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Sunday, March 11, 2018

What form did the serpent take before God cursed it as mentioned in Genesis 3 in the Bible? Did the serpent walk before the curse?

The Bible does not get into specifics regarding the serpent’s form or appearance before, during, or after he was cursed. If the Adam and Eve story is set in the territory of Eden, which is in Iraq, then the serpent should be seen as allegorical, as the snake most common in Iraq, the viper, never walked on legs in their evolutionary history.

If the Garden of Eden is instead, an allegory for the general state of earth, then species’ of reptiles such as pythons and boa constrictors that have vestigial legs could be considered to be the serpent spoken of in Genesis. So in summary, if the curse mentioned in Genesis 3:14 concerning the serpent is taken to mean a curse on the serpent’s body, and provided that the serpent was an actual reptile, and not a metaphor, then the pre-cursed serpent could have been a python or a boa constrictor with fully developed functioning legs.

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