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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Gangstalking, the American citizen's subversion protocol

Emmanuel Smith (E. I. Smith) 2 hours ago #GangStalking (Gangstalking) takes military inspired defense stratagem, speed, distance, and location tracking, surveillance training, email and other electronic communication interception, GPS interceptors and cellular ping interceptors, infrared ray machine use to see what is in a targeted individual's bookbags, thermal imaging units to see what a targeted individual is doing inside of a building, vehicular containment mechanisms and other such thuggery to operate. The general public has no knowledge of these kinds of mobilization mechanism and neither do most local law enforcement officers. Gangstalking, the American citizen's subversion protocol, is a way for the congress of the United States to feed the military industrial complex more untold billions of taxpayer dollars in exchange for campaign contributions and more time in office. Blindly signing off on national security expenditures is easy for them. Examining the bills that they sign off on is apparently too much to ask for them considering they may see something in the bill that raises questions, causing stagnation in the legislative process and risking a government shutdown. The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for worse and purposely or inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide group of degenerate animals, aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-loving freedom haters that enjoy protection from any consequences related to their thuggish, mindless, buffoonish, and ape-like behavior towards other citizens. This country is one thing and one thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and related industries. With respect to gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine builders, but includes the hospital industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of which will enjoy increased revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that gangstalking causes its targets. Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever. The formula for present day gangstalking involves a number of hidden provocation, harassment, and psychological warfare techniques that are designed to be difficult for the targeted individual to control, observe, or report. People who take an adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what they are experiencing will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these kinds of people because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms that a targeted individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking and “coping” or not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do. The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully rigged against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic for their assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can commence unchallenged. There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country that will agree with or give an acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that targeted individuals are experiencing. Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted person fees and “diagnos” them with a mental disease that they may not have. As a matter of fact, this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional psychological industry from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to the psychosis and related mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted persons. Gangstalking is ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets. More visits to these “mind doctors” means more revenues generated for their respective industries. Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted individuals experience at the hand of their degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred The military industrial complex also benefits financially from this program. The military industrial surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as well as the unseen war machines used in a targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer money that is spent on military industrial war expenditures. This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged with high treason. The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery behind this program. The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless. Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen in secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process, and no warnings or notices given to the targeted person. The congressional, legislative, and bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post 9-11-2001, is tantamount to high treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens, and constitutional rights violations. The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism. The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters like gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly. Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications interception, street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault, burglary and vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been stealthily legalized due to congressional legislative ignorance. The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly $1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight, the United States has waged war on its own citizens. This covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial war machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military industrial complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes. The military industrial complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return US politicians reward it with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and increased stock prices for the makers of war machines. Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and their constitutional rights.

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