In this journal you will find information, images and videos that belong to the EIS media Group / Bible Discourses LLC canon of original content. Content related to history, news, politics, world affairs, gang-stalking and more can be found on this Blogger page.
Monday, March 28, 2022
2nd re-post : Earmarks : The Congressional Catastrophe
An earmark is a stipulation, sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional bill. Earmarks often go undetected and cannot be ‘deleted.’ Rather, the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process. Gangstalking was earmarked into the American legal code under the guise of a national security, police assistance, private security, or other such bill. Congress doesn’t read the bills it signs into law, and sometimes thousands of earmarks are legalized along with the bill and go totally undetected. #blogspotgangstalkingtechnology
Re-post : Earmarks
An earmark is a stipulation, sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional bill. Earmarks often go undetected and cannot be ‘deleted.’ Rather, the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process. Gangstalking was earmarked into the American legal code under the guise of a national security, police assistance, private security, or other such bill. Congress doesn’t read the bills it signs into law, and sometimes thousands of earmarks are legalized along with the bill and go totally undetected. blogspotgangstalkingtechnology
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Earmarks and Gang-stalking An earmark is a stipulation, sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional bill. Earmarks often go undetected and cannot be 'deleted.' Rather, the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process. Gangstalking was earmarked into the American legal code under the guise of a national security, police assistance, private security, or other such bill. Congress doesn't read the bills it signs into law, and sometimes thousands of earmarks are legalized along with the bill and go totally undetected. #earmark #earmarks #gangstalking #congressionalwaste
An earmark is a stipulation, sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional bill. Earmarks often go undetected and cannot be 'deleted.' Rather, the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process.
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Видео утреннего прорыва украинских ДРГ через южный фронт ДНР. Они двинулись к российской границе, чтобы спуститься на юг к таможенному посту ДНР Новоазовск, который хотели атаковать с нейтральной и захватить, затем вывесить на нем украинский флаг, немедленно принять там представителей ОБСЕ и заявить, что Украина вернула часть российско-украинская граница. Удивительно, что от места прорыва линии обороны ДНР около 1-2 часов ночи они проехали 30 километров до границы с РФ за 6-8 часов, но там их путь закончился печально. Примерно в это же время аналогичные акции проводились на границе ЛНР в районе населенного пункта Митякинский. Там было сбито две БМП ВСУ и ликвидировано 5 нарушителей границы - фактически вся ДРГ ВСУ, один взят в плен. Смысл этих событий пока не очень ясен.
Video of the morning breakthrough of the Ukrainian DRG through the southern front of the DPR. They moved to the Russian border to go down south to the DPR customs point Novoazovsk, which they wanted to attack from neutral and capture, then hang the Ukrainian flag on it, immediately receive representatives from the OSCE there and declare that Ukraine had returned part of the Russian-Ukrainian border. But something went wrong. Here is a video from the helmet-mounted action camera of one of the already eliminated. The APC was hit. It is surprising that from the place of the breakthrough of the DPR defense line at about 1-2 am, they drove 30 kilometers to the border with the Russian Federation in 6-8 hours, but there their path ended sadly. At about the same time, similar actions were carried out on the border of the LPR in the area of the settlement of Mityakinsky. Two AFU IFVs were shot down there and 5 border violators were eliminated - in fact, the entire DRG of the AFU, one prisoner was taken. The meaning of these events is not yet very clear.
Monday, March 21, 2022
Я поддерживаю и поддерживаю Россию в русско-украинской войне. I support and support Russia in the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Я поддерживаю и поддерживаю Россию в русско-украинской войне. Этнически и исторически Украина была производной от России. В финансовом и сельскохозяйственном отношении Украина была бы более процветающей под властью России.
I support and stand with Russia in the Russian vs. Ukrainian War. Ethnically and historically, Ukraine has been derivative of Russia. Financially and agriculturally, Ukraine would be more prosperous under Russian rule.
Monday, March 14, 2022
Gangstalking in Action
Part of Emmanuel Isaiah Smith’s ‘ Gangstalking in Action Live Video Series ‘ – In these video(s) you will see live unedited instances of street level gangstalking, a covert, organized, and highly mobile method of containing and obstructing someone, and impeding their physical movements and attempting to instigate altercations. Please be informed that gangstalking does not stop at the street level. --Biological attacks, germ warfare, and biological warfare, mimicry of the targeted individual, psychological warfare, the constant containment of the target, animal harassment, workplace mobbing, burglary and vandalism, food contamination, forced police encounters, illegal search and seizure, street violence, vehicular harassment, scent harassment, noise harassment, the exposure of the target to contagious diseases, computer and account hacking, illegal and highly abusive uses of corporate and governmental systems, software, registries, and databases, systemic destruction of interpersonal relationships, slander and character defamation, and other horrifying components make up this program. The discrediting of the targeted individual by endlessly calling him deranged, crazy, or insane, and using programs such as the involuntary probate mechanism or the “Baker Act” against the target to discredit his psychological state, ability to reason, and general capacity to connect the dots are extremely common. Internet stalkers which include cyber-stalkers, internet “trolls,” and the like are endlessly mobilized against the target with the sole aim of vandalizing his webpages with useless comments in order to subvert his message. Furthermore, based on my research, the “scorched earth” policy, a war tactic which was banned under the 1977 Geneva Conventions, is used against the targeted individual, turning his very surroundings, be they human, animal, consumable, vehicular, electronic, legal, utility, or appliance, into weapons against him. Due to limitations in my present personal situation, I can only document street interactions, which still display many of the above mentioned gangstalking tactics. Image: Author Unknown [Germany?]
Sunday, March 13, 2022
Nazi Gangstalking America
America is the Nazi Schutzstaffel and Soviet Gulag Program reborn. It is the dummy of corrupt third parties, who the USA allows to earmark draconian, murderous, and stupid legislative waste that will prove to be it's death as a democracy and as a sovereign entity. #gangstalking #gangstalker #gangstalkers #covertwar #communityharassment #workplacemobbing #mobbing #porkbarreling #targeted #targetedperson #targetedindividual The United States of America has, through it's legislative process, given broad powers to Department of Defense and Department of Justice entities in addition to State and Local private security, law enforcement, and semi-law enforcement channels that provide for the dupitization of probably unwitting USA citizens who act on cue and speak a derived verbiage knowingly or unknowingly to a targeted individual's detriment. The United States of America will expire as a government and a country should this community mobilization disaster be allowed to continue longer.
Nazi Gangstalking America : New Post
America is the Nazi Schutzstaffel and Soviet Gulag Program reborn. It is the dummy of corrupt third parties, who the USA allows to earmark draconian, murderous, and stupid legislative waste that will prove to be it's death as a democracy and as a sovereign entity.
#gangstalking #gangstalker #gangstalkers #covertwar #communityharassment #workplacemobbing #mobbing #porkbarreling #targeted #targetedperson #targetedindividual
The United States of America has, through it's legislative process, given broad powers to Department of Defense and Department of Justice entities in addition to State and Local private security, law enforcement, and semi-law enforcement channels that provide for the dupitization of probably unwitting USA citizens who act on cue and speak a derived verbiage knowingly or unknowingly to a targeted individual's detriment. The United States of America will expire as a government and a country should this community mobilization disaster be allowed to continue longer.
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Re-Post : Fist of the North Star /// Hokuto No Ken : Dystopian Martial Arts Thriller
北極星之拳/北斗之劍:1984-87 是一部起源於日本的動畫動作冒險武術漫畫,具有許多政治和歷史主題。二戰 [圖像]、貪婪、腐敗、自衛、階級戰爭、無家可歸、大屠殺、世界大戰、可持續性、腐敗、人口販賣和法西斯主義是這部動感十足的反烏托邦驚悚片中的普遍主題。
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USA Legislative Incompetence
The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...
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{Gangstalking-ը վերնագրից ակնհայտ չէ: Դա զանգվածային, բազմաշերտ, քարոզչական ոճի կոոպերացիա է, որը թաքնված, գրեթե ռազմական կիսառազմական գործո...
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