The Roman Empire had a one-of-a-kind sense of God and country that other empires since then have failed to match. The Roman Emperors believed that their people, country, civilization, and religion were of God himself. Furthermore, the Roman Empire added a distinct unifying aspect to their takeover of other countries that had an intense psychological effect on the besieged country. Furthermore,…
In this journal you will find information, images and videos that belong to the EIS media Group / Bible Discourses LLC canon of original content. Content related to history, news, politics, world affairs, gang-stalking and more can be found on this Blogger page.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Mussolini believed that he could rebuild the ancient Roman Empire. Why did the ancient Romans succeed in building a vast Empire while Mussolini failed?
Mussolini believed that he could rebuild the ancient Roman Empire. Why did the ancient Romans succeed in building a vast Empire while Mussolini failed?
Mussolini’s Italy, on the other hand, was a Fascist construct that was more or less rooted in political power-grabs than in any notable ideal. His country’s social, economic, and political structure could never have withstood the heft of a World-War, especially considering the fact that the morale of his constituents was habitually low and he was seen as a rather unseemly individual on the world stage, generally making it impossible for him to gain any real momentum in his political ambitions.
How did the Kingdom of Italy become a republic?
After World War 2, Italy was war-torn and economically depleted. The general public had feelings of resentment and distrust towards the Italian monarchy because of its previous support for Prime Minister Benito Mussolini’s fascism. A couple of years prior to the end of the war, there had been politically motivated civil wars in the kingdom, mostly between Benito Mussolini’s Italian Social…
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
How did the Kingdom of Italy become a republic?
Why were paintings during the Renaissance mostly religious, e.g., Jesus and his crucifixion?
Most if not all of the most famous Renaissance-era religious paintings were commissioned by royal and political figures; Christian themed artwork in particular was popular among these high-ranking and influential figures because they almost always in some capacity included subtle (and some not so subtle) artistic representations of the royal and or political figures themselves in the artwork,…
Why were paintings during the Renaissance mostly religious, e.g., Jesus and his crucifixion?
This image is Jean Fouquet’s c. 1470 miniature entitled, “Christ before Pilate.”
Monday, January 29, 2018
Why did Satan want Moses' dead body?
Why did Satan want Moses’ dead body?
This event as narrated in the book of Jude, shows that Satan has been given power on the earth (Luke 4:6) and is legitimately the “Prince of the Power of the “Air” (Earth)”. This is evident because Satan knew that the body of Moses would serve as a terribly potent idol for people to bow down and worship. Satan, knowing this attempted to find Moses’ body, as it is in his earthly authority to do.…
Why did Satan want Moses' dead body?
What different kinds of crosses were used for crucifixions?
In first century Palestine, where most crucifixions are believed to have taken place, there were a number of different kinds of crosses used for crucifixions. There was the “crux simplex,” which was a simple lower case “t” cross that had a footrest on it, there was the “crux commissa,” which was a capital “T” shaped structure, there was the “crux decussata,” which was the “X” shaped cross that…
Sunday, January 28, 2018
What different kinds of crosses were used for crucifixions?
None of the crosses used during this time period were considered a worse punishment than the others. The circumstances behind a condemned person’s crucifixion were the same regardless of the style of cross that they were crucified on. Crucified persons’ convictions usually consisted of sedition, and there was usually a sound beating given to them before the condemned person was tied to, or in some cases nailed and tied to a cross.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
What is the impact of religion on politics?
The presence of religion make politics more relatable to the general populace. I can’t think of any high-ranking politician in any country that does not identify with a religion. Its just good politics to identify with a religion. Most voters in any given country are religious, so politicians should at least identify with with a church so as to show the voters that he or she understands and…
What is the impact of religion on politics?
Friday, January 26, 2018
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Are earthly Emperors associated with Lucifer in the Old Testament?
In the Old Testament, there are some particularly engaging dialogues concerning both the nature and character of Emperors in relation to the nature and character of Satan.
In the book of Isaiah, chapter 14:12–15, the prophet Isaiah, speaking on behalf of God, prophesies concerning the Babylonian emperor, King Nebuchadnezzar. King Nebuchadnezzar had not yet conquered Israel, but would accomplish…
Are Old Testament emperors allegorically associated with Lucifer?
In the book of Isaiah, chapter 14:12–15, the prophet Isaiah, speaking on behalf of God, prophesies concerning the Babylonian emperor, King Nebuchadnezzar. King Nebuchadnezzar had not yet been born at the time of Isaiah’s prophesy; Nebuchadnezzar would be born 113 years after this prophesy, and by the year 587 B.C at the age of 47 would conquer Palestine, Israel, and much of the land in between the Red Sea and the Caspian Sea. The prophet Isaiah describes Nebuchadnezzar as a king that aspired to “exalt his throne above the stars of God” in Isaiah 14:13. The king’s fate is described as him being “brought down to Hell” in verse 15. This scenario, is believed in the Judeo-Christian cultural tradition as being the scenario by which Lucifer, the exalted angel, was cast out of Heaven. It was this same self-glorifying mindset that prompted Lucifer to start the war in Heaven, with less-than-favorable results for Lucifer and his angels (Revelation 12:7–9).
In the book of Ezekiel 28:13–17, we see a similar scenario concerning the King of Tyrus, the king of a Phoenician city in southern Lebanon. The prophet Ezekiel, speaking on behalf of God, prophesies concerning the king and his disposition in relation to his earthly status. Ezekiel says in verse 17, “ Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.” Within seven years of Ezekiel’s 592 B.C. prophecy, King Tyrus fell to King Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonians. This scenario is believed in the Judeo-Christian cultural tradition to be a reiteration of the fall of Lucifer in relation to his celestial arrogance while an angel in Heaven.
These two narratives show that in the Bible, there are expositions concerning the nature of supernatural events that are revealed to mankind in relation to current events. This being done to give the reader identifiable ideas as to what these vague and mysterious supernatural concepts represent.
It can be safely assumed by any Bible reader that has a desire to understand the nature of the fall of Lucifer, that the narratives presented in the books of Isaiah and Ezekiel can be seen as simultaneous references to both Satan and emperors, a literary device that is also used in the book of Revelation concerning Rome (Revelation 17:9), and Emperor Nero (Revelation 13:18).
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Friday, January 19, 2018
What is the importance of the fall of the Roman Republic to world history?
The fall of the Roman Republic in 27 B.C. paved the way for the rise of the Roman Empire, and the Roman Empire influenced humanity in the ways of language, culture, politics, and military strategy in more diverse ways than all other empires combined. Furthermore, the contents of the New Testament of the Holy Bible are facilitated by the socio-political atmosphere that was present in Palestine…
Thursday, January 18, 2018
What is the "first cause" in philosophy?
What is the “first cause” in philosophy?
The “First Cause” in philosophy refers to the cosmic processes behind the forming of the first atoms in the universe. The pre-Big Bang universe was at some point empty and devoid of matter. “Something” had to “cause” the first atoms to form. These first atoms led to physical processes that led to the Big Bang and thus, the Milky Way Galaxy, and other galaxies were formed. A theological…
What is the importance of the fall of the Roman Republic to world history?
What is the "first cause" in philosophy?
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
What is Mystery Babylon?
“Mystery Babylon” is, in the book of Revelation chapter 17, is described by the Apostle John as the same entity as the “Whore of Babylon” which a disdainful reference to the Roman Empire. The term “Mystery” is applied to the empire because its final revelation is to be presently revealed, and the term “Whore” is applied to the empire to describe its international bloodthirsty decadence. The Roman…
What is idolatry?
In Christian doctrine, idolatry is when a material object is worshiped by people as a god. This same concept is true of any number of religious objects, namely talismans, crucifixes, artifacts, medallions, chalices, statues, garments, altars, vases, portraits, holy books, menorahs etc…
These objects ought to serve as complements to a religion and not substitutes for the God of that religion. So…
What is Mystery Babylon?
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Monday, January 15, 2018
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Monday, January 1, 2018
USA Legislative Incompetence
The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...
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