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Sunday, January 21, 2024

The United States of America is not a Democracy. The United States of America is not a Constitutional Republic.

The gangstalking mechanism has the capacity to go worldwide. This is not something I want to see. I do not want to see other countries, those which have a genuine sense of pride, commonality, and nationalism unlike the United States, to fall prey to the political, legislative, and socioeconomic mud pit known as gangstalking. It’s easy-to-follow patterns and its “rewards” system for its participants create an incentive for the empty-headed thuggish sociopaths that participate in it. It is easily inserted into multi-thousand paged national security legislation as run-of-the-mill community surveillance, community policing, or community protection protocols. Because the gangstalking program here in America is hidden from the public as a taxpayer funded, federally directed national security procedure, it is difficult to know for certain which Department of Defense or Department of Justice mechanism it has manifested under. I assert that a combination of the above named offices in cooperation with local fusion centers in all fifty states allow for the omnipresence of this inbred, illbred, Constitution-ignoring robbery of the rights and civil liberties of every United States citizen.(Continued) ...at the helm of as many internationally relevant national security enterprises as possible. This being the case for the furtherance of another of the church’s goals, The abolishment of the federally practiced precept of The Separation of Church and State. Among the most staunch advocates of a rewrite of the United States Constitution, are the political elements of the Mormon Church. What it wants is a Constitution that allows for increased gangstalking and similar activities, increased church role in governmental processes including military industrial warmongering, derived and thuggish law and order mechanisms, regulated and monitored segregation, and monitored and federally regulated assassinations, namely of “sinful celebrities” who have become “idols” or United States citizens who “cause people to sin.”The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a presence in 181 countries around the world. I assert that this international presence is not for “teaching the gospel” but by using its vast cash reserves, human capital, asset portfolio, and political presence, to infiltrate, influence, and eventually hijack via stealth legislation (earmarking) every legislative assembly in every country in the world. The only reason for this subversive and eventually murderous political activity is to, by a show of political and economic bravado, sustain the church’s doctrine that it is God’s representative on the earth and that the president of the church is a “living prophet.” That’s it. Latinos play a role in this because Latinos are mentioned in the Book of Mormon as having been visited by Christ after he arose from his crucifixion. This, in the church’s theological doctrine, makes Latinos a special or “peculiar” people before God. The countries that have either limited or disallowed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints into their country, probably for fear of political subversion or socioeconomic trickery, are oftentimes vilified by the American political establishment as “hostile.” Levantine countries such as Syria, Jordan, Iraq, (Egypt,) Lebanon etc..., and other Middle Eastern countries like Iran for example, or Asian countries like North Korea, are often verbally attacked and threatened by warmongering military industrial complex feeding US politicians. The church will say that its “God’s” punishment for not allowing the church to build temples there.The Church would ultimately like to see a worldwide theocracy with its president at the helm. Gangstalking is one vehicle to that theocracy. The church encourages its male members to join the Air Force or any Department of Defense auxiliary, or the FBI or any Department of Justice auxiliary. This dynamic is not a show of patriotism but a way of putting as many Latter-day Saints at the helmThe Corporation Of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has a twofold interest in the Latino demographic. The first interest is theological. The founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smith, a man who was shot dead in prison in 1845 at the age of 44 for vandalizing a printing press, “prophesied” shortly before his murder that the Mormon Church would “spread throughout South America.” Furthermore, the central story in the Book of Mormon, the church’s main holy book, a book that has has so many historical inaccuracies, fairytales, and homegrown erroneous explanations of past events that it baffles the mind, says that Jesus Christ, the biblical philosopher that was whipped and crucified, rose from the dead after three days buried, teleported somewhere, and then went down to Guatemala to preach to the Indians there. That story in itself shows that the church has an interest in Latinos that other Christian churches aside from the Catholics do not have. The Mormon church’s political activities, its role in gangstalking, and even its $100,000,000,000.00 tithing embezzlement scandal all point to the Latinos as the ultimate beneficiary of it. Joseph Smith’s prediction of the Mormons in South America came true, but at a heavy price for democracy.The follow-up message that I was just typing self-deleted so I will retype it. I do not believe for one second that it was an accident. I have had multiple intrusions by gangstalking interest, be they law enforcement or not, into my person al accounts. Not just social media, but my email accounts as well... That is another element of gangstalking that I will address in the future, namely from my own experiences. Around-the-clock electronic monitoring is a part of gangstalking that allows his federally paid “national security keepers” updated on his thoughts, actions, and whereabouts. The apish national security behemoths that we’re hastily and foolishly passed through Congress post 9/11, have erased the civil liberties of every citizen, has voided the Constitution, has put the political mechanism of this country in the hands of the Department of Defense and The Department of Justice, and has unleashed upon society, a thuggish, illbred, hostile, violent form of community control, controlled spreading of disease and sickness (through derived coughing, sneezing, wheezing, grotesque breath-blowing mechanisms and similar) controlled exposure of biohazarous conditions, murder and attempted murder, derived car accidents, rapes, beatings, vandalism and much much more. This is American political thuggery in action.Given that I reside in South Florida, it is only proper that I share my opinion with respect to Latinos who practice gangstalking. Gangstalking is a USA legislative national security and federally driven form of thuggish harassment and disruption, deleterious and degenerate obstructive thuggery, buffoonish and nicompoopish ignorant shows of hostility, and aggravating and annoying acts of illbred buffoonery. The Latinos that participate in this unwavering show of self-loathing tomfoolery are preparing themselves for a national change in the racial landscape in America. By 2050, Latinos are projected to become the majority demographic here in America. This is due mostly to the flood of illegal immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, and Cuba coming into this country undocumented, at-will, and unhindered. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans want to stymie the immigration because every immigrant that comes into this country from South of the border is a potential voter; and the United States political establishment wants those votes. I believed that the Latinos in America were taught the mobilization mechanisms, hand signals, verbal cues, physical gestures, physical movements, applied verbiage, vehicular maneuvers, and other gangstalking communication codes by the United States national security community that is interested in the progress of Latinos here in America. I submit to you that there are two institutions in the United States territorial cataclysm that have extreme interest in the Latino demographic; not because they care, but because they want to exploit the Latino race economically. These two institutions are the Democrat Party, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Democrats want amnesty, and have made it publicly known; that way, they have a solid additional 50,000,000 potential voters every general election cycle. Like Comment Share______________________________________________________________ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b311yUfOLJs&t=2s This link takes you to a Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Hearing Date: Thu, 05/18/2023 - 9:00 AM Location: 2141 Rayburn House Office Building ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gangstalking is a total weaponization of the Federal Government of the United States. It is obvious that not all United States citizens experience gangstalking because the country is not "up in arms." People who experience this thuggish, federally financed, ill-conceived, poorly implemented national security protocol are called targeted individuals. The idiots that participate in this thuggery are called "gangstalkers." Gangstalking is the name given to a military industrial complex product that was earmarked through congress post 9/11 using national security legislation as its vehicle. The earmarking of gangstalking was made possible by congressional representatives who sign off on national security legislation without reading the entirety of the legislation beforehand. The reason that congressional representatives do not read these bills from cover-to-cover is because these bills are anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 pages in length. They simply don't have the time or the willpower to read the bill through. In these lengthy draconian pieces of national security legislation, there are inserts that are not necessarily a part of the main political philosophy of the bill. These inserts are called "earmarks." Earmarks are legalized along with the main portion of the bill even though most United States politicians do not review them. These earmarks could literally be authorizing anything, including crimes like gangstalking and no-one, even the president of the United States, would ever see them. Gangstalking is one of these earmarks having been materialized. Gangstalking is obviously a civilian-based community policing, citizen oriented community policing, deputized U.S. citizen, self-policing neighborhood type of protocol that allows United States citizens to act as their own police units. The result is a bunch of uncouth, knuckleheaded, surly, confused, violent, hostile, petty, loudmouthed, clumsy annoying fools going from place to place looking for people to use their ignorant, useless, thuggish, irritating "domination tactics" on, to see how the person reacts to them. These idiotic, buffoonish, and stooge-like people are mobilized by clandestine federally directed gangstalking units towards various targeted individuals in any given area. The targeted individuals are "pointed at' by these useful dummies so that other gangstalkers will know who to mobilize against. The way the stalker points at you will vary; it isn't always as simple as them pointing their finger at you. Whatever they do is pre-arranged or staged. They could do something like walk near you and intentionally drop coins on the floor in front of you, bend over and pick them up, and that act will "mark" the targeted individual, letting other stalkers know who to mobilize themselves against. They (the stalkers) may engage in a form of street theater, which is a pre-arranged form of attention-craft, in which they do, say, or wear unusually loud or attention-grabbing clothing and act in such a way so as to bring as much attention to themselves as possible. This is often done in front of targeted individuals so as to catch them off guard and to alert other gangstalkers in the area to the targeted individual's immediate location. The United States is not at war with another country right now. There are no third-world countries for it to invade. No false flag operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no more excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries, and most recently the military junta of Afghanistan kicked America out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North Korea, or Russia for fear of getting decimated. The American military industrial complex, that was the financial, economic, and political beneficiary of every American war since the Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it was the root cause of the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various other world-wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in. The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry" which is the capacity for the United States to spend billions of taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the name of "national security." The companies that produce these war machines and sell them to the United States federal government reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock performance. The contracts that these war companies reap are courtesy of the congress, many of whom obviously get kickbacks from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard. Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the world, the military industrial complex is wearing thin. With fewer war machines being sold to the United States federal government for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining and their stock performances are waning. With so many members of congress with personal and political investments in the success of the military industrial complex, "something had to be done." Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared war on its own citizens. Why? Simple. Because it can't declare war anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of money for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in that particular industry. Why lose out on the guaranteed profits of an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year anyhow? Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war (also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again. The war machines needed for gangstalking campaigns against targeted persons who are deemed "undesirable," "subversive," or "violent" by some American federal law enforcement/military industrial database or record-keeping mechanism, namely as a foolhearted pretext to prosecute gangstalking campaigns against them, cost the taxpayers billions of dollars, and generates huge revenues for the war machine makers the same as if the United States decided to find a reason to, and invade a country like Sri Lanka, to stimulate its military industrial complex. Gangstalking is a United States citizen's own personal false flag operation against them. Like the Gulf of Tonkin, which was this country's excuse for invading Vietnam, or "Weapons of Mass Destruction" which was its reason for invading the Persian Gulf, or "The War on Terrorism," its reason for invading Iraq and the Levant, the targeted individual being secretly, clandestinely, covertly, and unconstitutionally labeled a "threat to national security," a "dangerous person" a "lone wolf" "strange" "unusual" "troublesome" "subversive" "unpatriotic" "a hindrance to American progress," "violent or potentially violent," "dead to rights," or maybe no reason is given at all by this government other than this person "needs to be watched, surveilled, and disrupted." These are the pretexts for a gangstalking campaign, a revenue generator for the military industrial complex. ________________________________________________________________\\\\\\\\\\\ { < Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are four countries that the United States has foolishly and with costly futility beat the war drum against for 50 years. The United States has not waged war with any of these countries because it is not sure it will win against them in armed combat. The United States’ military Industrial war monkey only works against countries that it will surely decimate in armed combat. Taxpayer money is used by the federal government to buy its apish war machines, creating exorbitant revenues for the manufacturers of these war machines, and an invasion of the smaller less developed nation ensues under the banners of “regime change,” “the installation of freedom or democracy,” or “national security,.” By contrast, targeted individuals are an "easy" target for the United States' multi-trillion-dollar military industrial war chimp, because the many billions of war-machines that it takes to surveil, track, and disrupt the daily movements and biorhythm of the targeted individuals is done in a clandestine, behind-the-scenes, and invisible fashion. Targeted individuals are typically not trained in military combat, war strategy, hand-to-hand combat, advanced self-defense tactics, or the like. The treasonous, traitorous, unconstitutional, politically bumpy, covert frontal lobotomy that are given to targeted individuals that cannot withstand this state-sanctioned assault on them, is nothing but military industrial politically inept, constitutionally illiterate cowardice. There are deceased Australopithecus' that have more common sense than to allow such an misanthropic congressional misadventure. Freedom, democracy, and national security are nonexistent here in the United States of America. In its thuggish gangstalking campaigns against its own citizens, thuggish, inbred, aloof, dull, dummies are mobilized in units against the targeted person with no mission outside the annoyance, harm, or instigation of verbal or physical contact with the target. The United States federal government foolishly continues in spite of this to call itself a democracy and a constitutional republic. It needs to declare itself a fascist state and be honest with its citizens. The “national security” state that America is now, allows for state-enabled thuggery at a cost of $32T for the taxpayer. /> } A person does not need a criminal record to become a targeted individual. They do not need terrorist affiliations, to be found to have been planning domestic terrorist attacks, under criminal investigation, or have any derogatory civil or legal records indexed to their name at all. Gangstalking, being the clandestine, piggish, military industrial/constitution destroyer that it is, can be implemented or attached to anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any reason. The person is never notified, there are no legal proceedings, no official government communications to that person, nor are there any opportunities to fight the implementation, hire an attorney, or otherwise such legal or political assistance to rid yourself of the illbred, poorly conceived, knuckle headed, pig protocol. Gangstalking is an American failure, a political failure, an anthropological failure, a failure of government, a failure of leadership, a failure of the use of databases and indexes, a failure of tax revenue appropriation, a military industrial complex failure, a civil rights failure, a human rights failure, a failure of democracy, a failure of the rule of law, a failure of allotment of civil liberties, a failure of constitutional republicanism, and a failure to uphold one’s inalienable rights. The United States of America is a failure as well. It is a failure in each of the above named categories. It’s politicians are failures, as is it national security mechanism. Gangstalking itself is a national security disaster. This fact is ironic because it was birthed by stealth through post 9/11/2001 national security legislation. The taxpayers pay for it. The targeted individuals endure it. Congress ignores it. Ultimately it is an act of treason on the part of its crafters, an act of political ineptitude on the part of the United States politicians who enabled it, and an act of pure thuggery by those who participate in it. Orchestrated catastrophes have been carried out by governments over the past 100 years. These events involve treasonous political actors conspiring with private sector third parties to collaborate on a bloody, terrorist, or economic disaster, one which will require major changes such as tax increases, the shelling out of government contracts, immediate war, constitutional amendments, or regime change to remedy. The conspirators of such a heinous crime against humanity will act as if the disaster occurred because of a disadvantageous political climate, or “bear” economic conditions, all the while having been plotted, financed and implemented by these same actors. Gangstalking is an orchestrated catastrophe; it was earmarked through post September 11, 2001 congressional legislation by power-grabbing, freedom hating, megalomaniacal traitors. It isn’t enough that these same treasonous persons, through treasonous and criminally negligent waste, have helped guide America into a $32,000,000,000,000.00 monetary prison, namely through wasteful, silly, stealthily crafted legislative inserts that do absolutely nothing for the American populace but raise their taxes, drive up interest rates, cause inflation, increase sociological and political anxiety, and make millionaires out of politically connected people who aren’t fit to manage a small business even. Orchestrated catastrophes are called false flag operations or black flag operations and have contributed to major political changes in many countries including the United States. These catastrophes feed the military industrial complex, requiring the United States to take out billions in new loans from the Federal Reserve System to purchase new war machines for the offensive new war venture. Gangstalking is just that, a war venture. Orchestrated catastrophes in the life of the targeted individual are cause by deputized and mobilized gangstalkers that have assimilated into a thuggish, murderous, government. The United States Constitution, despite efforts by politically hostile American oligarchs to eradicate it, has certain value to the present day. No changes or fool hearted “updates” to it are necessary. The constitution lays out a blueprint, mechanical design, overarching structure, and political ideology concerning what a democratically sound government should look like. There are a number of warnings in the constitution should foolish, self-serving, politically inept, or poorly readied politicians should try to adopt ill bred or criminally incompetent dictates in its stead. One of these warnings comes in the Second Amendment to the Constitution which asserts that the general populace of the United States should be legally and lawfully able to purchase and keep firearms; not only for the defense of their home or for hunting, to to protect themselves from a tyrannical or foolish governmental unit. This shows that the framers of the constitution anticipated and acknowledged that the United States federal government, as is the case with any government, could become corrupted...even violently corrupt; so corrupt in fact that the citizenry would need ballistic weapons to protect itself from it. With the violence, burglaries, rapes, vandalisms, and other such thuggery present in gangstalking, the inept national security and domestic terrorism perpetration, its blatant attack mechanism on unsuspecting United States citizens, and its clandestine hostility and thuggish zealousness to inflict harm on the target, the second amendment’s self-defense from government idea present in the constitution seems more feasible than ever. There are no doubt federally authorized instigating weasels trying to disrupt my social media presence behind-the-scenes. Facebook / Meta Enterprises have been outstanding at affording its users their constitutional right to free speech. The United States federal government would like to allow the stealth regulation of free speech via the earmark mechanism. Do I believe that the military industrial mechanism has found ways to permeate the legislative process in America? Yes. Do I believe that it would do anything including staging or allowing social catastrophes in order to further its agenda and secure more government contracts to “fight the evil?” Yes. Do I believe that the congress of the United States of America is too weak, incompetent and politically inept to do anything about it? Yes. Gangstalking is but a piece of the puzzle to the military industrial disaster that has rendered this country a laughing joke and a shell of its former self. Unnecessary military intervention in world affairs and conflicts coupled with ensuing “national security” legislation to make America “safer” and more “secure” are tantamount to high treason. The United States’ deleterious effect on other nations through invasions, military base building, and legislative intrigue are high crimes that are beneath the dignity of an incorporated nation. The alleged aims of post 09/11/2001 national security measures as implemented by the United States Congress are frivolous and untrustworthy. The measures by-and-large do not make America safer and they do not make the world safer. By contrast, they make this country and every country more dangerous as they clandestinely criminalize, prosecute, persecute, attack, and marginalize their own citizens. Citizen’s rights no longer exist here in America. Furthermore the military industrial complex is the standard by which all American laws are passed. The one and only question that is asked by congress before passing a bill is, “is the military industrial complex helped by this?” The United States Constitution has been tendered a mere piece of tattered paper by the American legislature. The Bill of Rights have been vanquished, and the state constitutions of every state in the union have been effectively revoked and unrecognized. Apologists for the revolution of citizens rights in favor of illegal and destructive national security laws will say that “loose” interpretation of the constitution will make for legislation that will seem to contradict it, or that revisions to the United States Constitution should be made to accommodate “today’s changing world.” To that I say “hogwash.” Citizen’ rights are rooted in the constitutional concept of “ inalienable rights,” those rights that are intrinsic to being a human being born into this world. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are among this inalienable rights and are central tenets of the U.S. Constitution. Instead we have gangstalking, a military industrial war method that has been waged on the general public. There are no legal justifications for this violently conceived piece of ignorant legislation. The United Nations should declare the United States of America a failed state and subpoena its elected leaders to explain themselves before an international tribunal. The United States federal government, its departments, its Supreme Court, the economic wing of this country, its Department of Defense and its Department of justice are political failures. These departments, of which several trillions of taxpayer dollars are extracted from them to uphold have been reduced to military industrial strongholds. The United States no longer has credibility as a world power, a peacekeeper, or as a sovereign entity. This country has legalized a covert, military industrial thuggery protocol known as gangstalking. This thuggish leviathan is a legislative nightmare; its auspices of national security are fraudulent; its operations resemble that of a mobile gulag. The United States is not a democratic country, it is not a constitutional republic. This country is a banana republic that has taxed its citizens to the maximum in order to pay its $32,000,000,000,000.00 war adventure, infrastructure, and human experimentation bill. God, Satan, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Peter, Paul, Mary, Joseph, or the Gingerbread Man have nothing at all to do with gangstalking, its targets, or its perpetrators. Gangstalking is not divine retribution against a targeted individual. Anyone that would assert that is a fool. As a matter of fact, the United States federal government’s lack of stewardship as a keeper of the United States Constitution’s ideals have allowed religious elements to wield otherworldly power in the country’s legislative and judicial processes. For example, the slogan “In God We Trust” is printed on American money which is an egregiously violent defilement of the constitutional precept of [ The Separation of Church and State ]. “Under God” is in the pledge of allegiance, another debacle concerning the separation of church and state. Many U.S. politicians declare America a “Christian Nation” a dangerous and uncouth assertion given the secular nature of the founding political/governmental/constitutional documents of this country. Surely at some point, and indeed it is already present in gangstalking’s “ street theater “ mechanism, Christian, biblical, divinity, karma, and other such concepts will be zealously launched into the gangstalking conversation by those who wish to justify America’s clandestine war against select citizens. Quite frankly, the more religion, divine right, God’s will, “evidence of the second coming of Jesus Christ,” and other such drivel are introduced into the gangstalking equation, the more foolish America will look as a country and a sovereign entity. Gangstalking is a political problem, an American structural deficiency problem, and a legislative human rights debacle. Targeted Individuals are United States citizens that are dead to rights. Their constitutional rights were formally erased behind closed doors via post 09/11/2001 national security earmarks. The United States of America has forfeited its designation as a democracy and as a constitutional republic having betrayed those governmental ideals in favor of the military industrial complex and the squandering of taxpayer money that it takes to make the United States a legislative pariah. Gangstalking is the manifestation of the slow and steady hijacking of the United States legislative mechanism over the past twenty years. This country, it’s treasury, its legislative mechanism, its political ideals (or lack thereof,) its puppet Supreme Court and indeed the very lives of its populace have been willfully handed over to the warmongering, apeish, hostile, anthropologically illiterate, sneaky, spiteful, criminally ignorant, and perpetually unnerving military industrial complex, the war simian that has soaked up $32T over the past twenty years in order to “keep law and order” “secure the Homeland” and “fight terrorism.” The United States Department of Defense and the United Statesman Department of Justice are the primary beneficiaries of the military industrial financial war animal. There are no wars to fight around the globe right now, so in order to keep the behemoth military industrial machine collecting contracts, revenues, and stock price increases, the congress of the United States has authorized gangstalking, a covert, costly, Weasley, and oafish, attack mechanism against the very populace of the United States. The bureaucratic nature of gangstalking is equally as treacherous as the program itself. Congress, the American media, and its mass communication mechanism have been shamelessly and timidly quiet about gangstalking, its aims, and its cost. By now, given gangstalking’s more prevalent role in daily American life, the United States’ “intelligence” community has likely engaged in defective, lackluster, and deleterious investigations into the program, “concluding” either that it doesn’t exist, or that its existence cannot be “confirmed or denied,” both of which are cover-up mechanisms typically brought by guilty parties who do not want to be exposed for their criminally degenerative incompetence. The blame for gangstalking’s existence and the damaging effect it has had on the United States governmental mechanism and on its people rests on Congress, its military industrial obsession, and its criminally negligent money-grubbing cronyism. The stalkers themselves are useful idiots who “work for free” and will do anything they are told. Gangstalking is military-grade, federally mandated, trillion dollar street thuggery that was blasted through American legislative bills through stealth, trickery, and deceit (earmarks). It’s thuggish and incompetent aims of population control, exterminationism, behavior modification, social engineering, and brainwashing are laughable at best, and at worst, treasonous. There are religious elements to the implementation of this congressionally inept social control system. Christian churches, namely those involved in political endeavors in particular, are strategically enlisted as the “useful idiots” that gangstalking’s military industrial hijacking of Congress needs in order to continuing to rape the United States’ treasury in order to buy more war machines for this clandestine project. From the pulpit many pastors and politically involved church “leaders” will spew narratives that weaken their respective congregations resistance to the ongoing flushing of American culture and society down a military industrial grade toilet. The United States federal government is nothing more than a ($32,000,000,000,000.01) war gorilla who has by stealth, negligence, sleight-of-hand, and abuse of its intelligence, military, law enforcement, and banking mechanisms has legalized murder, attempted murder, robbery, attempted robbery, felony assault, computer hacking, (I am likely being electronically surveilled by a federally financed spying orangutan as we speak) and every other degenerate act that there is has been enabled by Congress through the national security earmark mechanism. What I have to do the United States Congress is this, if I am an undesirable, if I am no longer welcomed in this country, if the United States Constitution does not apply to me, have the courage to look me in my face and say it plainly. Putting me in a gangstalking campaign to illustrate that my citizenship in this country is worthless makes you look bad. By utilizing military-grade industrial tracking products, personnel mobilization, and military style war stratagem, the United States federal government can continue funding its military industrial war-machine through gangstalking, a stealth war that is an undeclared post 9-11-2001 act of domestic terrorism against the targeted persons. Gangstalking is not a joke, it is not a gimmick, it is not a game-show in which an audience observes and enjoys; rather it is a federally funded destruction mechanism in which the physical, social, and economic implosion of the target is the main goal. This federally enabled program, one that was authorized by Congress in panic-stricken and negligently hasty national security legislative votes, has authorized open air terrorist thuggery against unsuspecting United States citizens. The United States, at $32T in debt, while going deeper into debt, by financing programs like gangstalking, while simultaneously denying its existence, and what’s more, sending remote-controlled cars to Mars (presumably to try and find aliens there) and sending satellites into orbit (to try and find extraterrestrials or some other being) is nothing more than a multi-trillion-dollar war baboon and a multi-billion-dollar space-flight chimpanzee that irresponsibly and foolishly peddles forward while its entire governmental and societal mechanism suffers and crumbles. ] In the early twentieth-century, in the United States, there existed a mechanism called “Kangaroo Courts.” In these Kangaroo Courts, a defendant, usually a political scapegoat, who was typically innocent of the crime(s) brought against him, would be tried in a staged judicial proceeding where the outcome of the defendant’s guilt was predetermined. When the guilty verdict was handed down and the defendant sentenced, the next Kangaroo Court proceeding would commence with a new pre-condemned defendant. Gangstalking has ideological roots in these old Kangaroo Court systems. The targeted individual is indicted, tried, found guilty, and sentenced to a lifelong federally funded militarily aided gangstalking campaign in which those shameless and inbred hidden faces who condemn the target are the judge, jury, and “executioner.” In the digital age we live in, communication with a person or persons is easier and more manageable than ever before. The sole reason that a United States citizen would be placed in a gangstalking campaign without their knowledge is because of pure unadulterated cowardice on the side of the jailer. Gangstalking is murderous in its philosophy; its prime objective is to, through hidden methods of covert thuggery, cause the targeted person’s death in a way that absolves the collective murdering unit of any wrongdoing. The United States federal governmental entity has given up on good governance, constitutionality, and the rule of law. This country is for sale, it has effectively and willfully gone into $32T in debt to its own Federal Reserve System to fund its ill bred military industrial complex (its war profiteering module) and NASA, its extraterrestrial location service, to the detriment of its people and the American societal mechanism. Gangstalking is here to line the military industrial complex’s coffers with silver and gold, the same silver and gold that comes out of the American taxpayer’s weekly paychecks In the course of human events, humankind has seen numerous empires become corrupted and fall. These empires typically fell to neighboring empires who were better suited to build civilizations that would stand the test of time. In these times, countries stand and fall due to economic misgivings, misadventures in criminally insane or deleterious disruptive or obstructive espionage and human rights abuses (as is the case with gangstalking), government financed hate crimes or federally moderated discrimination against targeted individuals, governmentally directed harassment, intimidation, or violent behavior against a target, all-the-while denying the people the dignity of an admission, apology, and monetary compensation for its politically negligent authorization of open-air, thuggish, poorly conceived, maniacally executed physiological, psychological, and holistic torture against the targeted people. At -$32,000,000,000,000.00 in value the United States federal government will have to “grow up” and realize quickly that in order to run a country, their must be accountability. If it does not, humanity will gaze upon the failed nation with fascination and wonderment. This governmental responsibility that America sorely lacks, is further sorely diminished when those managing federal budgets, federal departments, and federal programs fail to understand that open-air thuggery, like the kind present in gangstalking, will eventually cause the kinds of governmental, military, and societal collapses that will cause America to become a mere client state, or what’s more, not exist at all as a sovereign entity like the failed empires of old. The United States federal government has waged an undeclared war on its population. This war was waged by and through the federal legislature by clandestine third parties who both facilitated, and via political cronyism, crammed earmarks through congressional national security and infrastructure legislation that no one ever saw. This war, called gangstalking, is waged via staged or derived car accidents, the mobilization of thuggish, mindless, and buffoonish gangstalkers to a targeted individual’s immediate location, false police reports against a targeted person, breaking-and-entering into their home, workplace mobbing, hospital misdiagnoses and illiterate health care, the attempted murder mechanism, triangulation, food contamination, biological warfare, chemical warfare and other such thuggery. The United States of America is not a pristine, virtuous, or fortuitous nation as it representatives claim and as its citizens believe; rather is is a $32,575,867,400,007.78 war ape that has, through political ineptitude and negligence, legalized a thuggish, hate-filled, hostile, annoying, violent, brutish, ill-conceived, obstructive, and destructive military industrial maneuver (gangstalking) which is rooted in the war profiteering mechanism, personalized black flag operations, criminal negligence, human rights violations, and America’s own brand of covert domestic terrorism. The multitudes of USA citizens affected by the federal government’s hypocritical pandering, its perpetual injustice, and its war on its citizens will agree that gangstalking is a living manifestation of the value this country places on its military industrial complex, mass incarceration mechanism (gangstalking is a form of extrajudicial incarceration), and thuggish political incompetence the like of which the world has never seen. The United States of America is not a meritocracy. Its “shining city on a hill” narrative is sketchy at best. It’s entire governmental structure is and has been a mere auxiliary to its military industrial complex, which for all intents and purposes is rooted in war profiteering, typically against countries like Korea, Iraq, Vietnam etc... that had little to no chance to withstand the American war machine. Most recently, this military industrial complex has turned its ugly head towards “undesirable” United States citizens like myself, who have, for decades hat to fight the gangstalking mechanism, an American catastrophic political event; fueled by national security earmarks and legislative stealth, that had all the integrity of a mobile Gulag. The United States of America’s ignoble and catastrophically inept congress is stuffed with individuals that I suspect cheated their way through college, law school, MBA programs, police academy, and possibly had family members bribe admissions boards to let them into the college or university of their choice. These same politicians as a result, lack critical thinking skills, academic merit, and knowledge of law, order, and constitutionality. The “representatives of the people care about two things in this world, their next photo opportunity and their next nose job. This is evidenced by the nonexistent shock and regret that they should have considering their ineptitude in legalizing, enabling, implementing, financing, and furthering the national security disaster and human rights conundrum known as gang-stalking or covert war. 1 share Like Comment Share ////////////_______________________________________ Concerning my suspicions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in clandestine, disruptive, unconstitutional, military industrial complex driven gangstalking campaigns: The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actively monitors my social media project. This is something that I know for a fact. The reason(s) is that I am a former member of the church 2015-17, and having formally resigned from the church, in spite of its warnings of me being labeled an apostate, I have, as a result, incurred the church's wrath, hostility, and suspicion. I suspect that elements of Brigham Young University's IT community are monitoring my project in conjunction with the church's law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement community in Salt Lake City, Utah and elsewhere. This being done to see if I am saying anything "bad" about the church, which I am, to see if they should ban me from the church (excommunication) which is a semi-legal slap-in-the-face they like to give people who tender their resignation from the church and then later say or write bad things about it (the church of jesus-christ of latter-day saints) on the internet. They may even excommunicate me (something that I welcome) from ever returning to the church for my assertion that the political and economic divisions of the church have participated in the enabling of gangstalking for the church's benefit. More on this later. I speak about a highly consequential political, socioeconomic, and anthropological governmental misgiving (gangstalking) that the heads of the church, who are sustained by the general congregation as "prophets, seers, and revelators," never predicted, never disclosed, never received "promptings from the Holy Spirit" about, never advocated against, and probably are in favor of, because it scares the general public into a "herd mentality" which the church could easily take advantage of and exploit to their benefit as "benevolent prophets of God" who could put a positive or "Holy" spin on the matter while generating increased tithing donations. ( I should add as well that the heads of the church never anticipated or foresaw the advent of COVID-19 either. ) I assert that the church has wanted since the 1800's to find a way to hijack the United States federal legislature to its own benefit; namely to prove to its members that the heads of the church are "real" prophets, that the church is "above" the United States federal government, and that the "real" God is aiding the church's progress. In the 1800's the church was repeatedly punished for violating United States federal laws concerning, mass murder, assassinations and assassination attempts, practicing polygamy, and the non-payment of taxes. Despite having an instrumental role in the founding of the state of Utah, the church has had repeated run-ins with the US federal government, even prompting the United States at one point in the late 1800s to send troops into Utah to investigate the church's activities. Eventually the United States Supreme Court disincorporated the church, dissolving its status as an incorporated entity. A reliable, vetted, and fact-checked Wikipedia article on the church reads " The Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. United States, 136 U.S. 1 (1890), was a Supreme Court case that upheld the Edmunds–Tucker Act on May 19, 1890. Among other things, the act disincorporated the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. " The church was once again punished by the United States federal government in the 1970s in response to a law that the church held banning black men from holding its lay-priesthood. This is significant because every male church member twelve years of age or older holds this priesthood so long as they don't abuse substances etc... The federal government of the United States threatened to revoke the church's tax-exempt status if it did not remove the priesthood ban. This economic threat caused the president of the church to have a "revelation" from God revealing that "black men can now hold our priesthood." This was obviously an embarrassing scenario for the church as the federal government (namely the IRS) "forced a revelation out of the Mormon "prophet." Because of its public legal wars with the United States federal government, ones of which they always lost, the church's heads, namely those who are deeply embedded in the Department of Justice, national politics, and the Department of Defense, have been looking for political recourse. Excommunication is the church's thuggish, violent, pandering psychological attack against the former members of the church who say negative things publicly, write negatively, or otherwise communicate negative things about the church's doctrine (or maybe anything negative about the church period;) after they resign from it. That's it; that's all I know about the Mormon Church's excommunication policy. If the church were to scrape together a reason to excommunicate me for what I am saying about it with respect to gangstalking, fiat; I couldn't care any less. I believe that the church has a heavy political hand in the causation of gangstalking protocols because of the following reasons. For one, every targeted individual at some point in time gets approached by Latter-day Saint missionaries. This is done to make it appear as if "God" has sent the targeted person an "olive branch" in the form of the Mormon church, one that will give the targeted person relief. I assert that the church's knowledge and participation in the street theater mechanism, as well as a deep rooted presence in the United States military and the Department of Justice coupled with almost unlimited financial resources and deep connections in the U.S. congress, are the means by which they are able to locate targeted people for baptism into the church. Yes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, particularly in its political capacity engages in, and practices gangstalking through its missionary program. The missionaries that I was approached by initially back in 2014, told me that they were not scheduled to be in my particular neighborhood and were technically off for the day and supposed to be headed back to the church for further instructions and missionary duties. I felt a connection to their cause and purpose and joined the church on 04/18/2015 in hopes of escaping the community harassment protocol that I now know to be gangstalking, but it was something that I did not know anything about back then. Since 2008, the church has cast its high political hopes in two-time failed presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. Mitt lost the republican presidential nomination to Senator John McCain in 2008 and lost the general presidential election to incumbent president, Barack Obama in 2012. I imagine that these were embarrassing political losses for Mitt; losing to a much older candidate in 2008 and a black sitting president in 2012. I was first approached by Mormon missionaries in 2013 in Cleveland Heights Ohio's Horseshoe Lake, but declined only to be approached by new missionaries in 2014, in my Dayton, Ohio neighborhood and was later made a member. I have noted that the political ambitions of the church circa mid-2000s/early 2010s had peaked by the time I was approached by the missionaries. The church benefits from gangstalking in the following ways: • It can train the missionaries in street theater/gangstalking location maneuvers to find targeted individuals, who weary from their gangstalking campaign would join the church. The church adds a new tithe payer. • It can, through various military industrial thuggish disruption protocols, orchestrate disasters in the lives of famous, rich, or renowned non-Mormons and later remark to its members that it was “the hand of God” that did that because that person was a sinner and an “idol,” (a celebrity). Thereby increasing the members’ faith in the church’s teachings as well as securing more tithing donations from the members who saw in person “the work of a living God.” • It can influence, through its vast gansgtalking-political, military, and law enforcement connections, disasters in the lives of disobedient members to “illustrate” to the obedient ones that “God” punishes disobedient Mormons. Thereby deceiving the more gullible members into think that God acted against the disobedient member “in real life.” • It can orchestrate disasters in the lives of non-Mormons who “wrong,” “disrespect,” or do “harm” to obedient Mormons to “illustrate” that the living and “great” God actively punishes people who try to harm “his children.” Thereby deceiving the more gullible members into think that God acted on their behalf “in real life.” • All of these scenarios are ones that I suspect the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to participate in at the upper-levels, or the politically active levels of the church. _______________________________________ ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________

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USA Legislative Incompetence

The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...