... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 2.953 s [INFO] Finished at: 2019-11-24T13:05:10+01:00 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ java -cp target/my-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar com.mycompany.app.App mvn site mvn clean dependency:copy-dependencies package 1. 2. 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. org.apache.maven.plugins 10. maven-compiler-plugin 11. 3.8.1 12. 13. 14. 15. E. I. Smith — Ledger and Journal : April 2021

Google Calendar






Sunday, April 25, 2021

Ma'haia Bryant and The Cop's Good Deed

Saturday, April 24, 2021

In Ancient Turkey, Gladiators Fought at This Colosseum-Like Amphitheater : Twitter @SenateandHouse

The 1,800-year-old arena housed up to 20,000 spectators eager to bet on the bloody battles.

Researchers are investigating if a COVID-19 with multiple mutations found in India is more deadly and resistant to existing vaccines. Twitter @SenateandHouse

iCOP, or Internet Covert Operations Program - The USPS used resources to find out about protests and protesters, likely concerning recent issues with police brutality. [ Instagram Post ] @ancient.protocols

New COVID-19 Variant Discovered at a Texas A&M Laboratory

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

My thoughts on the George Chauvin / George Floyd Murder Verdict : The police officer was found guilty on all counts. Justice was served. However...


My take on the George Floyd murder case involving Ofc. Derek Chauvin.

♬ original sound - Emmanuel Isaiah Smith
....I have come across unscrupulous tough guy acting lowlifes who could have been killed by a cop, or run over by a vehicle, or caught Coronavirus and I would have thought that planet Earth will have been better off. You can see instances of these goons on my Gangstalking in Action page.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

General Bible Discourses Vol. 19 - "Might is Right" Chapter 2 - Christia...

In this discourse, I read and analyze chapter 2 of Ragnar Redbeard's 1890 book, "Might is Right". Furthermore, I provide Christian philosophic examinations into the chapter's core philosophical assertions. #BibleDiscourses​ #SocialDarwinism​ #SurvivaloftheFittest​ #PhilosophyofPower​ Note: The book "Might is Right" combines satire, philosophy, and poetry, all of which are used to illustrate the author's points. Furthermore, Ragnar Redbeard, whose true identity is unknown, was a militant atheist who approached Christianity from a gnostic pagan perspective, believing that the Norse God, Thor, was a preferable deity to the philosopher, Jesus Christ. For access to the text of this book, copy and paste the following link into your address bar. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11-x_...​ The image used in this video is the cover picture from the 1927 version of "Might is Right" published by Dil Pickle Press. The book "Might is Right" is known properly as "Might is Right, or The Survival of the Fittest," or “Survival of the Fittest or The Philosophy of Power," (1896 Version).

The Exploits of Antiochus IV Epiphanes : The Seleucid Emperor : 156 BCE : [ Author ] Jan Luyken, 1698

New Insights from former President George W. Bush - 04/20/2021

[ From Gangstalking in Action ]An orchestrated biological attack against my person: Gangstalking in Act...

The Terminator : The Skynet Super-computer's Corporate Logo - Cyberdyne ...

Gangstalking in Action : The Live Video Series : 6/25/19

Gangstalking in Action : The Live Video Series : Police Encounter in Jupiter, Florida

[ New Version ] Skynet : The Creator of the Hunter-killer Terminator Cyborgs : Corporate Logo : Cyberdyne Systems : The Artificially Intelligent Super-computer

The Skynet neural net-based supercomputer's hunter-killer robots have a relationship with their targets that mirrors the relationship between a targeted individual and his stalkers.

The Terminator : The Skynet Super-computer's Corporate Logo - Cyberdyne ...

The Exploits of Antiochus IV Epiphanes : The Seleucid Emperor : 156 BCE

Mattathias pierces a Jew / Warriors of Antiochus Epiphanes rage on the Sabbath / Judas Makkabaeus fights the army of Antiochus Eupator / Eleazar kills the armed elephant, Jan Luyken, 1698

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Skynet Super-computer from ' The Terminator ' franchise.

The Skynet neural net-based supercomputer's hunter-killer robots have a relationship wth their targets that mirrors the relationship between a targeted individual and his stalkers.

Skynet, the super-computer-god of ' The Terminator ' and parallels to gang-stalking

The Skynet neural net-based supercomputer's hunter-killer robots have a relationship with their targets that mirrors the relationship between a targeted individual and his stalkers.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Re-post : Black Market Style Organ Harvesting by the Food and Drug Administration

Re-post : Brandon Scott Hole

Organ Harvesting: The FDA is caught purchasing aborted baby body parts from a dealer

Brandon Scott Hole is identified as the FEDEX terminal mass shooter: He was a former employee there

Another "Coincidental" Sighting of the Failed Assassin 04/18/2021

I saw him again today. The failed assassin who suckerpunched me in the neck last February as I sat at a Haulover Park bus stop near Bal Harbor, Florida. I haven't seen this guy in awhile, but I consider the fact that I keep seeing him to be explicit acts of gang-stalking. View my gangstalking in action photo album here on Facebook for more images of my "coincidental" run-ins with this bum. (Not a coincidence, but a derivation. ) This Is Gangstalking in Action.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Human COVID-19 Projectile : Germ Warfare : 04/17/21 : Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Biohazard, Biological attack, human COVID-19 biological weapons and germ warfare. This derelict just appears in front of me at the Broward County, Florida Central bus terminal and won't leave. He smells like sewage and is too close for comfort. He is definitely a gangstalker and was definitely sent my way by 'principal' gangstalkers. Gangstalking has unfortunately been rendered legal through the pork barrel and earmark misappropriation mechanism which often times is stealthy and undetectable to federal and state legislators and voters. I believe that gangstalking is passed through legislatures on the coattails of national security, policing, and private security bills, which ultimately and tragically become embedded into the United States' legal code. This is gangstalking in Action. #gangstalking

A Human COVID-19 Projectile 04/17/21


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Gangstalking in Action Live Video Series

Russia, Iran propose alternative maritime routes amid Suez Canal blockage

Bomb Threat Shuts Down Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Int’l Airport : 04/01/2021

Neurologist explains mysterious brain disease emerging in New Brunswick [2021]

Unopened Super Mario Bros. game from 1986 sells for $660,000



Fort Lauderdale Cop Entices Minor


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Feds say huge arsenal ready in plot to kidnap, kill Michigan governor

The men facing federal kidnapping conspiracy charges had thousands of rounds of ammunition and hundreds of guns, extended magazines, silencers, explosives and artillery shells investigators said. FULL STORY: https://abc7.ws/3rLQ9yU

Lives of alchemystical philosophers based on materials collected in 1815, and supplemented by recent researches with a philosophical demonstration of the true principles of the magnum opus, or great work of alchemical re-construction, and some account of the spiritual chemistry

An amazing book of ancient philosophy. By Arthur Edward Waite · 1888

Norse “god-house” found in Norway [10/2020]

Feds say huge arsenal ready in plot to kidnap, kill Michigan governor [4/1/2021]


Re-upload : [The Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers]

Link to the book. {the item will not post to Wordpress in html form}.

Lives of alchemystical philosophers based on materials collected in 1815, and supplemented by recent researches with a philosophical demonstration of the true principles of the magnum opus, or great work of alchemical re-construction, and some account of the spiritual chemistry

By Arthur Edward Waite · 1888

About this edition
Page count: 315
Published: 1888
Publisher: G. Redway
Language: English
Author: Arthur Edward Waite

[An awesome book of ancient philosophy]

Norse “god-house” found in Norway [10/2020]


USA Legislative Incompetence

The United States Federal Government, besides the legislative incompetence it has shown in legalizing gangstalking, the national security de...