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Friday, April 5, 2024

Aggregate Gangstalking Posts for 06/27/2023 to 07/04/2023

Gawkers, Stalker's, and likeminded idiots might speculate as to why a targeted individual like myself harnesses the power of the world-wide-web to communicate ideas about gangstalking. The answer is simple. Gangstalking campaigns are staged to be 24/7 disruption spectacles that are to endure for the duration of the targeted individual's life. After the targeted individual dies, his corpse is defiled by federally directed, corrupt, weaselly county coroners. The coroner can be bribed by thuggish government affiliated third parties to inject the target's dead body with drugs such as fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, crystal meth etc..., in order to give off the impression to the toxicologists that the targeted individual was a "dope-head," or other undesirable. "Drugs in the system" will go on the dead person's death certificate and the deceased's name is forever smudged. Targeted individual's organs can and are removed from their dead body by corrupt coroners or funeral parlor directors and sold on the black market. County Coroners Offices, and funeral parlors have, for years, gone into business with the black market and found ways to extract a deceased person's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, brain, genitals, limbs, etc... and sell them at retail value to organ harvesters who themselves sell them to street doctors/physicians, "human trophy" collectors, occult ritualists, rich cannibals, and other interested third parties who wish to purchase a dead person's limbs or organs. To take a dead targeted individual's body, and further insult the deceased by incorporating black-market activity to the deceased's legacy, is American federal thuggery at its best. Things things happen to a targeted individual whether they like it or not. I have been a targeted individual for 22 years. I came to the realization just seven years ago, after sixteen years of the disruption, destruction, slander, sabotage, violence, hostility, and obstruction that a targeted individual faces. Whether or not I post my experiences and assertions about gangstalking on the internet my gangstalking campaign will continue. The Congress of the United States is too cowardly, lazy, inept, self-absorbed, and apathetic to do anything about it. Earmarks and the military industrial complex are legal and the line-item-veto is illegal. That fact in itself shows the incompetency and hopeless corruption of the United States governmental mechanism. Posting these ideas online allows the world-at-large to see, that derived, federally enabled thuggery exists here in the United States, and that the United States' legislative, legal, and congressional, buffooneries have not gone unnoticed. America is $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own Federal Reserve System. This debt has come from wasteful, deleterious, criminally insane and criminally negligent, civil rights legislative nightmares like gangstalking, degenerately executed war adventures, and unnecessary, economy destroying, bravado-filled world-wide military expenditures.     { Gangstalkers are set up by federally regulated perpetrators to take credit for a targeted individual's work or enterprise as well. When a targeted individual is somewhere typing for example, a gangstalker will typically stroll past within the hour and sit somewhere in the general vicinity of the targeted individual with a computer of his own, gesturing and looking suspiciously at the targeted individual, almost as if to give off the impression to other stalkers nearby, that he is giving the targeted individual ideas or direction in his endeavor. Gangstalkers, the federally funded group of useful idiots, oftentimes hack targeted individual's' computers and steal files from them, so as to commit intellectual property theft against them, so as to steal their original ideas and sabotage their endeavor or otherwise discredit it. } { This is an excerpt of the American Constitution, a document that has been voided and nullified by the Congress of the United States of America by signing off on poorly conceived, earmark laden, and hastily passed national security legislation post 9/11/01. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. Section. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law. Section. 4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. Section. 5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. }   False Associations in Gangstalking : Part of what drives gangstalking, the mobile, taxpayer resourced, infinitely financed, community harassment and workplace mobbing mechanism, is creating the illusion, at least to the daily observers of the targeted individual, that the targeted individual is "friends with," "has business with," "knows or is friendly with," "takes direction from," "answers to," is "subordinate to," or is otherwise "in cahoots with" the gangstalkers that are containing, obstructing, or disrupting him. Gangstalking being a federally funded, congressionally authorized military industrial tax rip-off, the open-air obstruction, instigation, harassment, and provocation mechanisms embedded in the program need to be hidden, so that its human rights trampling, constitution trampling, civil liberties trampling protocols are unrecognizable by the standers-by who may not be on their gangstalking "assignment" as of yet. Gangstalkers, in addition to being dull, simpleminded surly thuggish derelicts, are entitled, weasley, easily scared, and prone to blind obedience and complacency to societal norms, no matter the ignorance of them. The federally directed part of a gangstalking campaign, the administrative side of it, the part that is carried out and mobilized by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, and Private Security or Private Investigatory Firms, doesn't want the people participating in gangstalking to feel "bad," or "unsatisfied" about their disruptive activity. The federally directed harassment elements of gangstalking become apparent to stalker at some point in their use of the signals, verbal cues, vehicular cues, gross physical gesturing, and other tomfoolery, and the principal directors of gangstalking campaigns go through great lengths, using gangstalking's human capital, to make it appear as if the targeted individual is not really a "target" at all, but rather someone who is in league with the gangstalking, is ok with, it, welcomes it, approves of it, and has "business" with the people stalking him. This weaselly mechanism is accomplished by mobilizing the more "outgoing" gangstalkers to the targeted individual's general vicinity: —Afterwards, the stalker will try to publicly and visibly initiate a conversation of some kind with the targeted individual and making a show of it complete with their hands flinging about, loud laughter (even though no jokes are told), pointing in this direction or that etc..., Some of the stalkers may try to start a nondescript, made-up-on-the-spot, useless or timewasting conversation with the target, and give the targeted individual an order or make the target go out of their way to accommodate the stalker. This domination tactic is designed to make it seem as if the target "answers to the stalker," or that the stalker is in authority over the target. These scenarios require the most vigilance on the part of the targeted individual because if there are other stalkers watching, and the targeted individual is not bold in this encounter, then the targeted individual could encounter similar scenarios from other stalkers who may start making demands. The goal for the target is to be ever observant and to remain independent and surefooted. Gangstalking is a federally funded "rigged game." The stalkers have every advantage going for them, personnel, the federal government's money, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Justice, the have equipment and technology, federal directives, access to drivers who drive 3 ton vehicle towards a target or to obstruct him in a synchronized fashion, pedestrians, etc... all a target has is his own wit, courage, and physical strength. The federally funded rigged game is treasonous.   Street warfare, institutional warfare, psychological warfare, legal warfare, and triangulation are all federally enabled military industrial covert war tactics that are leveled against targeted individuals in the United States of America. The congress of the United States has unleashed upon society, a hastily passed, poorly conceived, incompetently implemented, and earmark laden post 9/11/2001 national security measure that has revoked, cancelled and negated the United States Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and every constitutional precept and mandate as outlined in the State Constitutions of all fifty states,”. The measure I speak of is the thuggish community harassment protocol which is powered by inbred derelicts. The measure is called gangstalking.   Because the intrinsic cowardice of the United States governmental mechanism disallows it, gangstalking has not been federally recognized as a program, an entity, an enterprise, a military industrial construct, a taxpayer burden, or as anything at all. This is by design as the Congress of the United States nor any American federal entity has to take responsibility for it or any of the damage that it causes people or enterprises. They will quickly label the damage caused by gangstalking as “misfortune” or “tragedy” or quickly and seamlessly (using politically appointed spin doctors) say it was the result of this error or that error on the part of the targeted person. At the end of the day this ( gangstalking ) will go down in history as a knuckle-headed, taxpayer revenue generating robbery of the American taxpayer and a blank check to the military industrial complex to conduct covert wars upon unsuspecting, unprepared, and under-resourced American taxpayers who are attempting to attain their constitutional right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, three concepts that a both foreign and meaningless to American politicians and their political cronies.   One of the things that makes federally funded military industrial gangstalking such a deadly enemy is that you can not immediately prove the activity to anyone. The reasons are many and multi-faceted. This mechanism is part of the cowardly, snakeish, weasly, covert, hidden, and the behind-the-scenes thuggery that takes place in an American gangstalking campaign. It would literally be impossible for any one targeted person to surveil themselves 24 hours a day. That is too taxing a mission for a person who has obligations throughout the day. Even if a targeted individual were homeless and/or had no job, no money, no car, and no obligations at all, videotaping yourself 24 hours a day would be an enormous task. Furthermore, the United States of America's bureaucratic dump of a political system is rigged against the targeted individual. A targeted person cannot reasonably go to anyone in law enforcement, the military, or in politics about what they are experiencing because the above named options are all pre-programmed to say they didn't see anything or that the targeted individual is wrong or mistaken. One of the institutionalization mechanisms that befall many targeted individuals is the tampered-with psychiatrist mechanism. Targeted individuals get erroneously diagnosed with mental diseases that they don't have because they speak about their experiences to dishonest or otherwise unprofessional or criminally tampered-with psychiatric doctors. The other institutionalization mechanism being the targeted individual is provoked in such a way, over such a long period of time to where he lashes out at someone, and gets arrested by a tempered-with police officer. One that may physically harm him, saying he "resisted" or something similar. The goal of a gangstalking campaign is not to help, assist, or otherwise aid the targeted person. The goal is to kill the targeted person, cause his death, cause him to kill himself, kill someone else, or otherwise cause another person death. That is considered a successful gangstalking campaign. My gangstalkers failed miserably with me in that regard.   Like Comment Share   There exists a federally funded, military directed, DOJ affiliated thuggish, inbred, can-kicking attempt at irony against a targeted individual in an American gangstalking campaign. For example, I regularly post about my own experiences with gangstalking on social media and blogs that I manage. One of the things I say is that gangstalkers take verbal cues, gestural cues, vehicular cues and other cues as "directional signs" towards a targeted individual's exact location. The thuggish, taxpayer-paid, federally employed, cockroach federally employee gangstalking directors just tried to pull a fast on me and make it appear, (even if to these above named clowns as an inside joke) as if I myself, as a targeted individuals takes slovenly, uncouth, mealy-mouth, almost abusive, cowardly, can-kicking verbal cues from my gangstalkers. This post will serve as an example as to how intricate, intrusive, and schlocky this can-kicking United States government attempt at national security that gangstalking is. I chose to go to Publix (10201 HAMMOCKS BLVD STE 111 MIAMI FL 33196-3780 ) today, having premade a list on Microsoft Word of things to buy. The stalkers intercepted the list electronically so they would know what aisles to obstruct me in. There was no "hot food" on the list of things to buy. So how would these American military semi-law-enforcer wannabe national security stewards use this as an opportunity to raise their morale and make me look bad to surrounding stalkers who were basically gawking at me the whole time? They made it look as if I take cues from Latinos who use the word "Nigger." I don't know how it is in other parts of the country or in the world, but in South Florida, Latinos use that word so much that they probably dream about the word in their sleep at night. Anyhow as I was approaching the deli at the Publix located at 10201 HAMMOCKS BLVD STE 111 MIAMI FL 33196-3780, I observed two managers near the hot food area, a Latino male and a Latino female. The two Latinos were talking to each other. I picked up the "cold" deli items that I was set to buy and as I walked around the icebox towards were the two Latino managers were to get to the next aisle the male Latino manager mumbled the word "Nigger" as the managers at Publix at 10201 HAMMOCKS BLVD STE 111 MIAMI FL 33196-3780 so often do. I was already turning the corner but it made the pre-briefed Latino shoppers who were doing their daily (or weekly) gangstalking assignments think that the word "Nigger" was my "cue" to turn the corner and not buy hot food. Gangstalking has intricacies that someone like me who has been in a gangstalking campaign for 22 years will notice, but that someone who doesn't know much about gangstalking will "scratch their poor little head at." One of these intricacies is prediction. Gangstalking is a federally mandated program, its "officers" can follow a targeted person as far as a certain point then other stalkers will take over from there; jurisdiction if you will. The target is constantly being "handed" off location-wise from stalker to stalker. My stalkers today knew ahead of time what I was buying and tried to make it look as if I answer and respond to, even obey, these dumb Latino verbal gangstalking cues. These foolish "inside joke" games that are played against targeted individuals take place all the time, mostly behind the target's back, and always to his immediate detriment as the stalkers around him become emboldened by the predicted spectacle. And ultimately they (the stalkers) every so often will place wagers on the outcome of gangstalking many derived scenarios. This is obvious to me and highly likely given the nature of the absolute thuggery that constitutes gangstalking, the congressional idiots that authorized it, and the simpleminded thugs that perpetrate it.     Derogatory Records in gangstalking : Gangstalking is a database driven federally funded enterprise. In order for a person to be surveilled, tracked, disrupted, harassed, obstructed contained, violently engaged by thuggish stalkers, annoyed, and have their constitutional rights violated on a daily basis by federally enabled crooked liaisons, they must first have the right amount of derogatory deleterious governmental records entered against their name, and into the right federally accessible databases. Derogatory records that lead to a gangstalking campaign do not have to be criminal records. Derogatory records entries against a United States citizen can be done in a hidden, covert, clandestine, and otherwise totally untraceable fashion. There are semi-law enforcement databases such as private investigator records that can serve as "just cause" for the criminally negligent entry into a gangstalking protocol. Just cause or "reasonable suspicion" is the sole qualifier for a United States citizen to be entered into a federally authorized gangstalking campaign. The databases that a targteted individual is entered into that enable a gangstalking campaign against them are maintained by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, Private Investigator offices, private security databases, confidential or "top secret" police or national security database mechanisms, or a combination of all of the above. If a person is deemed "reasonably dangerous," "a threat to society," or "subversive to the public's interest," then they can be placed in such a database in a quiet secretive extrajudicial or otherwise behind the scenes manner. Derogatory records can be generated against a person by high-schools, middle-schools, and elementary schools as well as doctors offices, state-funded neighborhood watch personnel, police and sheriff departments, and other law enforcer, semi-law enforcer, and other peace officer or "protection agencies" can contribute derogatory records against a person without actually charging them with a crime or arresting them. I am even inclined to think at this point that most targeted individuals, or people who identify with/as targeted individuals have no criminal record to speak of. I am a targeted individual myself and I have no criminal record. My significant other, Lori Ann Moore, experiences similar gangstalking thuggery against her person as well, leading me to suspect that she is a targeted individual , and she has no criminal record either. The fact that many targeted individuals have no criminal record makes them easier targets for the thuggish lowlifes that practice gangstalking. I believe that the reasoning for this is as follows: -If a person is generally a law-abiding citizen, then they wouldn't have the "edge" or "criminal mind," or the psychological or physiological "toughness" that it takes to withstand a gangstalking campaign successfully. Not unless of course, they are former athletes, trained in hand-to-hand combat, are unusually physically large or strong, or have developed a street-smart unusually tough, or unusually vigilant or observant mentality over the course of their lives. It is typically criminally minded, exceptionally brutish, or naturally combative or violent people who have such a disposition, not well-meaning law-abiders. This is why a good many of the people who are "tapped in" to gangstalking and act as gangstalkers have criminal records even though gangstalking is a United States government project and the targeted people who have to defend themselves against the gangstalkers are people with no criminal records to speak of. Gangstalkers do not have to have a criminal record to particpate in gangstalking however; any of them do not have criminal records; as a matter of fact, there are government employees, (federal, state, and local) who practices gangstalking as well as IT professionals, law-enforcers, corporate executives, doctors, teachers, clergymen, construction workers, teachers and professors, military personnel and politicians. Gangstalking is at its core, a system of derived, directed, learned, and improvised behaviors that resemble one another. Their only goal is to create a hostile environment for a targeted individual, get them into trouble with the law, physiologically harm them, or kill them. This program is poorly conceived, poorly operated, poorly implemented, poorly executed, poorly engaged in, and operated with such a hostile pandering violence, that one must be on guard or "en garde" every second of every day, or otherwise risk injury or death at the hands of a federally enabled band of gangstalking punks. Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate, military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is war profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country. Gangstalking, like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the military industrial complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the targets. When America invades or goes to war with a less developed country, its purchases billions of dollars in war machines from the military industry here in the United States, raising illicit revenues for these companies at the expense of the taxpayer. The loss of life means nothing to the representatives of this country or the chiefs of the military industry. When America goes to war with it own citizens via federally implemented gangstalking campaigns, passing them off as national security measures, its purchases billions of dollars of war machines from the military industry at the expense of the taxpayer, generating illicit revenues for these same war-machine producing countries. The war machines used in one of America's third-world wars, are fighter jets, army tanks, SCUD missiles, army helicopters, grenade launchers, anti-tank ballistic weapons, and M-16 assault rifles. The war machines used in America's war against targeted individuals are stingray devices, location interceptors, thermal imaging devices, sound wave interceptors, x-ray devices, biorhythm spying mechanisms, and thermal imaging devices. The kinds of thuggish weasels that carry out the "street" element or up-close-and-personal elements of gangstalking (and ALL gangstalkers are thuggish weasels) do it through workplace mobbing, timed obstructive maneuvers, psychological attacks, biohazardous attacks (intentional coughing, sneezing, breaking wind, vomiting, derived heavy breathing and other forms of disgusting, thuggish, and childish forms of bacterial communication to other people) annoying and/or intrusive forms of forced physical contact so as to irritate and/or distract the targeted individual, near collisions on bicycles, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, rollerskates, and so-forth, vehicular containment and/or near-miss vehicular aggressive driving in a targeted individual's immediate vicinity, intentional food contamination, attempting to make a targeted individual "lose their appetite" via gross and disgusting acts involving bodily functions while near the targeted individual. Surly dispositions and angry countenances are also common psychological irritation tactics that the thug gangstalkers use to intimidate targeted individuals. The goal is a federally enabled outcome of agoraphobia for the targeted individual, the lashing out at society through violent means, or a mental breakdown of the targeted individual leading to an intended early grave via malnourishment or suicide. 'Gangstalking is federally funded human experimentation posing as a national security measure. It was implement through stealth legislation via national security earmarks, covertly entered "side measures" that are attached to 6,000 paged bills that no politician ever reads before signing off on it. The United States federal legislature, because of its enabling, implementation, and financing of clandestine gangstalking, should formally renounce its status as a democracy and as a constitutional republic. The United States calling itself as such is an insult to the world-at-large. The people do not get to vote directly on the federal legislative issues that lead to gangstalking, and the program in and of itself, is a brutish, thuggish, inappropriate, intentional, and heinously violent negation of the United States Constitution. The United States should formally declare itself a totalitarian state, a fascist construction, a plutocracy, or an oligarchy, and dissolve its federal and state constitutions, and devise a new clear, concise, readable, and observable constitution asserting it political aims of a country beholden to the military industrial complex at the expense of the American citizen and his/her tax dollars. At least at that point the federal government of this country would be telling the truth to the American people for once.     There is the smell of secessionism in gangstalking in the United States. Its disruptive, violent, unconstitutional, law-breaking, brand of degenerate thuggery has a capacity to remind one of Jim Crow. (Mind you, and as I have emphasized in previous posts and videos, there are a vast, wide-ranging, and diverse socioeconomic demographic of gangstalkers, and anyone who follows is thuggish obstruction and disruption instigation protocols can become a gangstalker.) A room full of thug gangstalkers can find a way to harass an "undesirable" in a synchronized and unified fashion to make that person uncomfortable to the point where they will want to leave and never return. —If federally authorized, federally directed tactics like this are being used throughout America to cause people to not want to be somewhere in particular, than these same tactics can be amplified to make a person(s) want to leave a city, state, or country. If the right people can be made targets through the United States' military industrial federal legislative disaster, then they (targeted individuals) can be, through the gangstalking [ community harassment ] protocol, forced to leave certain parts of the United States, reserving these areas for gangstalkers that are plugged into the United States Federal Government's thuggery and instigation protocol. Eventually this gangstalking program will get the federal funding it needs to allow the thugs and degenerates that practice gangstalking to split America into two, three, or four separate sovereign entities, each with their own president, currency, army, legislature, and citizens. That's what gangstalking is all about; causing political change through taxpayer-funded thuggery.

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[ 2001年9月11日之後,越來越多長達數千頁的法案正在美國國會通過。 ]

2001年9月11日之後,越來越多長達數千頁的法案正在美國國會通過。 這些巨額賬單包含豬肉桶項目、附加項目、專項撥款和挪用資金,這些都秘密地隱藏在數千頁的賬單中。 這些附加內容通常包含非常重要的法律變更,有些甚至等同於法律本身。 這些附加條款是由特定法案的設計者插入的,...