպիսիք են ԿՀՎ-ն և ՀԴԲ —در طول دوره بازسازی آمریکا (1863-18577)، گروه‌های تروریستی مانند کوکلوکس کلان، شوالیه‌های کاملیا سفید، پیراهن‌های قرمز و لیگ سفید برنامه‌های آزار و اذیت

{Gangstalking-ը վերնագրից ակնհայտ չէ: Դա զանգվածային, բազմաշերտ, քարոզչական ոճի կոոպերացիա է, որը թաքնված, գրեթե ռազմական կիսառազմական գործո...