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Monday, March 28, 2022

2nd re-post : Earmarks : The Congressional Catastrophe

An earmark is a stipulation, sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional bill. Earmarks often go undetected and cannot be ‘deleted.’ Rather, the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process. Gangstalking was earmarked into the American legal code under the guise of a national security, police assistance, private security, or other such bill. Congress doesn’t read the bills it signs into law, and sometimes thousands of earmarks are legalized along with the bill and go totally undetected. #blogspotgangstalkingtechnology

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Ավելի ուշ, նմանատիպ ծրագրերը, ինչպիսիք են ԿՀՎ-ն և ՀԴԲ —در طول دوره بازسازی آمریکا (1863-18577)، گروه‌های تروریستی مانند کوکلوکس کلان، شوالیه‌های کاملیا سفید، پیراهن‌های قرمز و لیگ سفید برنامه‌های آزار و اذیت

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