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Google Calendar






Thursday, June 3, 2021

Wow! Someone in Salt Lake City, Utah really loves (or hates) my online project!

I noticed that throughout the day yesterday, my Revolver Map Widget reported to me that there was a user or users in Salt Lake City, Utah that was actively viewing my pages. This activity may have involved persons in Salt Lake City, or it was a bot or other computer system in that city that was programmed to scan my webpages. Now mind you, I want my pages to be seen, stored, and consumed, however, this one instance struck me as odd for a number of reasons. Salt Lake City, Utah is the corporate headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, an institution that I attended for 2.5 years (albeit sporadically) and have expressed concerns about, particularly pertaining to gangstalking and my experiences with it. The user activity was reported on all of my blogger.com pages and my tumblr.com page simultaneously. I found this odd because both pages reported user activity on these pages all day only from Salt Lake City, and then later from Ashburn, Virginia simultaneously with Salt Lake City. The activity from Salt Lake City, Utah on my pages has ceased as of today, and has not picked back up from that city. I will upload screen captures of what I saw on Blogger and Tumblr to illustrate my point. Mind you, I did not take screen captures all day long of the activity from Salt Lake City; but I snapped a few screenshots of what I saw throughout the day generally. Note: The globe tells you in real-time where the current viewers of you website or webpage is viewing it from.

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