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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Ragnar Redbeard Quotes (1897) - MIGHT IS RIGHT

“Behind all Kings and Presidents all Government and Law, Are army-corps and cannoneers to hold the world in awe And sword-strong races own the earth and ride the Conqueror's Car And Liberty has ne'er been won, Except by deeds of war.” ― Ragnar Redbeard “In actual operation Nature is cruel and merciless to men, as to all other beings. Let a tribe of human animals live a rational life, Nature will smile upon them and their posterity; but let them attempt to organize an unnatural mode of existence an equality elysium, and they will be punished even to the point of extermination.” ― Ragnar Redbeard “Equality can only exist between equals. Civilization implies division of labor, division of labor implies subordination and subordination implies injustice and inequality.” ― Ragnar Redbeard “Laws” and “rules” imposed on you From days of old renown, Are not intended for your “good” But for your crushing down. Then dare to rend the chains that bind And to yourself be true. Dare to liberate your mind, From all things, old and new.” ― Ragnar Redbeard “The natural world is a world of war; the natural man is a warrior; the natural law is tooth and claw. All else is error. A condition of combat everywhere exists. We are born into perpetual conflict. It is our inheritance, even as it was the heritage of previous generations.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “The rules of life are not to be found in Korans, Bibles, Decalogues and Constitutions, but rather the rules of decadence and death. The “law of laws” is not written in Hebrew consonants or upon tables of brass and stone, but in every man’s own heart. He who obeys any standard of right and wrong, but the one set up by his own conscience, betrays himself into the hands of his enemies, who are ever laying in wait to bind him to their millstones. And generally a man’s most dangerous enemies are his neighbors.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, MIght Is Right “Govenment is founded on property Property is founded on conquest Conquest is founded on power All power is founded on brain and brawn.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “The lie that is known to be a lie is half eradicated, but the lie that even intelligent persons regard as a sacred fact – the lie that has been inculcated around a mother’s knee – is more dangerous to contend against than a creeping pestilence.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, MIght Is Right “Laws" and "Rules" imposed on you From days of old renown. Are not intended for your "good" But for your crushing down. Then dare to rend the chains that bind And to yourself be true. Dare to liberate your mind, From all things, old and new. Always think your own thought. All other thoughts reject; Learn to use your own brain And boldly stand erect.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “If a man smite you on one cheek, smash him down; smite him hip and thigh, for self-preservation is the highest law.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “In actual operation Nature is cruel and merciless to men, as to all other beings. Let a tribe of human animals live a rational life, Nature will smile upon them and their posterity; but let them attempt to organize an unnatural mode of existence an equality elysium, and they will be punished even to the point of extermination.” ― Ragnar Redbeard “A woman is two-thirds womb. The other third is a network of nerves and sentimentality. To ‘emancipate’ her, is to hand her over to the tender mercies of clerics, who have learned to ‘play’ upon her emotionalism. Then Credos become illegitimately powerful and even try to dictate ‘the whole duty of Man.’ After a time diabolical pastor-theories inspire politics and rule nations. Then the State becomes the individual’s Dictator. Man are demonetized while degeneracy and socialistic hybridism sets in, like a slimy flood.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “The nerve cells of splendid feminines and resolute warriors vibrate in rhythmic unison.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “What are men but hungry wolves, a prowling on the heath? If in a pack of wolves you hunt, you'd better sharp your teeth.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, The Sayings of Redbeard “For strife and struggle Man is born; But sheep and lambs Are always shorn.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, The Sayings of Redbeard “Let lions cease to prowl and fight, Let eagles clip their wings, Let men of might give up their right, The foolish poet sings. Let lords of gold and Caesars bold Forever pass away, Enrich the slaves; enthrone the knaves, The base-born prophets say. Yet I maintain with hand and pen The other side of things. The bold man’s right to rule and reign, The way of gods and kings. So capture crowns of wealth and power (If you’ve the strength and can) For strife is life’s eternal dower, And nothing’s under ban. Ye lions, wake and hunt and fight, Ye eagles, spread your wings, Ye men of might, believe you’re right For you indeed are kings.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, The Sayings of Redbeard “Freedom cannot be bought too dear, for life without liberty is pandemonium.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “Is it not better to perish than to serve? “Liberty or death” is not a meaningless phrase. No! it is of tremendous import to those who — comprehend.” ― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right “Death and destruction are necessary to the health of the world, and therefore as natural, and lovable, as birth and life. Only priests and born cowards moan and weep over dying. Brave men face it with approving nonchalance.” ― Ragnar Redbeard

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