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Sunday, January 21, 2024

The United States is a Giant Parking Lot.

Derogatory Records in gangstalking : Gangstalking is a database driven federally funded enterprise. In order for a person to be surveilled, tracked, disrupted, harassed, obstructed contained, violently engaged by thuggish stalkers, annoyed, and have their constitutional rights violated on a daily basis by federally enabled crooked liaisons, they must first have the right amount of derogatory deleterious governmental records entered against their name, and into the right federally accessible databases. Derogatory records that lead to a gangstalking campaign do not have to be criminal records. Derogatory records entries against a United States citizen can be done in a hidden, covert, clandestine, and otherwise totally untraceable fashion. There are semi-law enforcement databases such as private investigator records that can serve as "just cause" for the criminally negligent entry into a gangstalking protocol. Just cause or "reasonable suspicion" is the sole qualifier for a United States citizen to be entered into a federally authorized gangstalking campaign. The databases that a targteted individual is entered into that enable a gangstalking campaign against them are maintained by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, Private Investigator offices, private security databases, confidential or "top secret" police or national security database mechanisms, or a combination of all of the above. If a person is deemed "reasonably dangerous," "a threat to society," or "subversive to the public's interest," then they can be placed in such a database in a quiet secretive extrajudicial or otherwise behind the scenes manner. Derogatory records can be generated against a person by high-schools, middle-schools, and elementary schools as well as doctors offices, state-funded neighborhood watch personnel, police and sheriff departments, and other law enforcer, semi-law enforcer, and other peace officer or "protection agencies" can contribute derogatory records against a person without actually charging them with a crime or arresting them. I am even inclined to think at this point that most targeted individuals, or people who identify with/as targeted individuals have no criminal record to speak of. I am a targeted individual myself and I have no criminal record. My significant other, Lori Ann Moore, experiences similar gangstalking thuggery against her person as well, leading me to suspect that she is a targeted individual , and she has no criminal record either. The fact that many targeted individuals have no criminal record makes them easier targets for the thuggish lowlifes that practice gangstalking. I believe that the reasoning for this is as follows: -If a person is generally a law-abiding citizen, then they wouldn't have the "edge" or "criminal mind," or the psychological or physiological "toughness" that it takes to withstand a gangstalking campaign successfully. Not unless of course, they are former athletes, trained in hand-to-hand combat, are unusually physically large or strong, or have developed a street-smart unusually tough, or unusually vigilant or observant mentality over the course of their lives. It is typically criminally minded, exceptionally brutish, or naturally combative or violent people who have such a disposition, not well-meaning law-abiders. This is why a good many of the people who are "tapped in" to gangstalking and act as gangstalkers have criminal records even though gangstalking is a United States government project and the targeted people who have to defend themselves against the gangstalkers are people with no criminal records to speak of. Gangstalkers do not have to have a criminal record to particpate in gangstalking however; any of them do not have criminal records; as a matter of fact, there are government employees, (federal, state, and local) who practices gangstalking as well as IT professionals, law-enforcers, corporate executives, doctors, teachers, clergymen, construction workers, teachers and professors, military personnel and politicians. Gangstalking is at its core, a system of derived, directed, learned, and improvised behaviors that resemble one another. Their only goal is to create a hostile environment for a targeted individual, get them into trouble with the law, physiologically harm them, or kill them. This program is poorly conceived, poorly operated, poorly implemented, poorly executed, poorly engaged in, and operated with such a hostile pandering violence, that one must be on guard or "en garde" every second of every day, or otherwise risk injury or death at the hands of a federally enabled band of gangstalking punks. Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate, military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is war profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country. Gangstalking, like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the military industrial complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the targets. When America invades or goes to war with a less developed country, its purchases billions of dollars in war machines from the military industry here in the United States, raising illicit revenues for these companies at the expense of the taxpayer. The loss of life means nothing to the representatives of this country or the chiefs of the military industry. When America goes to war with it own citizens via federally implemented gangstalking campaigns, passing them off as national security measures, its purchases billions of dollars of war machines from the military industry at the expense of the taxpayer, generating illicit revenues for these same war-machine producing countries. The war machines used in one of America's third-world wars, are fighter jets, army tanks, SCUD missiles, army helicopters, grenade launchers, anti-tank ballistic weapons, and M-16 assault rifles. The war machines used in America's war against targeted individuals are stingray devices, location interceptors, thermal imaging devices, sound wave interceptors, x-ray devices, biorhythm spying mechanisms, and thermal imaging devices. The kinds of thuggish weasels that carry out the "street" element or up-close-and-personal elements of gangstalking (and ALL gangstalkers are thuggish weasels) do it through workplace mobbing, timed obstructive maneuvers, psychological attacks, biohazardous attacks (intentional coughing, sneezing, breaking wind, vomiting, derived heavy breathing and other forms of disgusting, thuggish, and childish forms of bacterial communication to other people) annoying and/or intrusive forms of forced physical contact so as to irritate and/or distract the targeted individual, near collisions on bicycles, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, rollerskates, and so-forth, vehicular containment and/or near-miss vehicular aggressive driving in a targeted individual's immediate vicinity, intentional food contamination, attempting to make a targeted individual "lose their appetite" via gross and disgusting acts involving bodily functions while near the targeted individual. Surly dispositions and angry countenances are also common psychological irritation tactics that the thug gangstalkers use to intimidate targeted individuals. The goal is a federally enabled outcome of agoraphobia for the targeted individual, the lashing out at society through violent means, or a mental breakdown of the targeted individual leading to an intended early grave via malnourishment or suicide. 'Gangstalking is federally funded human experimentation posing as a national security measure. It was implement through stealth legislation via national security earmarks, covertly entered "side measures" that are attached to 6,000 paged bills that no politician ever reads before signing off on it. The United States federal legislature, because of its enabling, implementation, and financing of clandestine gangstalking, should formally renounce its status as a democracy and as a constitutional republic. The United States calling itself as such is an insult to the world-at-large. The people do not get to vote directly on the federal legislative issues that lead to gangstalking, and the program in and of itself, is a brutish, thuggish, inappropriate, intentional, and heinously violent negation of the United States Constitution. The United States should formally declare itself a totalitarian state, a fascist construction, a plutocracy, or an oligarchy, and dissolve its federal and state constitutions, and devise a new clear, concise, readable, and observable constitution asserting it political aims of a country beholden to the military industrial complex at the expense of the American citizen and his/her tax dollars. At least at that point the federal government of this country Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and their constitutional rights.The United States is not fighting any major wars now and hasn't for over a decade. The military industrial complex and its contract-loving money-collectors are hungry; they're hungry for another military conflict so as to have a need to sell the USA billions of more dollars in military equipment.Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements. Gangstalking is very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war against every targeted individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via vehicle, pedestrian and other personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance, airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals concerning the targeted individual's whereabouts, interception of cellular phone pings, emails, text messages, phone calls, and voice mails, staying in constant contact using satellite, internet-based, cellular based, and human capital based means with various local, state, and federal law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement auxiliaries concerning how to contain the targeted individual and etc.... Many of the participants of gangstalking including the law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement elements do not know that they are participating in clandestine military industrial street-stalking and disruption protocols.The United States of America is an international pariah. Its federal foreign ambassadors are officially trying, for and on behalf of the United States, to influence other countries to adopt, as a part of their national security repertoire, gangstalking, including its community harassment, workplace mobbing, and its legalized murder and attempted murder mechanisms as the law. The United States does not want to be the only country in the world to enable, finance, and mobilize the gangstalking mechanism. It passed gangstalking as the law, in post September 11, 2001 national security measures via thousands of unseen earmarks that were covertly inserted into its national security legislation. In turn, the federal legislature of the United States has officially forfeited the United States Constitution, revoked the United States Bill of Rights, and renounced itself as a democracy and as a constitutional republic. Rather it is a blank check (courtesy of the American taxpayer) to the military industrial complex, its auxiliaries, and the nationally malevolent pay-to-play surveillance protocols. The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state, and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States Congress, terrified and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly, and negligently passed and unleashed upon the world-at-large. The Congress of the United States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug mobilization unit called gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each other to locate, disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual. -----------America, as an incorporated territory, as a sovereign nation, and as a politically established governmental entity is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, high treason, and crimes against humanity. These things were true about the United States of America even before gangstalking became legal here. The high cost of warfare adventures at home and abroad have not deterred this country, its corporate establishments, its federal, state, and local governments, or its religious community, from finding euphoria in the buffoonish, treasonous, wasteful, cost ineffective, and ultimately futile military industrial spending projects that have led to the instigation of every American war effort from Korea, to Vietnam, to Iraq, to Afghanistan, causing tens of millions of human casualties while generating trillions of taxpayer dollars for the United States’ military war machine industry. Gangstalking is another such thuggish American enterprise. America believes that waging a covert war on its citizens will demonstrate to other countries the “control” that it has over the populace. At $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own banking establishments, the USA isn’t even in control of it own economy. Congressional stooges who pass inept pieces of national security legislation which authorizes criminal menacing by a bunch of gangstalking thug inbreds doesn’t secure America for its future. -----------The United States legal code is easily tampered with, manipulated, undermined, stepped over, and overridden. The legislative process in the United States is flawed to the maximum. 10,000 pages bills, none of which are ever read by the Congress or the President, are voted upon, ratified, passed, and signed off on regardless of what drivel is contained therein.The bills that are drafted by United States representatives and brought before Congress for a vote are heavily influenced by third parties who regularly exploit the United States’ legislative process to “insert” stealth attachments, or earmarks to these bills, which carry with them devastating consequences for the American public.The Street Theater Themes that are Present in Gangstalking : The United States’ Thug Mob and Buffoonish War against its Citizens:::::In the USA’s clandestine legislative thuggery and imbecile militia (presently known as gangstalking)There is a mechanism called street theater. Street theater is a way of presenting information to a targeted individual concerning a specific matter. The matter can be anything, and yes, everybody around the targeted individual sees the spectacle as well. The peculiarity about street theater is that only the targeted individual will “get” or understand the significance of the spectacle. This spectacle is aimed at the targeted individual’s perception of his gangstalking campaign specvifically.I will present you with a number of the themes that I have encountered in my gangstalking campaign over the past 7 years in particular. These themes relate to the motivation of the orchestrators of gangstalking for facilitating the earmarking of this thuggish program through post September 11, 2001 national security bills. It is in my opinion, the designers of gangstalking expressing their dismay at certain social, historical, and economic developments in the United States. Gangstalkers and other useful idiots are used as the “actors” in these spectacles.The list of themes in the street theater that I myself have witnessed is as follows:• That the Civil War’s Conclusion and its Aftermath are Not Applicable to today’s historical analysis of them.• That anti-miscegenation is a god-given disposition.• That being pro-slavery is a god-given disposition.• That there is not enough support for United States Veterans• That there is not enough respect for ‘’door-to-door” church representatives (proselytizers)• That Latinos are special before “God” are a not afforded the respect that they deserve by Americans.• That white women who date or marry black men should be killed or incarcerated.• That black people should be given a US state of their own to inhabit, one that is separate from the rest of America.• That black people have come too far too quickly; for example, in 1964, they could not vote in certain Southern States without tremendous difficulty, and much thuggery was aimed at them in these areas. From 1965-2012 however, black Americans saw an explosion of celebrities and renowned figures in movies, television, radio, politics, and athletics, culminating in the first black president being elected in 2008. There was also in this same time period, a stark increase in black judges, doctors, and lawyers. These black success in American society destroyed the long-held theological narratives that Black people were “cursed” by God for being slovenly and shiftless. • That this country is not a piece of black heritage, because blacks were brought here as slaves as opposed to legal immigrants.• That black people are cursed by god, and gangstalking campaigns against their lives is the proof that they are cursed, because “god allowed it to happen.”• That police officers deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That military personnel deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That security guards deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That private investigators deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That private defense contractors deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That confidential informants deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That bounty hunters deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That airplane pilots deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That state troopers deserve more attention than celebrities; namely because celebrities do not put their lives on the line for their community.• That Illegal aliens should be given amnesty in this country for it is the will of god.• That black people should be issued a separate currency from the rest of America.• That racial separatism is a god-given disposition.• That the Bible should be the official law of the land.• That the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should be allowed to wield legislative power at the federal level.• That homosexuality is normal and should be “normalized” in society with regards to homosexuals having a federally authorized “place” in every societal mechanism, including sports, the military, and law-enforcement, three areas where homosexual people have not had success.• That children should be sexualized (or allowed to be by the entertainment business), prepared for sex, or verbally taught sexual habits, but only if they are done so in a federally directed manner and with the blessing of two married parents, one of whom must be gainfully employed, and neither of which can have a criminal record. This is how sex should be taught to children not by schools.• That The United States of America is God’s chosen Country.• That the United States Military is God’s personal instrument.• That American internationalism is god’s great plan for the world.• That taxpayer money is best spent on war, incarceration, and foreign interventionism.• That gangstalking should be spread around the world by America, for it is god’s plan.• That Christianity is the only way to god.• That Jesus Christ is the “best” or “most efficient” deity.• That people should be nice to Latinos because they will be the USA’s majority demographic in 30 years.• That not every life is worth saving.• That not every person contributes to society in a way that makes their life meaningful or useful.• That gangstalking is not federally directed, but something that people have “made up” and follow on their own.• That black men who are un-hireable felons can be used as “bodyguards” for white people. This rather than put the back on the street fresh from prison with no prospects for earning an income.• That formal education for black children is not necessary. That their future lives are best suited in hard physical labor of some kind (or “grunt work.”)• That black athletes should have their own sports leagues separate from the rest of America (starting in their childhood years.)• That race-mixing will only lead to race wars.• That interracial out-of-wedlock copulation is the ultimate sin.• That the after-life is racially segregated.• That politicians are ordained of god and are answerable only to him, and not to the constituents.• That fate exists and that a person’s personal choices cannot alter this fate.• That certain people are destined for heaven from before their birth and some are destined for Hell; and that even Jesus Christ himself cannot and would not save the ones destined for Hell.• That certain swear words, vulgar phrases, and insults should be punishable by prison sentences.• That crimes other than murder should carry with them “life” sentences.• That violence is not always a bad thing and can help get things done.• That the law in America is “soft” and that it is ineffective in deterring crime.• That gangstalking is a useful crime deterrent and behavior modification program.• That thuggery is ok as long as its federally directed.• That acting like a thug is something that can be learned by anyone regardless of their socioeconomic background.• That thuggish legislation should be passed through Congressional bills, but only by stealth, and through 5,000-10,000 pages bills.Character defamation keeps the targeted individual’s enemies in play, as they constantly find new and more scandalous reasons to act against the targeted person with hostility. The ultimate goal is to cause the targeted individual to leave the establishment against their will, cause his performance or demeanor in the activity to suffer, cause the target to “lose it” or “go off the rails” and attack a stalker, causing the targeted person to incur legal drama (this scenario is the most preferable one for gangstalkers because it causes them to become “the talk of the town,” “talk of the office,” “talk of the church,” thereby making a “name” for themselves at the expense of the targeted person losing their temper and acting in a way that is self-detrimental.)This weaselly construct has been used in America for centuries by people who harbor envy, jealousy, or violent hatred against another, and conspire to provoke that person to wrath so as to injure that person’s name and reputation and create interest in the name and story of the instigator.These malicious actions are organized, synchronized, timed, and executed by gangstalkers who are semi-deputized and have the full support and financing of the United States federal government behind them.LikeCommentShare...The intentional use of exhaust fumes as a weapon against targeted individuals is a central part of the thuggish, cowardly, congressionally enabled attack mechanism on United States citizens. As is the case with synchronized vehicular obstruction of movement and its thuggish counterparts which consist of synchronized vehicular assault, and synchronized vehicular homicide or synchronized vehicular manslaughter, the intentional use of exhaust fumes to cause bodily harm to a targeted individual is a part of the program. A targeted individual might be seated at a bus stop, a seated area in front of a store or restaurant, or anywhere that vehicles have entrance or exit access to, and a thug motorist, having taken cues, signals, and commands from other stalkers who are driving, riding bicycles, walking, jogging, or the like, will situate their vehicle close range and parallel to the targeted individual in such a way so as to point their vehicle’s tailpipe in the targeted person’s general direction so as to blast him with deadly, toxic, and nauseating exhaust fumes.As is the case with synchronized vehicular obstruction of movement, the weaponization of exhaust fumes is a felony assault mechanism, that is, difficult for a targeted individual to prove. This, and other forms of intrusive and thuggish Gangstalking, are, by design, difficult to prove. The use of exhaust fumes, for example, is difficult to prove as a violent crime, because even if the targeted person takes pictures and video of the thuggish offense, it would be difficult to prove in a court of law that the maneuver was meant to intentionally cause bodily injury to the targeted person. A prosecutor would be hard pressed to sustain charges against someone for this act of violent malice because the crime itself is covert in its heinousness. Carbon monoxide is a deadly poison that can kill a person if they are exposed to it for a long enough period of time, be it indoors or outdoors. It takes less of the poison to hospitalize a person than it does to kill a person as is the case with all poisons or poisonous fumes.Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate, military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is war profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country. Gangstalking, like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the military industrial complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the targets.The ultimate goal of gangstalking, the United States Congress’s legislative catastrophe, is to cause the targeted individual to be, injured, maimed, incarcerated or otherwise institutionalized, destitute, isolated, or killed.This merits, protocols, or objectives of this stinking American program were not examined, researched, vetted, or even read. When a “national security concern” arises before the Congress of the United States, they vote in favor of whatever “measures” are proposed; this being in spite of the cost or the damage it does to freedom, democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law, the morale of the citizenry, or its collective concept of common sense.Gangstalking relies on thugs, bandits, criminally insane persons, corporate saboteurs, agent provocateurs, instigators, hostile imitators, haters or insanely jealous persons, martinets, corrupt persons, religious zealots, illegal aliens, hostile political actors, secessionists, illiterates, half minded psychopaths, violent felons, violent criminals, violent gang-members or militia members, and other deleterious, degenerate, violent, hostile, or terroristic American citizens and non-citizens.This country has authorized gangstalking, which is a thug march that uses hastily passed post-9/11/2001 national security legislation as its anchor.This program does nothing but feeds the military industrial complex and the industries that benefit from the harm that is done to the targeted individuals. The Congress, the Supreme Court, the Department of Justice, and the Department of Defense ought to be collectively ashamed for their role in the implementation of this national crime.In the United States’ federally authorized gangstalking protocol, the intentional spreading of disease, biological attacks, and the applied communication of contagious sicknesses abound.The targeted individual is not a recognized United States citizen once he is tapped for a gangstalking campaign. Any report he sends to the Department of Justice (including the FBI or the CIA), the Department of Defense, or any local, state, or federal law enforcement or military organization will be met with a coy impertinence, and will be dismissed as “inconclusive.”I am fully aware that my project exposing gangstalking is being monitored by local, state, and federal law enforcement, semi-law enforcement, and military factions. I suspect that the overwhelming vast majority of them either disagree, disbelieve, or are disillusioned with my assertions, and the United States federal law enforcers that have secretly observed and/or monitored me for a specified period to examine my claims have returned either a “negative” diagnosis of gangstalking or an “inconclusive” one._______________________________________________________________American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid, egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001 “national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-inspired thuggery.The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for useless mind-numbing thuggery.This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international annoyance.The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious, useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”would be telling the truth to the American people for once.

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USA Legislative Incompetence

The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...