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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The United States of America is an International Congressional Scourge

​ America is a congressional scourge. Over the past 60 years, it has legalized earmarks, a number of killing missions that have threatened the lives, liberties, and livelihoods of the citizens of this country. This country, The United States of America, is a vassal state with various interests trying to control it with these designated legislative mandates (earmarks) that neither Congress nor the people could ever independently to vote on. These earmarks, once passed have the full force of the law and can make your life worse without you realizing it. Gang—stalking is a direct result of allocated funding programs that affect national security, infrastructure, and other things, sneaking past the judgment and will of Americans, with stealth an unconscionable maliciousness; and we, the people, didn't know that programs such as this existed legally. Gangstalking was passed unnoticed by the authorizing congressional representatives. This program operates through a variety of harassment, threats, vehicular assaults, home invasions, workplace mobbing mechanisms and/or other violent or murderous mechanisms. This being the case, the passage of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal government guilty of state-sanctioned criminal murder. Inducing gang harassment (gang stalking) programs and designated or derived personal hazards are the result of several speculations contained in several congressional budgets, national security legislation, and other federal, state, and local laws. The thousands of pages of legislation that contain malicious earmarked content that most politicians have never read or heard of, could destroy the fabric of American society, end democracy and nullify our status as a constitutional republic. Gangstalking was invented by bad-intentioned clowns who did not like the social or economic direction of the country and decided to create a gangster shadow government and shadow army themselves. Derogatory Records in gangstalking : Gangstalking is a database driven federally funded enterprise. In order for a person to be surveilled, tracked, disrupted, harassed, obstructed contained, violently engaged by thuggish stalkers, annoyed, and have their constitutional rights violated on a daily basis by federally enabled crooked liaisons, they must first have the right amount of derogatory deleterious governmental records entered against their name, and into the right federally accessible databases. Derogatory records that lead to a gangstalking campaign do not have to be criminal records. Derogatory records entries against a United States citizen can be done in a hidden, covert, clandestine, and otherwise totally untraceable fashion. There are semi-law enforcement databases such as private investigator records that can serve as "just cause" for the criminally negligent entry into a gangstalking protocol. Just cause or "reasonable suspicion" is the sole qualifier for a United States citizen to be entered into a federally authorized gangstalking campaign. The databases that a targteted individual is entered into that enable a gangstalking campaign against them are maintained by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, Private Investigator offices, private security databases, confidential or "top secret" police or national security database mechanisms, or a combination of all of the above. If a person is deemed "reasonably dangerous," "a threat to society," or "subversive to the public's interest," then they can be placed in such a database in a quiet secretive extrajudicial or otherwise behind the scenes manner. Derogatory records can be generated against a person by high-schools, middle-schools, and elementary schools as well as doctors offices, state-funded neighborhood watch personnel, police and sheriff departments, and other law enforcer, semi-law enforcer, and other peace officer or "protection agencies" can contribute derogatory records against a person without actually charging them with a crime or arresting them. I am even inclined to think at this point that most targeted individuals, or people who identify with/as targeted individuals have no criminal record to speak of. I am a targeted individual myself and I have no criminal record. My significant other, Lori Ann Moore, experiences similar gangstalking thuggery against her person as well, leading me to suspect that she is a targeted individual , and she has no criminal record either. The fact that many targeted individuals have no criminal record makes them easier targets for the thuggish lowlifes that practice gangstalking. I believe that the reasoning for this is as follows: -If a person is generally a law-abiding citizen, then they wouldn't have the "edge" or "criminal mind," or the psychological or physiological "toughness" that it takes to withstand a gangstalking campaign successfully. Not unless of course, they are former athletes, trained in hand-to-hand combat, are unusually physically large or strong, or have developed a street-smart unusually tough, or unusually vigilant or observant mentality over the course of their lives. It is typically criminally minded, exceptionally brutish, or naturally combative or violent people who have such a disposition, not well-meaning law-abiders. This is why a good many of the people who are "tapped in" to gangstalking and act as gangstalkers have criminal records even though gangstalking is a United States government project and the targeted people who have to defend themselves against the gangstalkers are people with no criminal records to speak of. Gangstalkers do not have to have a criminal record to particpate in gangstalking however; any of them do not have criminal records; as a matter of fact, there are government employees, (federal, state, and local) who practices gangstalking as well as IT professionals, law-enforcers, corporate executives, doctors, teachers, clergymen, construction workers, teachers and professors, military personnel and politicians. Gangstalking is at its core, a system of derived, directed, learned, and improvised behaviors that resemble one another. Their only goal is to create a hostile environment for a targeted individual, get them into trouble with the law, physiologically harm them, or kill them. This program is poorly conceived, poorly operated, poorly implemented, poorly executed, poorly engaged in, and operated with such a hostile pandering violence, that one must be on guard or "en garde" every second of every day, or otherwise risk injury or death at the hands of a federally enabled band of gangstalking punks. Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate, military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is war profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country. Gangstalking, like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the military industrial complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the targets. When America invades or goes to war with a less developed country, its purchases billions of dollars in war machines from the military industry here in the United States, raising illicit revenues for these companies at the expense of the taxpayer. The loss of life means nothing to the representatives of this country or the chiefs of the military industry. When America goes to war with it own citizens via federally implemented gangstalking campaigns, passing them off as national security measures, its purchases billions of dollars of war machines from the military industry at the expense of the taxpayer, generating illicit revenues for these same war-machine producing countries. The war machines used in one of America's third-world wars, are fighter jets, army tanks, SCUD missiles, army helicopters, grenade launchers, anti-tank ballistic weapons, and M-16 assault rifles. The war machines used in America's war against targeted individuals are stingray devices, location interceptors, thermal imaging devices, sound wave interceptors, x-ray devices, biorhythm spying mechanisms, and thermal imaging devices. The kinds of thuggish weasels that carry out the "street" element or up-close-and-personal elements of gangstalking (and ALL gangstalkers are thuggish weasels) do it through workplace mobbing, timed obstructive maneuvers, psychological attacks, biohazardous attacks (intentional coughing, sneezing, breaking wind, vomiting, derived heavy breathing and other forms of disgusting, thuggish, and childish forms of bacterial communication to other people) annoying and/or intrusive forms of forced physical contact so as to irritate and/or distract the targeted individual, near collisions on bicycles, scooters, skateboards, rollerblades, rollerskates, and so-forth, vehicular containment and/or near-miss vehicular aggressive driving in a targeted individual's immediate vicinity, intentional food contamination, attempting to make a targeted individual "lose their appetite" via gross and disgusting acts involving bodily functions while near the targeted individual. Surly dispositions and angry countenances are also common psychological irritation tactics that the thug gangstalkers use to intimidate targeted individuals. The goal is a federally enabled outcome of agoraphobia for the targeted individual, the lashing out at society through violent means, or a mental breakdown of the targeted individual leading to an intended early grave via malnourishment or suicide. 'Gangstalking is federally funded human experimentation posing as a national security measure. It was implement through stealth legislation via national security earmarks, covertly entered "side measures" that are attached to 6,000 paged bills that no politician ever reads before signing off on it. The United States federal legislature, because of its enabling, implementation, and financing of clandestine gangstalking, should formally renounce its status as a democracy and as a constitutional republic. The United States calling itself as such is an insult to the world-at-large. The people do not get to vote directly on the federal legislative issues that lead to gangstalking, and the program in and of itself, is a brutish, thuggish, inappropriate, intentional, and heinously violent negation of the United States Constitution. The United States should formally declare itself a totalitarian state, a fascist construction, a plutocracy, or an oligarchy, and dissolve its federal and state constitutions, and devise a new clear, concise, readable, and observable constitution asserting it political aims of a country beholden to the military industrial complex at the expense of the American citizen and his/her tax dollars. At least at that point the federal government of this country would be telling the truth to the American people for once. Gangstalking utilizes thuggery, intimidation, harassment, threats (implicit and explicit), violence, noise harassment, scent harassment, biological attacks in the form of common phsyical functions such as coughing, sneezing, heavy breathing, breaking wind etc around a targeted individual in an attempt to get him sick; gangstalking utilizes murder, negligent homicide, second and third degree murder, and attempted murder against the targeted individuals that are forced to endure this egregious legislative failure and its incompetently implemented national security protocol. Violent street thugs, skinheads, gang-members, convicted felons, career criminals, criminally insane knuckle-heads, homicidal maniacs, drunk drivers, juvenile delinquents, identity thieves, computer hackers, trigger-happy law enforcers, false 911 dialers, degenerate dope dealers, grossly incompetent medical staff, disease-spreading restaurant workers, threatening construction workers, menacingly thuggish retail employees, identity thieving and confidentiality-ignoring case managers and social workers, pathetically sadistic and ignorant church pastors, criminally menacing harassers who are employed by libraries, and the like, are used as liaisons for covert thuggish gangstalking activity. You don't have to be in a "gang" to be a "gangstalker." These liaisons/actors follow a system of verbal cues, physical gestures, vehicular cues, and other cues and street directives to mobilize other people to a targeted individual's exact location. Near collisions with motorists (vehicle and motorcyclists,) pedestrians, bicyclists, scooter riders, roller-bladers, roller-skaters, baby strollers (some of which have babies in them and some which do not), dolly cart operators (in supermarkets), fork-lift operators, (in warehouse settings), are all derived, staged. and orchestrated injury risks that targeted individuals must duck, dodge, and evade in order to stay safe. The baboonish nicompoops that engage in the above mentioned forms of clandestine thuggery are deputized and semi-deputized United States citizens that have taken cues as to where the targeted individual will be. The gangstalker, while a thug for certain for participating at all, may or may not be aware that the person they will collide into is a targeted individual placed in a federally financed and directed harassment and obstruction protocol. The idiots that participate in gangstalking and take these cues from clandestine third parties run the risk of injury or death to themselves, as a collision with anyone or anything can immediately cause other collisions which can cause other immediate crashes leading to the death of the gangstalker. So by sending gangstalkers to initiate a close call collision or near-collision with a targeted individual, both the targeted individual and the gangstalker are placed in an unnecessary dangerous situation. The United States federal government, since the advent of the military industrial complex, and its creation and contracted sale of its ultra-expensive war machines, has spend trillions of dollars on these machines, started and engaged in unnecessary wars in foreign countries to utilize and purchase more of these war machines, and used more taxpayer money for the upkeep and maintenance of the war machines. War expenditures are this country's biggest expense, and gangstalking is a continuation of the pathetic waste on these expenditures that the Congress of the United States has authorized on the backs of the taxpayers and to the immense profits of the makers of these war machines. Gangstalking, like most American national security measures was rooted in thuggery from its inception. It’s false pretenses and poorly conceived mechanisms were doomed to fail from the start. It will come to the point, and indeed that time has arrived, where the United States of America, as a governmental entity will begin to retreat, backtrack, skid, and recede from this monumental political failure. It will defect blame, hire fall-men, bribe tight-lipped perpetrators and send them out of the country, it will deny the facts, create false narratives, blame the victims, ask for “compromise” and “understanding” as well as “patience” and “patriotism,” use media spin-doctors, ask “allies” for “support” assert “misunderstandings,” and ask for the “benefit of the doubt.” The above named retreat mechanisms will reveal the nature and character of the United States Federal Government. It operates in a clandestine, violent, irresponsible, cowardly, greedy, and vindictive fashion. Since 09/11/2001, a number of hastily conceived and quickly and panic-stricken national security measures have nullified the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the “No Taxation without Representation” mechanism and other political essentials that are allegedly ingrained in federal constitutional documents. Under these horrible and ill-conceived national security measures, no citizen has rights, every citizen is a suspect and anyone can be treated as an enemy of the state regardless of personal integrity, academic merit, occupational attainment, familial status, or participation in the American national political/voting mechanism. I will take no lectures from the federal government of this country on good governance, constitutionality, or the rule of law. All of these essentials for a society and indeed civilization have been render asunder at the request of the beneficiaries of the poorly managed and desperately incompetent military industrial complex in America, renders the United States of America a mere political, social, and economic medium that anyone or any entity with legislative access can control, manipulate and weaponize. Gangstalking, the federally funded military industrial national security protocol that was poorly implemented and snuck through the United States Congress via earmarks is regional in nature. Gangstalking was spread about the people like a deadly virus. Its hand signals, verbal commands, vehicular cues, and all of the covert communications methods that gangstalkers use to communicate with each other while locating and "pointing out" targeted individuals for harassment and instigation purposes, are federally directed military industrial protocols. The kinds of people who will gangstalk you in Minnesota are a different socioeconomic demographic than the kinds of people who will target you in Hawaii. The kinds of people who will disrupt you in Oklahoma are different than the kinds of people that will obstruct you in Alabama. The kinds of people that will instigate against you in Washington, are different than the people who will vehicularly contain you in Montana. The kinds of gangstalking tactics you will ecnounter as a targeted individual will slightly vary based upon where you are in the country, however the socioeconomic demographics of the people who will use these tactics against you will vary greatly depending where you are in the country. Gangstalking is not a racially exclusive practice. Any socioeconomic demographic that an America belongs to can participate in gangstalking and every socioeconomic demographic that exists in the United States uses gangstalking tactics. The United States of America is without a Constitution; it is also without a Bill of Rights or any civil rights/civil liberties/civil freedoms/rights-bearing documents. None of the fifty states in the Union have constitutions either. The post 9/11/01 national security measures that were hastily drawn, hastily reviewed, hastily voted upon, hastily approved by the President of the United States, hastily implemented, were 10,000 pages long, stuffed with earmarks, and laden with stipulations that voided, revoked, and suspended all other overarching legal protocols that governed this country. Now what you have, is a country, in which gangstalkers, (unpaid deputized and semi-deputized United States citizens) roam about taking signals and cues from other stalkers, purposefully and unpurposely, while obstructing, disrupting, and annoying the Hell out of any targeted individual that has been "marked" for targeting by the United States federal security mechanism. ''Inconclusive," "Unsubstantiated," "Can Neither Confirm or Deny," "Nonexistent," and "Unproveable." These are a number of the many responsibility-dodging terms that the congress of the United States and its federal auxiliaries will use to deny the reality of the gangstalking mechanism. National security protocols, especially a top secret one like gangstalking are embedded so deeply into the United States legal code and its societal mechanism, that investigating it, finding the legislative enabling documents, and "pulling the plug" on it would result in a cataclysmic socioeconomic catastrophe here in the United States. The military industrial complex has, over the past 50 years drained the US treasury of tens of trillions of dollars; this being to the benefit of war machine manufacturers and to the detriment of the United States taxpayer that footed the bill. As the United States gets ever close to becoming, a national security state, a military junta, and a doormat for third-party military industrial legislative earmark inserts, the congress, its Department of Defense (DOD) and its Department of Justice (DOJ), must keep their mouths shut concerning their legislatively advertent or legislatively inadvertent implementation of the gangstalking human rights erasing torture protocol. The congressional representatives of the United States are too lazy, snarky, spiteful, and apathetic to review the post 09-11-2001 national security bills that led to clandestine gangstalking. Therefore, the program persists at the detriment of targeted and non-targeted persons alike. Its a detriment to targeted persons because they have to continually evade, fight, wait for, and confront this covert governmental war against them. Non-targeted people are disadvantaged because their taxes are raised to feed the military industrial war monkey that prosecutes gangstalking campaigns against unwitting United States citizens. The United States of America has an image problem. It doesn't know if it wants to be the "shining city on a hill," a "great melting pot," a "military war hawk," a "creditor nation," or a "stabilizer" for third world countries. I assert that with $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, a historical record of having invaded and indeed decimated third world countries, its horrible record on civil rights and jurisprudence, and its arrogant and buffoonish middle-east meddling, it is none of the things that it portrays itself as through taxpayer salaried politicians on television. If the United States were to discover gangstalking, it would not end it immediately, but "phase it out," likely passing legislation enabling the excessively slow "phasing the gangstalking program out as long as possible" (probably over a fifty year period) so as to continue feeding its military industrial complex as the program is "phased out" while taking decades to phase it out to where all of the targeted individuals would be too old or dead to enjoy their new found freedom. I, your host, Emmanuel Isaiah Smith will continue to to report on gangstalking so that the rest of the world can see how it is devised and implemented, so that they, in all good consciousness, can avert this American influenced tragedy happening in their own country. Apish, thuggish, degenerate, violent, hostile, clumsy, pandering, dumb, dumber, annoying, surly, ill mannered, inbred, dull witted, ineffective, simpleminded, obstructive, disruptive, and intrusive all all words that accurately describe American gangstalkers. They are strangers to the targeted individual but are daily mobilized to his exact location regardless of where in America he is. They follow a system of verbal commands, physical gestures, vehicular cues, and other coded processes that lead them and their thuggish harassment protocols to a targeted individual. Gangstalkers are considered by the United States federal government to be assets, so they act with impunity. Their unneeded aggression, unwarranted hostility, and unwanted presence in the life of the targeted individual makes them particularly dangerous for the targeted person’s holistic health. They swarm the target as he is conducting his daily business, they utilize a thuggish triangulation mechanism to bring other gangstalkers into the fray, they attack the targeted person’s equilibrium when he is on stairs, high places, or on ledges so as to attempt to cause him to fall, and they regularly try to rip him off at cash registers or at various mercantile establishments. I, and my significant other, Lori, encounter these buzzards on a daily basis and must protect ourselves at all times. The United States federal government has, through post 9/11/2001 legislative ineptitude, and national security bravado and ignorance, legalized thuggish crimes against humanity and general thuggery right under the American taxpayer’s noses. Gangstalking campaigns can and do happen to any American citizen at any time, in spite of that person’s work history, criminal record, academic or athletic achievements, voting record, tax paying record, or anything else that constitute merits or credits to that person’s personal faculties. The formula for who becomes a targeted individual and who does not is something that the United States federal government will not disclose. This country has chosen pandering thuggery to law and order, constitutionality, and the rule of law. Gang-stalkers are United States citizens who are “plugged in” to the federally directed gangstalking mechanism in such a way so as to deputize them in an unpaid capacity as a professionally disruptive thug. The United States will no doubt send it’s unwitting “yes man” ambassadors to its “allies” in an attempt to “pitch” and “sell” why gangstalking should be a worldwide war against citizens of all countries. The United States of America’s human experimentation program has been found out and exposed as criminally negligent wasteful military industrial thuggery, and legislatively incompetent dull-witted buffoonery, all in one swift stroke. The future demographic majority of this country, which is Hispanics, have embraced this thuggish harassment protocol, have benefited from it, and are using it indiscriminately courtesy of the American taxpayer. That is here in S. Florida. If I were elsewhere in the USA my gangstalkers would be a different demographic. Gangstalking is equal opportunity thuggery. The United States of America, at -$32,000,000,000.00 in net worth, at the legislative mercy of inept politicians that know neither the law or good governance, and at war with its own citizens via military industrial thuggery, ought to hold a vote in Congress as to whether or not to officially designate this country a banana republic, a failed state, and an enemy belligerent to its people. The gangstalking mechanism that United States citizens are placed in is a database driven American catastrophe. United States citizens are “assigned” to a unit of human excrement called “gangstalkers,” who throughout the day, provoke, obstruct, disrupt, annoy, threaten, and attack the targeted individual. This mechanism is obviously a “crime deterrent,” for its targets on behalf of society; the only problem is, most if not all targeted individuals have no criminal record, terrorist ties, or violent tendencies. The forced hospitalization mechanism in the United States is something that is used against targeted individuals to justify the gangstalking campaigns against them. If a relative or other acquaintance makes the call, local police can, without any evidence or judiciary hearing, detain the targeted person, take them to a psychiatric facility, and leave without making sense of the allegations against the targeted person. There are other justification mechanisms that can be used against a targeted individual in this thuggish country as well. Traffic tickets, parking tickets, littering citations, and other minor victimless offenses can land a potential targeted person in a gangstalking campaign, something that is design to stimulate the military industrial complex’s revenue squandering surveillance and detainment mechanisms, to the detriment of the targeted person. The United States of America has a uniquely thuggish way of condemning its citizens, especially the ones it cannot incarcerate for lack of a good reason. The United States federal government has, particularly over the past 20 years, legislated, mandated, argued for, participated in, and financed terrorism. United States soldiers typically do not know the particulars as to why they fight foreign wars. Chances are, they do it because being a soldier in the United States Army pays decent money, has a good benefits package, and offers a pension for retirees. The Congress of the United States has legalized a state-sanctioned terrorism mechanism against its citizens. This terrorism takes the form of a mobile pandering thug unit called gangstalkers. These gangstalkers come in many different packages. Some are rich, some are poor, some are highly educated, others are learning disabled, some are this race or ethnicity, some are another, all are federally directed thugs. The United States of America, at $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own central bank, is a grotesque reminder of what happens when a country, instead of the public good, places supreme importance on its military industrial complex, purchasing trillions of dollars of war machines, and giving your military, and federal law enforcement agencies unchecked power in prosecuting gangstalking campaigns against unsuspecting citizens. A word on the Waco, Texas Siege of 1993 : A comparison to Gangstalking : The Waco Siege: This post explores the political aftermath of the 1993 Waco, Texas bloodbath between sociopath, and the self-proclaimed "messiah" David Koresh, and his Branch Davidians religious sect, versus a war unit of federal law enforcers. The Waco Holocaust is also known as the Waco Siege. This apocalypse of fire, brimstone, explosives, and gunfire occurred on 4/19/1993 on the Branch Davidian (Seventh Day Adventist offshoot) religious compound in Waco, Texas. 76 (possibly 87) Branch Davidians were crucified in a war-like encounter with the FBI, the ATF, and the Texas Guard. David Koresh, the leader of the isolationist Seventh Day Adventist religious sect had captured the attention of federal law enforcement and possibly other interested third party gangstalking factions when he began purchasing firearms en masse. The reason, according to him, was self defense. The USA federal government felt otherwise. Eventually he was deemed to be weird, strange, detrimental to society, and a-normal; much like a targeted individual is when he is initially "scoped out" for entry into a gangstalking campaign. In the Waco bloodbath, the Branch Davidian compound was stormed, riddled with bullets, and firebombed so as to " neutralize the threat " that the Branch Davidians posed to greater society. The standoff and the ensuing massacre was videotaped, and broadcast to the world on television. 76 USA civilians including 25 children were burned alive and to a crisp by the " authorities " in what was a botched takedown of what had become a popular yet adversarial religious sect. President Bill Clinton even expressed remorse at how badly the operation was mishandled and regretted giving the green light to the law enforcement agents to carry out the operation at that time. There were elements of COINTELPRO used against the Branch Davidians in the months and years leading up to the eventual holocaust, carried out by the same disruptive, secretive, treasonous, and cowardly private and governmental factions that perpetrate gangstalking to the present day. The Waco Siege, this holocaust, never died, it only morphed. The gangstalking conundrum is the Waco Siege in a mobile, covert, and hard to detect form. There are no television cameras, no uniformed federal officers with guns and bombs, no explosions or machine gun fire, only the quiet, annoying, intrusive, and mafia like protocols taken against a United States citizen on United States soil. The perpetrators of the early gangstalking method learned something from the Waco Siege, the bloody holocaust that ended in a fiery shower for the Branch Davidians. They learned that the " blaze of glory " mechanism was unpopular, loud, legally and politically problematic, and detrimental to their cause of extermination of their opponents. They knew that in the future they had to be silent assassins, thieves in the night, behind-the-scenes manipulators, and covert killers. The stalkers have gone from firebombing religious compounds to more covert means of targeting a person such breaking and entering, street assaults, food contamination, biological warfare, instigated police violence, workplace mobbing, derived car accidents, relationship sabotage, coerced suicides, and perpetrating psychological stressors. These kinds of attacks, to the stalkers' delight, likely evade international news headlines. There are indeed other heinous tactics that are used against the targeted individual by the gangstalking subversive quiet killers that I haven't named. That is because the attacks are so numerous and stealthy that it is difficult to pinpoint them all. The Waco Holocaust was only the beginning, but I your host, Emmanuel Isaiah Smith, learn more about gangstalking and its predecessor programs each day, and I continue to draw the parallels between it and the atrocities of the past; continuing to find the weak spots in that draconian program, that I need, in order to slay the beast with the Excalibur of Truth. Thanks for tuning in . #gangstalking #thewacoholocaust Gangstalking is like a corrupt force that harms who it will and helps who it will. The United States of America is not a meritocracy or a Constitutional Republic in which a person can succeed based upon their talents, merits, and credentials, but is a country that is run by corrupt forces that have the capacity to derail a persons career or their entire life if that person proves to be a detriment to the aims of the gangstalking based governmental corporate mechanisms that have embedded themselves into the very legal code of the United States. The gang member database is only one way that a person, a citizen, becomes a targeted individual. There are other derogatory databases that a person can be placed into with no notification, warning, habeas corpus, or legal process. These corrupt useless databases are used for little else but to enable a gangstalking campaign against a person. The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism. The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters like gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly. Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications interception, street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault, burglary and vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been stealthily legalized due to congressional legislative ignorance. The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly $1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight, the United States has waged war on its own citizens. This covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial war machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military industrial complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes. The military industrial complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return US politicians reward it with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and increased stock prices for the makers of war machines. Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and their constitutional rights. The United States federal government has produced no good reason for placing its citizens in violent, intrusive, pandering, and disruptive gangstalking campaigns. The national security legislative bureaucratic mechanism in this country was hoping that the program would never be figured out, but information about it leaked, the same as the similar COINTELPRO “operation hoodwink” disruption program of the 1960s and 1970s. You can read about COINTELPRO on FBI.gov . COINTELPRO was a national security program aimed at disrupting the New Ku Klux Klan, the Black Panther Party, the New Left, and in addition was aimed at surveillance and infiltrating MLK’s civil rights activity. The blueprint for COINTELPRO was reformed, beefed up, made more stealthy, and made to disrupt the activities of private United States citizens, many of which are not affiliated with any politically active groups. These same targeted citizens usually have no criminal record or terrorist affiliations. Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever. The formula for present day gangstalking involves a number of hidden provocation, harassment, and psychological warfare techniques that are designed to be difficult for the targeted individual to control, observe, or report. People who take an adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what they are experiencing will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these kinds of people because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms that a targeted individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking and “coping” or not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do. The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully rigged against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic for their assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can commence unchallenged. There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country that will agree with or give an acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that targeted individuals are experiencing. Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted person fees and “diagnos” them with a mental disease that they may not have. As a matter of fact, this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional psychological industry from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to the psychosis and related mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted persons. Gangstalking is ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets. More visits to these “mind doctors” means more revenues generated for their respective industries. Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted individuals experience at the hand of their degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred The military industrial complex also benefits financially from this program. The military industrial surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as well as the unseen war machines used in a targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer money that is spent on military industrial war expenditures. This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged with high treason. The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery behind this program. The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless. Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen in secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process, and no warnings or notices given to the targeted person. The congressional, legislative, and bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post 9-11-2001, is tantamount to high treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens, and constitutional rights violations. The United States federal government, its elected representatives, and the decision makers in its various auxiliaries are not qualified to speak on good governance, the rule of law, or freedom. The USA has, over the decades, billed itself as “the shining city on a hill” and “a beacon of freedom around the world.” It is neither. Rather it is a nation, indebted to its own federal reserve system to the tune of $32,000,000,000,000.000, is legislatively illiterate to the point where it no longer vets the bills that come before it; it does not take responsibility for its human rights abuses or treason, it ignores the assertions by its citizens that it has authorized the equivalent of a mobile gulag against them, its wasteful, irresponsible, deleterious, degenerate, and criminally negligent Congress moves so slowly on the political issues of the most importance, that these issues quickly snowball into governmental catastrophes. The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for worse and purposely or inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide group of degenerate animals, aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-loving freedom haters that enjoy protection from any consequences related to their thuggish, mindless, buffoonish, and ape-like behavior towards other citizens. This country is one thing and one thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and related industries. With respect to gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine builders, but includes the hospital industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of which will enjoy increased revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that gangstalking causes its targets. The American police mechanism has neither the authority or the investigative powers to do anything about gangstalking, as it is a Congressional failure and a national security blunder. A targeted individual can file thousands of police reports to no relief to their conundrum. This problem is one of a systemic failure in American congressional leadership, and a breakdown of its legislative process. The United States of America has an image problem. It wants to be the definition of a democracy and a constitutional republic, but in name only. When a human rights issue, the likes of which this country has never seen before, namely gangstalking arises, not only do the elected officials in Washington keep their mouths shut and ignore it, but they continue, through legislative incompetence to finance the very “national security” protocols that birthed gangstalking to begin with. America is not a democracy, the people never got to render opinions on this political catastrophe. The United States of America is not a Constitutional Republic; the Constitution or this country has been rendered useless by the legislators and justices who draw six-figure salaries to uphold it. The United States of America is an international pariah. Its federal foreign ambassadors are officially trying, for and on behalf of the United States, to influence other countries to adopt, as a part of their national security repertoire, gangstalking, including its community harassment, workplace mobbing, and its legalized murder and attempted murder mechanisms as the law. The United States does not want to be the only country in the world to enable, finance, and mobilize the gangstalking mechanism. It passed gangstalking as the law, in post September 11, 2001 national security measures via thousands of unseen earmarks that were covertly inserted into its national security legislation. In turn, the federal legislature of the United States has officially forfeited the United States Constitution, revoked the United States Bill of Rights, and renounced itself as a democracy and as a constitutional republic. Rather it is a blank check (courtesy of the American taxpayer) to the military industrial complex, its auxiliaries, and the nationally malevolent pay-to-play surveillance protocols. The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state, and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States Congress, terrified and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly, and negligently passed and unleashed upon the world-at-large. The Congress of the United States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug mobilization unit called gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each other to locate, disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual. America, as an incorporated territory, as a sovereign nation, and as a politically established governmental entity is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, high treason, and crimes against humanity. These things were true about the United States of America even before gangstalking became legal here. The high cost of warfare adventures at home and abroad have not deterred this country, its corporate establishments, its federal, state, and local governments, or its religious community, from finding euphoria in the buffoonish, treasonous, wasteful, cost ineffective, and ultimately futile military industrial spending projects that have led to the instigation of every American war effort from Korea, to Vietnam, to Iraq, to Afghanistan, causing tens of millions of human casualties while generating trillions of taxpayer dollars for the United States’ military war machine industry. Gangstalking is another such thuggish American enterprise. America believes that waging a covert war on its citizens will demonstrate to other countries the “control” that it has over the populace. At $32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt to its own banking establishments, the USA isn’t even in control of it own economy. Congressional stooges who pass inept pieces of national security legislation which authorizes criminal menacing by a bunch of gangstalking thug inbreds doesn’t secure America for its future. The forced hospitalization mechanism in the United States is something that is used against targeted individuals to justify the gangstalking campaigns against them. If a relative or other acquaintance makes the call, local police can, without any evidence or judiciary hearing, detain the targeted person, take them to a psychiatric facility, and leave without making sense of the allegations against the targeted person. There are other justification mechanisms that can be used against a targeted individual in this thuggish country as well. Traffic tickets, parking tickets, littering citations, and other minor victimless offenses can land a potential targeted person in a gangstalking campaign, something that is design to stimulate the military industrial complex’s revenue squandering surveillance and detainment mechanisms, to the detriment of the targeted person. The United States of America has a uniquely thuggish way of condemning its citizens, especially the ones it cannot incarcerate for lack of a good reason. Concerning my suspicions of the Corporation Of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’s role in advocating for legislation leading toclandestine, disruptive, unconstitutional, military industrial complex driven gangstalking campaigns: The Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints actively monitors my social media project. This is something that I know for a fact. The reason(s) is that I am a former member of the church 2015-17, and having formally resigned from the church, in spite of its warnings of me being labeled an apostate, I have, as a result, incurred the church's wrath, hostility, and suspicion. I suspect that elements of Brigham Young University's IT community are monitoring my project in conjunction with the church's law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement community in Salt Lake City, Utah and elsewhere. This being done to see if I am saying anything "bad" about the church, which I am, to see if they should ban me from the church (excommunication) which is a semi-legal slap-in-the-face they like to give people who tender their resignation from the church and then later say or write bad things about it (the church of jesus-christ of latter-day saints) on the internet. They may even excommunicate me ( which is something that I welcome) from ever returning to the church for my assertion that the political and economic divisions of the church have participated in the enabling of gangstalking for the church's benefit. More on this later. I speak about a highly consequential political, socioeconomic, and anthropological governmental misgiving (gangstalking) that the heads of the church, who are sustained by the general congregation as "prophets, seers, and revelators," never predicted, never disclosed, never received "promptings from the Holy Spirit" about, never advocated against, and probably are in favor of, because it scares the general public into a "herd mentality" which the church could easily take advantage of and exploit to their benefit as "benevolent prophets of God" who could put a positive or "Holy" spin on the matter while generating increased tithing donations. ( I should add as well that the heads of the church never anticipated or foresaw the advent of COVID-19 either. ) I assert that the church has wanted since the 1800's to find a way to hijack the United States federal legislature to its own benefit; namely to prove to its members that the heads of the church are "real" prophets, that the church is "above" the United States federal government, and that the "real" God is aiding the church's progress. In the 1800's the church was repeatedly punished for violating United States federal laws concerning, mass murder, assassinations and assassination attempts, practicing polygamy, and the non-payment of taxes. Despite having an instrumental role in the founding of the state of Utah, the church has had repeated run-ins with the US federal government, even prompting the United States at one point in the late 1800s to send troops into Utah to investigate the church's activities. Eventually the United States Supreme Court disincorporated the church, dissolving its status as an incorporated entity. A reliable, vetted, and fact-checked Wikipedia article on the church reads " The Late Corporation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v. United States, 136 U.S. 1 (1890), was a Supreme Court case that upheld the Edmunds–Tucker Act on May 19, 1890. Among other things, the act disincorporated the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. " The church was once again punished by the United States federal government in the 1970s in response to a law that the church held banning black men from holding its lay-priesthood. This is significant because every male church member twelve years of age or older holds this priesthood so long as they don't abuse substances etc... The federal government of the United States threatened to revoke the church's tax-exempt status if it did not remove the priesthood ban. This economic threat caused the president of the church to have a "revelation" from God revealing that "black men can now hold our priesthood." This was obviously an embarrassing scenario for the church as the federal government (namely the IRS) "forced a revelation out of the Mormon "prophet." Because of its public legal wars with the United States federal government, ones of which they always lost, the church's heads, namely those who are deeply embedded in the Department of Justice, national politics, and the Department of Defense, have been looking for political recourse. Excommunication is the church's thuggish, violent, pandering psychological attack against the former members of the church who say negative things publicly, write negatively, or otherwise communicate negative things about the church's doctrine (or maybe anything negative about the church period;) after they resign from it. That's it; that's all I know about the Mormon Church's excommunication policy. If the church were to scrape together a reason to excommunicate me for what I am saying about it with respect to gangstalking, fiat; I couldn't care any less. I believe that the church has a heavy political hand in the causation of gangstalking protocols because of the following reasons. For one, every targeted individual at some point in time gets approached by Latter-day Saint missionaries. This is done to make it appear as if "God" has sent the targeted person an "olive branch" in the form of the Mormon church, one that will give the targeted person relief. I assert that the church's knowledge and participation in the street theater mechanism, as well as a deep rooted presence in the United States military and the Department of Justice coupled with almost unlimited financial resources and deep connections in the U.S. congress, are the means by which they are able to locate targeted people for baptism into the church. Yes. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, particularly in its political capacity engages in, and practices gangstalking through its missionary program. The missionaries that I was approached by initially back in 2014, told me that they were not scheduled to be in my particular neighborhood and were technically off for the day and supposed to be headed back to the church for further instructions and missionary duties. I felt a connection to their cause and purpose and joined the church on 04/18/2015 in hopes of escaping the community harassment protocol that I now know to be gangstalking, but it was something that I did not know anything about back then. Since 2008, the church has cast its high political hopes in two-time failed presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. Mitt lost the republican presidential nomination to Senator John McCain in 2008 and lost the general presidential election to incumbent president, Barack Obama in 2012. I imagine that these were embarrassing political losses for Mitt; losing to a much older candidate in 2008 and a black sitting president in 2012. I was first approached by Mormon missionaries in 2013 in Cleveland Heights Ohio's Horseshoe Lake, but declined only to be approached by new missionaries in 2014, in my Dayton, Ohio neighborhood and was later made a member. I have noted that the political ambitions of the church circa mid-2000s/early 2010s had peaked by the time I was approached by the missionaries. The church benefits from gangstalking in the following ways: • It can train the missionaries in street theater/gangstalking location maneuvers to find targeted individuals, who weary from their gangstalking campaign would join the church. The church adds a new tithe payer. • It can, through various military industrial thuggish disruption protocols, orchestrate disasters in the lives of famous, rich, or renowned non-Mormons and later remark to its members that it was “the hand of God” that did that because that person was a sinner and an “idol,” (a celebrity). Thereby increasing the members’ faith in the church’s teachings as well as securing more tithing donations from the members who saw in person “the work of a living God.” • It can influence, through its vast gansgtalking-political, military, and law enforcement connections, disasters in the lives of disobedient members to “illustrate” to the obedient ones that “God” punishes disobedient Mormons. Thereby deceiving the more gullible members into think that God acted against the disobedient member “in real life.” • It can orchestrate disasters in the lives of non-Mormons who “wrong,” “disrespect,” or do “harm” to obedient Mormons to “illustrate” that the living and “great” God actively punishes people who try to harm “his children.” Thereby deceiving the more gullible members into think that God acted on their behalf “in real life.” • All of these scenarios are ones that I suspect the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to participate in at the upper-levels, or the politically active levels of the church. I will include a link to the church’s recent $100,000,000,000.00 tithing embezzlement scandal, as the church recently tried to “purchase” a piece of the internet in a tech stock purchasing canard.   ​

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