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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Title: Skirmish between Russian and Japanese adv. guards : Japanese outp...

About this Item Title Skirmish between Russian and Japanese advance guards Other Title Japanese outpost on the Yalu River Summary Renactment of a skirmish that was likely to have occurred in the Russo-Japanese War. Opens with an establishing scene entitled "A Japanese outpost on the Yalu River," which shows the Japanese soldiers of the infantry outpost doing rifle drills and raising the flag. Following scenes are entitled "The Attack," "The Capture," and "The Retreat". In them, the Japanese fire their cannon; the Russian infantry demolish the camp, replace the Japanese flag with their own, and then fire their rifles at the enemy; and the Japanese recapture the outpost and once again run up their flag. Photographed from a single camera position. Contributor Names Porter, Edwin S., camera. Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Kleine (George) Collection (Library of Congress) Paper Print Collection (Library of Congress) Niver (Kemp) Collection (Library of Congress) Created / Published United States : Thomas A. Edison, Inc., 1904. Subject Headings - Skirmishing - Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 - Battles--Yalu River Region (China and Korea) Genre Historical reenactments (Motion pictures) Silent films Short films Nonfiction films Notes - H44263 U.S. Copyright Office - Copyright: Thomas A. Edison; 8Apr1904; H44263. - Formerly misidentified as A Japanese outpost on the Yalu River. - Camera, Edwin S. Porter. - Duration: about 6:30 minutes. - Photographed on April 4, 1902 in Forest Hill, New Jersey (in Newark, New Jersey). - Paper print shelf number (LC 2537) was changed when the paper prints were re-housed. - Additional holdings for this title may be available. Contact reference librarian. - Sources used: Niver, K. Early motion pictures, p. 300; The George Kleine Collection...catalog, p. 123; American Film Institute catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910, p. 986; Musser, C. Before the Nickelodeon, p. 273; Edison films catalog, no. 288, July, 1906, p. 1. - Early motion pictures : the Paper Print Collection in the Library of Congress / by Kemp R. Niver. Library of Congress. 1985. - The George Kleine Collection of early motion pictures in the Library of Congress : a catalog / prepared by Rita Horwitz and Harriet Harrison with the assistance of Wendy White. Library of Congress, 1980. - On original Kleine Collection record: Incomplete; main and end titles lacking; dirt; scratches; faded; some nitrate bloom. Medium 1 video file (digital, MPEG-4) (ca. 6:30 min.) : si., b&w. viewing print 1 film reel of 1 (221 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm. viewing print (copy 2) 1 film reel of 1 (232 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm. dupe neg pic 1 film reel of 1 (221 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm. dupe neg pic (copy 2) 1 film reel of 1 (232 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm. non-viewing pos pic 1 film reel of 1 (221 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm. master pos pic 1 film reel of 1 (ca. 230 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm. paper pos 1 roll of 1 on 2 (ca. 580 ft.) : b&w ; 35 mm. paper pos (copy 2) 1 roll of 1 (ca. 580 ft.) : b&w ; 35 mm. Call Number/Physical Location FLA 1574 (viewing print) FLA 5701 (viewing print, copy 2) FRA 4403 (dupe neg pic) FRA 2374 (dupe neg pic, copy 2) FRA 4404 (non-viewing pos pic) FRB 1662 (master pos pic) Box 1070A, Box 1056D (paper pos) Box 5454A (paper pos, copy 2) Digital Id http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.mbrsmi/ntscrm.01836867 Library of Congress Control Number mp73120200 Access Advisory Restricted: video files available on-site only. Access by appointment. Online Format image video LCCN Permalink https://lccn.loc.gov/mp73120200 Additional Metadata Formats MARCXML Record MODS Record Dublin Core Record

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