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Sunday, January 28, 2018

What different kinds of crosses were used for crucifixions?

In first century Palestine, where most crucifixions are believed to have taken place, there were a number of different kinds of crosses used for crucifixions. There was the “crux simplex,” which was a simple lower case “t” shaped cross that had a footrest on it, there was the “crux commissa,” which was a capital “T” shaped structure, there was the “crux decussata,” which was the “X” shaped cross that St. Andrew is believed to have been crucified on, and then there was the “crux imissa,” the lower case “t” cross with no foot rest, that Jesus Christ is believed to have been crucified on. The crosses made in Palestine were mostly crafted from pine, cedar, and cypress trees, with pine made crosses being the most prevalent in Jerusalem.

None of the crosses used during this time period were considered a worse punishment than the others. The circumstances behind a condemned person’s crucifixion were the same regardless of the style of cross that they were crucified on. Crucified persons’ convictions usually consisted of sedition, and there was usually a sound beating given to them before the condemned person was tied to, or in some cases nailed and tied to a cross.

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