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Sunday, September 19, 2021

Gangstalking Technology Terminology

Secret deep state black operations work through the black market and use military grade electromagnetic stealth weapons and a network of automated spy satellites to protect these operations that include politicians, fortune 500 companies, secret societies, and criminal networks. Their crimes include assassinations, drug trade, espionage, human trafficking, and torture. The frequency control grid is not only constantly affecting and programming the masses, but it is also affecting and programming each individual to construct a simulation of technocratic singularity.AI Algorithm, TYLER, Global Neural Network, Frequency Control Grid, DWAVE Quantum Computing, 5G, DNA Biometrics Collection, Biocoded Resonance Frequencies, Biorithm Hacking, DARPA N3 Nanotechnology, Graphene Oxide, Smart Dust, Hydrogel, Extremely Low Frequencies ELF, Very Low Frequencies VLF, Scalar Wave Boosting Process, Ultrasonic Sound Frequency Weapons, Psychotronic Weapons, Stealth Weapons, Pulse Modulated Scalar Wave Masers, VIRCATOR, Gyrotron, Raytheon Raven Claw, Direct Electromagnetic Pulse Generators DEMPGs, High Amplitude Radio Media HARM Biocommunications Network, Modulated Electromagnetic Spectrum Deception MEDS, Remote Neural Monitoring RNM, Remote Neural Link RNL, EEG Cloning, EEG Heterodyning, Electronic Brain Link, Brain to Computer Interface, Brain to Brain Interface, Brain Mapping, Mind Uploading, Thought Amplifying Mind Interface TAMI, Whole Brain Emulation WBE, Electron Resonance Spin ESR, Track Telemetry and Command Satellites TT&C, Black Satellites, Internet Of Things, Neural Data Mining, Carnivore, Echelon, Tempest, Stingray, Satellite Constellation, Thunderbolt, Dirt box, Project Pogo, Project Zyphr, Sentient World Simulation, Social Automation Systems, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Synthetic Telepathy, Signals Intelligence SIGINT, Radiation Intelligence, Secret Police Force, Advanced Surveillance Systems, Survailliance Role Players, DOD Special Operations, No Touch Torture, Beast System, Crypto Currency, Social Credit System, Torture Takedown Program, Hive Mind Technology, Mass Mind Control.

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