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Friday, January 31, 2025
Gangstalking : Thuggery : Idiocy : Malignant Buffoonery
Gangstalking utilizes thuggery, intimidation, harassment, threats (implicit and explicit), violence, noise harassment, scent harassment, biological attacks in the form of common phsyical functions such as coughing, sneezing, heavy breathing, breaking wind etc around a targeted individual in an attempt to get him sick; gangstalking utilizes murder, negligent homicide, second and third degree murder, and attempted murder against the targeted individuals that are forced to endure this egregious legislative failure and its incompetently implemented national security protocol.
Violent street thugs, skinheads, gang-members, convicted felons, career criminals, criminally insane knuckle-heads, homicidal maniacs, drunk drivers, juvenile delinquents, identity thieves, computer hackers, trigger-happy law enforcers, false 911 dialers, degenerate dope dealers, grossly incompetent medical staff, and the like, are used as liaisons for covert gangstalking activity.
These liaisons/actors follow a system of verbal cues, physical gestures, vehicular cues, and other cues and street directives to mobilize other people to a targeted individual's exact location.
Near collisions with motorists (vehicle and motorcyclists,) pedestrians, bicyclists, scooter riders, roller-bladers, roller-skaters, baby strollers (some of which have babies in them and some which do not), dolly cart operators (in supermarkets), fork-lift operators, (in warehouse settings), are all derived, staged. and orchestrated injury risks that targeted individuals must duck, dodge, and evade in order to stay safe.
Οι παρ' ολίγον συγκρούσεις με αυτοκινητιστές (οχήματα και μοτοσικλετιστές), πεζούς, ποδηλάτες, αναβάτες σκούτερ, roller-bladers, roller-skaters, καροτσάκια μωρών (μερικά από τα οποία έχουν μωρά σε αυτά και μερικά που δεν έχουν), χειριστές καροτσιών dolly (σε σούπερ μάρκετ), χειριστές περονοφόρων ανυψωτικών, (σε χώρους αποθήκης), όλα προέρχονται, σκηνοθετημένα. και ενορχηστρωμένους κινδύνους τραυματισμών που τα στοχευμένα άτομα πρέπει να σκύψουν, να αποφύγουν και να αποφύγουν για να παραμείνουν ασφαλή.
Во близина на судири со возила и моторџии, пешаци, Велосипедисти, скутери, ролкови-бледери, ролкови-скелци, бебешки колички (едни от кои са с бебчета в себе си, а некои не), операторите на колички Dolly (в супермаркетите), операторите на вилки-лифтове, (в складовите среди), са изведени, инсценирали. и оркестрирани ризици од повреди кои се насочени кон поединци мора да паткаат, одбегнуваат и избегнуваат за да останат безбедни.
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Gangstalking utilizes thuggery, intimidation, harassment, threats (implicit and explicit), violence, noise harassment, scent harassment, bio...
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{Gangstalking-ը վերնագրից ակնհայտ չէ: Դա զանգվածային, բազմաշերտ, քարոզչական ոճի կոոպերացիա է, որը թաքնված, գրեթե ռազմական կիսառազմական գործո...
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